Chapter 292

The seven-day limited seventy-free delivery event means that it is a vegetable delivery event. Seventy vegetables will be given every day within seven days.

A few people heard a surprised "Ah", "Seven days limited to [-] free delivery activities?? Food delivery?"

Gong Hao, his wife and others didn't make much fuss after hearing this.

Xia Chuxiao's eyes widened, she curled her lips into a smile and said, "Well, what's the matter, do you have any comments?"

Bai Zimu and the others shook their heads and said, "No objection!"

Feng Pan grinned dryly and curled his lips, "This is what you said, little sister-in-law, to mess with!"

Xia Chuxiao acquiesced, everyone knew that she admitted without guessing, Bai Zimu raised his eyelids slightly, and said, "Sister-in-law, didn't you say you were not a virgin before? Why are you..."

Feng Pan agreed, "That's right! It's not too good to give those people away for free!"

Bai Ziyue and the others looked at her, wanting an answer, and Gong Hao and the others also wanted to know, while Gong Yuhan sat quietly and played with her hand, smiling wickedly, he seemed like Guessed the same.

Xia Chuxiao's bright and watery eyes glanced at a few people, and she corrected them first, "Of course I'm not a Holy Mother, I'm just kind enough to prescribe the right medicine!"

"Giving free food is just like I'm practicing my abilities! Anyway, everyone can't finish this dish, and this dish is not sweet, but also a little bit bitter, which can be considered as a way to regain our reputation!"

The couple of the Gong family felt that there was nothing wrong with her strange words, it made sense, but the few people next to them thought about it and thought, "It makes sense!"

However,,, this practice ability. . . .

Feng Pan said what he wanted to say in his heart, "Why do I feel that my sister-in-law is showing off her abilities!"

Hearing this, the veins on Xia Chuxiao's forehead twitched instantly, "..."

How dare this guy say Xiaoxiao!
Gong Yuhan's face was dark, the cold light in his eyes swept across, and other people also stared at him coldly.

Feng Pan felt the icy light from all around him sweeping down on his body, his body shivered instantly, his eyes drooped, and he said with a smile, "I shut up, I didn't say anything! Hehe!"

The cold air in the hall instantly dissipated, Xia Chuxiao thought of something, and then said, "The second thing is, I don't want human beings to become less and less, so I can only do my part!"

In fact, the main reason is that it is too shameless not to do anything in the base, she wants to have some fun, and there are other things, she wants to open a shop in the base, the premise is to make this reputation, but not too loud, and this Fame means food.

Remember to sell some supplies under the guise of selling vegetables, and others will not doubt anything, then the things in her space can be sold to earn spar.

Xia Chuxiao looked at everyone and continued, "The lack of human beings is not good for us or human beings!"

While Bai Ziyue and the others were in deep thought, Li Weiwei said, "Some people in the base of these people were killed and left every day. A few days ago, a group of people disappeared. I heard it was because of hunger. Cheat away!"

"There are really fewer and fewer human beings!"

Gong Hao looked at Xia Yatou and said in a friendly voice, "This event is very good! It's good for Xia Yatou and our reputation, and the important thing is that it can also help those who are incapable!"

"I'm going to upload the information tomorrow, mainly to free people who are incapable, old, weak, sick, and disabled."

When Xia Chuxiao heard Uncle Gong's words, she refused, "Uncle Gong doesn't need to publicize this trivial matter, just use the Ziran team number to issue it, and it's not a large-scale event, too much noise would be troublesome!"

"I can publish this myself!"

Gong Hao thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "That's fine, then I won't intervene anymore, if Miss Xia needs me for anything, just talk to Uncle!"

"Hmm!" Xia Chuxiao said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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