Chapter 305 Provocation
Xia Chuxiao and the two sat down. At this moment, she finally saw someone similar to her. Xia Chuxiao took a few glances, her face calm and composed, not surprised.

On the contrary, when Xia Yawen saw her, she was so excited that she almost cried out. Ouyang Yu held her hand to calm her down.

Xia Yawen calmed down slowly, paying attention to the people in front of her.

It seems she is, know what?The look in my eyes just now was like seeing someone I haven't seen for a long time.

She does look like her, but her face is obviously rounder.

Xia Chuxiao thought lightly in her heart.

Several people in the seat also saw something, and didn't say much.

Before the meal, Xia Chuxiao said a few words, and Ouyang Li and the others refreshed their understanding of her boldness and arrogance.

But there are always a few provocative and ironic ones.

A pair of sinister eyes swept over intentionally or unintentionally, the man looked sinister and cunning, he faked a smile. "Team Xia is really young and promising! We are so lucky to be invited by you!"

"That's right, no wonder even the Gong family dotes on her so much!"

"However, Commander Xia, your food is good, much better than the ones cultivated in our base."


Xia Chuxiao sneered and said nothing. These people boasted on the surface, but they were actually trying to drive a wedge between them.

The others also heard what they meant, and Bai Zimu and the others immediately became unkind to him.

Several people thought at the same time, how dare to say such a thing about my sister-in-law, it's too hateful!
Bai Zimu Fengpan and the two really wanted to scold these people, but they were stopped by Bai Ziyue, so they wouldn't put up with these old things just because these people were from the upper class.

Gong Yuhan's complexion had already turned dark, while Ouyang Yu's and the others' complexions were not very good. At this moment, the atmosphere in the hall was stiff and depressing.

Finally, Gong Hao and Liu Fang said, "Miss Xia is already a member of my Gong family!"

"I'm old too, so I should enjoy myself! It's good to have them take care of me!"

Ouyang Li echoed, "That's right, I should learn from you, Xiaohao! It's time for Hua'er to take over!"

Several people were surprised when they heard his words, and then resented. At this time, they said sarcastically, "Old Chief, you are right, but after all, it is the seniority, and the juniors should keep their duties, otherwise we will let us What is the face of these elders?"

"Team Xia, the dishes you gave birth to are not bad, why don't you consider entering the base to raise a garden, and it just so happens that everyone is acquainted with each other,"

The few people became angry when they heard this, and they hated this man in their hearts, he was really mean and shameless, Feng Pan spat the soup in his mouth back into the bowl, almost choking him out of anger.

"Enough is enough," Ouyang Yu said in a warning tone.

Those few people said as if they didn't hear it, "Women should obey women's morals, sit at home and eat, my wife is just like that."

Bai Ziyue shook her head, thinking to herself, "I don't know where these people get their confidence, the second master is in front of them, and they say so without fear of death!"

There was a loud "bang".

The people in the hall were stunned, and there was a moment of silence. They shrank their bodies when they saw the bowl lying on the ground, and Bai Zimu whispered, "Little sister-in-law is going crazy!"

Those people were also startled, one of them was touching his old face, the thing flew past his old face just now, it was too fast, too fast, they were terrified.

Xia Chuxiao felt her gaze fall on her, raised her eyes and explained lightly, "It's a custom at home to set off cannons to welcome the celebration night. Unfortunately, there are no cannons. You can use other substitutes!"

Xia Chuxiao spoke swiftly and swiftly, without giving them a chance to get angry. She glanced at them with her dark and cold eyes, and continued, "I haven't practiced for a few days, my hands are shaking, I don't know if there is any scratch To this uncle, "

These words made several provocative people want to get angry, but they had no reason to get angry at her, so they could only endure it, "No, no!"

Ouyang Hua smiled and said, "Biao sister-in-law, your skill is too 66, how long have you been learning it?"

Xia Chuxiao smiled lightly, "Generally, I only studied for half a month!"

When those people heard it, they were startled.

Gong Yuhan's eyes sparkled slightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, "My Xiaoxiao is just too low-key, she knows everything!"

Xia Chuxiao, "You're making fun of me again!"

Gong Yuhan responded, "I'm not kidding, the last time I killed that mutated boa constrictor, I was restrained by you!"

The two sang together.

Captain Wu said friendly, "Team Xia is really a heroine! Last time, the python was at least 30 meters long. If it wasn't, we would have been swallowed by the snake!"

Xia Chuxiao smiled lightly, "By the way, Captain Wu, did your powerful man find out what he was doing!"

Captain Wu raised his eyebrows and said, "Team Xia, this is not mine anymore, that person is assigned to us by Chao Lao!"

Xia Chuxiao hooked her lips and smiled wickedly, "Oh!"

"I remember that person's abilities turned into those of other abilities, and I don't know what kind of potion he drank. You are really powerful!"

Chao Lao, whose name was called, changed his face slightly, and said with a smile, "I'm joking, I, an old man, don't know."

Xia Chuxiao's eyes swept over, she was keenly aware of something, she turned her gaze away, and said to everyone, "Everyone eat more, this rice field eel meat can make a big difference!"

Bai Zimu and the others were stunned for a moment, wondering in their hearts, just like that, they thought the sister-in-law was going to drive them away, or teach them a lesson.

Gong Yuhan gave the baby some meat, Xia Chuxiao don't eat it, Xia Chuxiao didn't want to invite these people, but just incidentally, to test it out.

Sure enough, it was discovered that there was something wrong with this old man called Chao, and the disappearance case probably had something to do with him.

After the meal, everyone didn't chat too much, and the rest were some close ones who stayed to chat, Aunt Gong and a few aunts cleaned up the dishes and so on.

Several elders were chatting, and she didn't know they were talking about the potion until she and Xiao Hanhan were called over.

Ouyang Li said in an old voice, "That potion is not something that our base can research, you have seen it before!"

Xia Chuxiao and Gong Yuhan replied, "Chief Ji, I don't think the matter of the potion should be dealt with for now, because the person who uses the potion may have accomplices, and this potion is obviously difficult to develop."

"Plan for the next step first. Don't delay because of the potion. I remember that the vaccine to prevent zombies has been successfully tried for the first time. This vaccine can be researched first!"

"I agree with Xiaoxiao, use the time when there are no zombies to ensure that the vaccine is developed"

Ouyang Li and the others pondered for a while, and Ouyang Li said solemnly, "Alright!"

A few people chatted for a while and then went back.

She and Xiao Hanhan have also thought about the issues they have thought about. The potion is so magical, and there are probably not many people there. Otherwise, if the potion was used to train soldiers, those people would have been very angry.

As soon as Xia Chuxiao returned to the room, she heard the eager voice of the little snake.

"Master, it's not good, a monster has grown in the space!"

Xia Chuxiao was stunned when she heard it, "Monster?"

"Yes, master, come to the space quickly," the little snake said.

Xia Chuxiao narrowed her eyes, and Gong Yuhan behind her felt her emotional fluctuations and asked, "What's wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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