Chapter 321 Liu Zhen joins
Xia Chuxiao walked up a few steps, pursed her lips, "I don't know where this person came from, anyway, this person is after my Ziran team! But that's just one of his goals,"

"The last time I supported, I killed his accomplice. I didn't expect this person to be hiding in the M base! He also knows some news about us!"

A few people listened as if they didn't listen.

Seeing their state, Xia Chuxiao reminded, "This person should have a gang, and they are hiding in the base, what are they doing? We don't even know!"

"All in all, be careful when you meet such people again!"

It is also impossible for her to save them all the time, and the current base is not safe. It would be great if she could have her own base.

Youni and the others pondered for a while, and thanked them again for their help, and Su Zi was even more grateful to the man who helped.

Liu walked towards them, a strong breath came over, Gong Yuhan's eyes narrowed, he took a step forward, took a step forward to block in front of them, Liu stopped and walked towards the front people.

You Zhuo and Su Zi didn't know what he was going to do!Watching them quietly.

"People were saved, so I'm qualified?" Zhen Liu raised his lips and said.

Xia Chuxiao stood up from behind someone, with a smile that made it hard to guess what she was thinking.

Cursing her lips, "Forget it! I will be on duty tomorrow!"

Gong Yuhan looked at the man in front of him with some dissatisfaction. He was dissatisfied that this man's background was unknown and his abilities were advanced but he didn't join the team. .

Then never stay. . .

Zhen Liu obviously felt that he was hostile to him, and said, "I will do my job well, and the Second Master Gong doesn't have to be so guarded against me!"

Gong Yuhan said in a deep voice, "I hope you will do what you say, and don't have any crooked thoughts!"

"No" Liu Hou pursed his lips slightly.

Xia Chuxiao moved her wrist a few times, Xia Chuxiao told the naughty little snake to calm down.

Xia Chuxiao asked Zhen Liu to escort them back, and with his escort, she felt relieved.

Back to Hope Circle.

The little snake scurried to the grass, its body grew a little bigger, and it asked the question it wanted to ask just now, "Master! I don't understand why you want to take them in, master. They are only the man who is powerful, and the others are young! "

Xia Chuxiao: "..."

"Little Snake, what do you mean by that, I agreed because I was greedy for that uncle's supernatural power!!! I'm so superficial!"

The little snake was thinking about what your master said before, but now he doesn't admit it.

What was on his mind didn't dare to say it, the little snake stuck out his tongue and said, "No, Master, you understand!"

Xia Chuxiao didn't care about it, and remembered what they said a few days ago.

This Liu is quite old-fashioned. He has seen through everything and would rather follow us than the upper echelons of the base. With his strength, he is more than enough to be a general.

I have to congratulate him in advance, he made the right choice.

"Actually, Zhen Liu is a person with good humanity and strong strength! And I want to recruit some forces, and I need such people! Those children can bear hardships and stand hard work, and they are good seedlings!"

Zhen Liu's ability is several levels higher than her and Xiaohanhan's, and it is a dual-line ability. Currently, there is no such high level in the M base.

My sister said that there are hundreds of superpowers trained in the base, so apart from those in the base, there is no news about who is a master in the free team.

The little snake let out an "oh" and pondered for a while, "Recruit forces and organize sects!"

"This is good!"

Xia Chuxiao's eyes drooped slightly, and she calmed down, dragging her chin with her hands, and whispered, "Sect?"

M base has those people there, so it's not very safe, if. . .

Gong Yuhan came out with the cut fruit, saw her in a daze, and called out, "Xiaoxiao!"

Xia Chuxiao turned her eyes back, regained her senses, opened her mouth and bit the piece of fruit he handed over, and after chewing, she said to him, "Xiao Hanhan, I have an unrealistic idea!"

"Oh! Let's hear it! What kind of idea is it that my daughter-in-law can't realize," Gong Yuhan said with concentrating eyes and pursed lips teasingly.

"I want to create a force and have my own base!"

"However, the plot of the previous life has changed a bit. Now I don't know how long the M base can last. There are still those people who don't know why they stayed in the base, and how many people are still buried. In short, the current base has become uneasy. I want to create My own little world!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Chuxiao propped her small face and looked at him anxiously, expecting his answer. Gong Yuhan raised the corners of her mouth, stared at her, stretched out her hand to grab her face, and smiled, "Okay! I I agree with Xiaoxiao's idea!"

"Xiaoxiao, I think we should think about how to build a base and where to choose. As long as there is a place for the creation, other superpowers will join!"

Xiaoxiao, if you want to create power, I will accompany you, but building a base is a troublesome process.

Xia Chuxiao thought for a while, her eyes sparkled, yes!Before creating a force, you must have a base!What if there is no base!

"Hey! Xiaohanhan! Thank you for agreeing!"

"I think it's too simple!"

"I've thought about it, wait and see how the M base and other bases develop! Now let's recruit good seedlings to join our team! As for building a base, it's a bit difficult!"

Gong Yuhan curled his lips into a smile, touched the inside of her little head, and praised, "It's ok! Whatever Xiaoxiao wants to do, I'll do it with you!"

Xia Chuxiao smiled lightly, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

The little snake looked up at the two people on the sofa, thinking, what a beautiful woman!

"Little snake, why are you looking at me like that! Do you want to do something bad!"

Xia Chuxiao glanced sharply from the corner of his eyes, and said calmly, with a bit of sternness in his tone.

The little snake came back to his senses, and said with a dry smile, "No, master, I was thinking about you and the master just now!"

Xia Chuxiao smiled joyfully, "Of course", she put her hand on someone's shoulder while talking.

"By the way, master, you just said that there is no base, so you can use my palace as a base!"

"Anyway, that palace is contracted by you, the master, and the size is up to you, the master!"


After hearing what it said, Xia Chuxiao's eyes lit up, and she said happily, yes!Why didn't I think of it!
That image flashed through Xia Chuxiao's head, the smile stopped, and Gong Yuhan keenly saw that the smile was gone on her face, Xiaoxiao, she...

Xia Chuxiao dragged her chin, glanced at someone and then at the little snake.

but. . .

"Little snake, can the palace really be used as a base?"

The little snake nodded and said, "Yes, that palace is a magic weapon, no zombies can attack it, it's much safer than the base where the master is staying!"

Xia Chuxiao said "Oh!"

She has heard the popularization of the magic weapon, and she also knows how powerful the magic weapon is, and even knows that there is a magic weapon in the first place.

"That little snake, the palace is your lair. If you use it as a base, where would you sleep?"

The little snake was happy when he heard what his master said, and he was happy that the master cared about him.

"It's okay, master, I can sleep anywhere, I can sleep when I get smaller!"

(End of this chapter)

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