Chapter 328 Waiting
Xia Chuxiao's eyes lowered slightly, she looked fine on the surface, but in her heart there were a hundred thousand why? ?

Why didn't Xiaohanhan tell me!

What an important old friend, even I don't know!
And judging by everyone's expressions, even my aunt and the others don't know!

Xiaohanhan, don't do anything!Otherwise, the old lady will cut you.

Bai Ziyue took a sip of tea and said calmly, "Kawasaki, since you're back, do you want to live with us, or..."

Gong Hao and his wife also asked the same question.

A certain Feng Pan who lacked a muscle said, "Of course he is with us!"

"Xiao Chuanzi, we finally got together, I thought you were dead!"

Bai Zimu said with a playful smile, "Go, go, do you say that about Xiao Chuanzi?"

Kawasaki looked at the few people in front, and said calmly, "Where the master is, I will be there!"

The meal suddenly became quiet, and Kawasaki suddenly realized that they were asking about the woman's appearance!
this woman?Why did Uncle Gong seem to listen to her!

This woman is too arrogant, and the master's vision is too bad!When will the master's family bow their heads to this woman.

Xia Chuxiao could see this person's dissatisfaction. Now that she was thinking about it, she probably knew something. Xia Chuxiao smiled wickedly, and said coldly, "Kawasaki, right?"

"Since you are Xiao Hanhan's subordinate, then stay here!"

"It's on the first floor with Xiaobai, Xiaobai and you guys will treat him well later,"

Bai Zimu said, "Okay, little sister-in-law!"

Kawasaki felt a little angry and displeased, Xia Chuxiao didn't want to look at him now, and continued, "Hope Garden is not for nothing, I will do it with Xiaobai and the others in the future!"

"Whether you can join the Ziran team depends on your performance!"

Since you are dissatisfied with me in your heart, there is no need for me to find out kindly to you.

Kawasaki stared fixedly at her, and was about to refute, but was stopped.

Bai Ziyue said lightly, "Cheer up, Kawasaki, we all joined Ziran team, whether you can join or not depends on your own performance!"

Xia Chuxiao went upstairs directly after finishing her meal, and was about to flash into the space, but was stopped by the little snake.

"What's wrong, little snake!"

The little snake said seriously, "Master, that man is weird!"

Xia Chuxiao was puzzled, "Why is this weird? Is this related to entering the space?"

The little snake nodded, "Related!"

"Master, this person has the aura of a cultivator. I suspect that this person, like me, can cultivate, and his cultivation level is not low,"

Xia Chuxiao was surprised, and motioned for it to continue.

Little Snake, "A person with cultivation can sense the breath of a person, but I sense that this man is staring at the master!"

"If the owner suddenly disappears in the room, and the breath also disappears, then the space will be..."

Xia Chuxiao finally understood, and secretly said in her heart, "I have really recruited myself to be annoying!"

According to Xiao Snake, it will be difficult to enter the space in the future!
"Little snake, you probably won't hear that voice!"

The little snake said, "I don't know about this, but people with high cultivation can hear the sound!"

"So, master, I think you should be more careful."

Xia Chuxiao dragged her chin, and continued to ask, "Little Snake, the next question I ask must be honest! If you're panicking,"

"I will, I will cry for you!"

Little Snake, "..."

Don't!If that person knew about it, wouldn't it be miserable!
But now again. . .

Never mind!
"Okay, ask!"

Xia Chuxiao said lightly, "I won't embarrass you, I guessed something in my heart!"

"Xiao Hanhan, isn't he!!"

The little snake nodded seriously, "Yes, he is"

"Master, what you said is just a question, don't ask, he is!"


Xia Chuxiao's eyes dimmed, but she didn't care, "The last one, when is he?"

The little snake knew that the master was asking the male master when he became cultivated.

"Master, anyway, it was the day when I made a contract with you. The male master was still an ordinary supernatural being. After that, I don't know why the male master... But one thing is certain, it must be related to the ancient tomb!"

"Master, stop asking, won't it be clear when the master comes back and asks?"

Xia Chuxiao sighed faintly, "Okay, don't ask any more!"

The room was quiet and the lights were on all the time. Xia Chuxiao lay directly on the bed, lying on the side quietly, without saying anything.

The little snake curled up on the table, looking at the back on the bed, suddenly felt very sad.

In the villa building next door, a pair of stern eyes stared in that direction, and the movements of the hands were lowered.

The days to come are long, let's see what the master really likes about that woman.

In the morning, Xia Chuxiao lived as usual. Day after day passed, the smile on Xia Chuxiao's face had already faded.

Three days later, the snow had almost melted, ushered in the first battle after the snow melted, the zombies woke up, and a large number of zombies besieged the base.

The base team all participated in the battle, and Xia Chuxiao also led everyone to help.

It took only one day to win. During this day, Xia Chuxiao fought with a vented mood. The scene was fierce and cruel. Everyone saw her standing outside the city gate like a ferocious devil incarnate, torturing and killing zombies.

The speed was so fast, Bai Ziyue and the others watched her change, feeling very worried.

"Do you want to persuade my sister-in-law!"

Bai Ziyue's eyes flickered slightly, and she said, "No need, you've seen my sister-in-law's depressed mood these days, it's hard to vent it, let my sister-in-law vent her emotions!"

Nan Gongling said bluntly, "That's fine!"

Feng Pan thought of something and said, "Have you noticed that since Xiao Chuanzi came, my sister-in-law has become less talkative. She used to open her heart to us, but now it seems that those who can talk less talk less!"

Nan Gongling said bluntly, "Obviously, I saw it too!"

"Not only that, Kawasaki doesn't like my sister-in-law, but she's also a little rude!"

Bai Zimu, "..."

"Brother, observe carefully!"

Bai Ziyue narrowed her eyes and said calmly, "Obviously, he has changed a lot, and he is not satisfied with my sister-in-law either!"

"This person is not worth going deep into!"

"You two think, whatever you want!!"

After speaking, he left directly, and Nan Gongling followed, leaving the two of them staring at each other.

Bai Zimu and Bai Zimu looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

After killing the zombie group, it was already afternoon. Tables of delicious dishes were prepared. Everyone was having a celebration banquet, and Ouyang Yu and others also came.

While eating, Xia Yawen looked at her depressed sister, and felt uncomfortable.

After Xia Chuxiao finished her meal, she went upstairs early, and Youni also went up. She saw the master's back in the vegetable garden, and felt that the master's back was a bit bleak. She walked over, "Master!"

Xia Chuxiao handed her a notebook, and Youni was surprised when she saw the contents of the notebook. Instead of speaking, she wrote a string of words on the blank page of the notebook.

After writing it and handing it to her, Xia Chuxiao glanced at it and said calmly, "Train well from now on! Let's stop here today!"

Youni said obediently, "Yes, master!"

"Then I'm going down!"

Xia Chuxiao was silent and stayed quietly in the vegetable garden for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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