Chapter 356 Ouyang Hua's Breakthrough

The two responded, "Yeah!"

There is a problem with the vaccine, and my brother-in-law is in charge of the vaccine, so there is no evidence for an excuse.

The rats at the base seem to be up to something again.

Seeing that they hadn't eaten, Xia Chuxiao simply asked them to come to the Hope Garden to eat, since there was a lot of rice anyway.

After dinner.

Ouyang Yu and the others left again, only Ouyang Hua remained, and Xia Chuxiao specially asked him to stay to check on his cultivation.

There is really a problem with this test. The spiritual power in his body is a little restless, and he needs to sit down to calm down and stabilize the foundation.

The kid was still stupidly asking what the problem was, "Sister-in-law, do I have any questions?"

Ouyang Hua wondered why he succeeded in breaking through, and his cousin said there was a problem.

"The spiritual power of the inner breath is not stable, you need to meditate!"

"In the afternoon, go back to Xingzi Base! Take them with you!"

Xia Chuxiao said lightly, Ouyang Hua scratched his head and said "Oh".

It's time to take them to see the base, Auntie and the others can only wait until the end, sister Wei Wei and brother Lu Wei can take them to see.

Gong Yuhan stretched out his hand to touch her little head, thinking about what Xiaoxiao was planning again.

Xia Chuxiao rubbed her head directly on his hand, and sighed.

Fortunately, Xiao Hanhan was with him.

The aunt asked suddenly, "Xiaoxiao, I haven't seen Xiaobai and the others for a long time, are they all okay?"

Xia Chuxiao raised her lips, "Auntie and the others are doing well! Sister Weiwei and I will go and have a look in the afternoon!"

Liu Fang said "um", and Uncle Gong who was watching TV said something sternly, "Xiaohan, don't be lazy, the boys have already trained, you have to keep up, don't be low in actual combat Already!"

This guy followed Xia Yatou all day long and didn't go to training. After that, when he was weak, he had to be protected by Xia Yatou. Thinking about that scene was a bit irritating.

Gong Yuhan's deep eyes flashed, and he naturally leaned aside, hooked his hand, curled his lips and said with an evil smile, "Don't worry, I can protect my daughter-in-law, and her strength will also increase!"

He joked again, "Dad, you should worry about yourself! If you make room pictures all day long, if you don't go to training, when the time comes, you won't be able to protect Mom!"

Liu Fang, "..."

Xia Chuxiao, "..."

Gong Hao said excitedly, "You brat, my strength is online!"

Gong Yuhan joked, "Why don't you compare!"

When Gong Hao heard what was going through his head, he coughed, "I don't have time, I'm going to draw a picture!"

Gong Yuhan smiled, Xia Chuxiao looked at Uncle Gong as if he was running away, and then looked at someone smiling like he needed a beating, thinking in his heart, this way of life is quite good.

"Master Yin! Your baby has grown a lot!"

Hearing this, Xia Chuxiao stopped being distracted in the hall, and pulled someone back to the space immediately.

Gong Yuhan followed her, and Xia Chuxiao came to the medicine garden and looked at the lifelike spirit grass and medicinal herbs, and said with a smile, "Xiao Hanhan, the medicine seems to have grown a lot!"

"This space is amazing, it surprises me again and again!"

Gong Yuhan echoed, thinking that Xiaoxiao likes these things so much in his head, remember them, and make more in the future.

If Xia Chuxiao heard his voice, she would definitely think of this guy who is childish and friendly.

These herbs can spread and grow, so you can pick some of them and dry them in the sun, or brew them.

Just do it.

Xia Chuxiao changed into her overalls and started picking. Gong Yuhan naturally followed.

There are all kinds of herbs, but fortunately, when they were planted, she planted them separately so that the smell of the herbs would not affect each other.

There is also a piece of Ganoderma lucidum, a lot, and it will not be easy to preserve the efficacy of the Ganoderma lucidum if it is not used or practiced after picking it off, so I can only wait for it.

Star Purple Base.

A group of people were training their physical fitness, Feng Pan couldn't help nagging, "When will my little sister-in-law come!"

"What can we break through successfully? I really envy that kid. He knows better than him. I didn't expect this kid to break through better than us!"

Nan Gongling said bluntly, "Little sister-in-law said that everyone's talent is different, and it's not the turn to come first, first come first, so that kid is more talented than us!"

Bai Zimu sighed, "I'm so envious!"

Bai Ziyue said lightly, "I'm about to break through, so I'll go back and take a seat first!"

After hearing this, several people glanced at his back and were stunned for a few seconds. Feng Pan gritted his teeth, "Even Xiaoyue is about to break through!!!"

Bai Zimu put his hands on their shoulders, "Let's go, let's find inspiration and feel the spiritual power of nature!"


at the same time.

Xia Chuxiao looked at the row of medicinal herbs lined up to dry, and clapped her hands in satisfaction.

"Back to Star Purple Base"

Gong Yuhan gracefully changed the farm clothes.

Xia Chuxiao looked at someone, thinking in her heart that the picture of a peerless master doing farm work is too eye-catching, but such a peaceful and ordinary life is also good.

Xia Chuxiao also changed back into plain clothes, seeing that the time was almost up, she left the space.

He drove Sister Ouyanghua Weiwei and the others to the Xingzi base. In the car, Ouyanghua told him that he had stabilized his spiritual energy and wanted to stay at the base.

Xia Chuxiao directly refused, "Stay here, what can you do!"

Seeing her strong appearance, Ouyang Hua gagged and couldn't speak, Xia Chuxiao said again, "Train hard!"

"Your uncle and the others will be fine! If something happens, it's just being demolished. It's not a big problem!"

Ouyang Hua, "..."

This is not a big problem?I feel that they are not worried, especially my cousin, who doesn't even ask, and looks like it doesn't matter. If they don't know the relationship, they will think they are hostile.

"Xiao Xia, we are going..." Li Weiwei asked the naughty little Taotao while hugging her.

"Go to the place where they train!" Xia Chuxiao said with pursed lips.

Xia Chuxiao didn't explain much, and asked the active Ouyang Hua to tell the two of them.

Their voices were heard along the way, and Ouyang Hua chirped to explain the topics along the way.

Hearing that Lu Wei and the two were a little strange, but they also slowly accepted it. If it was said by other people, they would definitely not believe it, but their own people said, of course they believed it, let alone what Xia Chuxiao admitted.

Xingzi Base arrived soon. When the two of them saw this scene, they were surprised and couldn't help but look at it. After all, this base is much more beautiful and powerful than M Base.

They were even more surprised when they entered the building. The high-rise buildings stood up neatly, and the first-class decorations on the grasslands on the ground were neat and beautiful. They were even more beautiful than their M base. moved away.

Xiao Taotao was also excited and happy, jumping up, pointing with short fingers, and said in a milky voice, "Mommy, bright, what a bright house!"

"The nest is going down!"

Li Wei smiled, hugged his jumping son, kissed him a few times, and said softly, "Tao Tao sit down, we can come down when we get to the place!"

Xiao Taotao pouted, and sat on her lap a little more peacefully.

Lu Wei: This kid is mischievous, and I don't know who he looks like?
Gong Yuhan drove the car and arrived at a yard. After waiting for the car, Xia Chuxiao said to the two of them, "Here we are!"

After getting out of the car, he stretched out his arms to hug Xiao Taotao. Xiao Taotao was happily in her arms and couldn't get down. Gong Yuhan showed dissatisfaction on his face, and just watched his daughter-in-law being abducted by this kid. gone.

(End of this chapter)

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