Chapter 375 Changes in Base G
Their car can no longer be used, so they can only use another one. The new car runs faster and more stable.

It was the two of them who continued to drive, and they had no objection.

After a while, Ouyang Hua said, "Cousin, our next route will pass through a river!"

Xia Chuxiao, "River!"

"Is there any other route!"

Ouyang Hua, "No more!"

After a while, I arrived at the river, but I couldn't cross it. The middle of the bridge had sunk on one side, and I couldn't cross it at all. There were mutated fish in the river.

Xia Chuxiao knew it would be like this, because Xiao Tengwan told her that Ouyang Hua was distressed! "what to do!"

A few minutes later, the four of them crossed the other side of the bridge. At this time, Ouyang Hua showed adoring eyes.

Here it comes!
It feels so good to fly!

Bai Ziyue carried him away, "Don't think about it, sister-in-law and the others are leaving!"

In the car, Xia Chuxiao was helpless, she just took him to fly and was so useless.

Then along the way, a certain chatterer kept chatting about Yujian flying, and asked how to learn and when he could learn, even while driving.

Xia Chuxiao said silently, "It's easy to learn!"

"Let's talk about it when you reach the next level!"

After hearing this, Ouyang Hua felt a little disappointed, it had been too long, "Cousin, do you have any way for me to learn quickly, the waiting is really tormented!"

Gong Yuhan's eyes swept over, and he curled his lips, "If you want to learn early, it's not impossible!"

"What method," Ouyang Hua asked excitedly.

"Pour spiritual power into the knife, practice back and forth every day, and wait until you use spiritual power to control the knife and you are familiar with it! The key is to use spiritual power to use the knife dexterously, for example, inject spiritual power into the knife to control the knife to kill zombies or Pigs, wait!" Gong Yuhan said a lot.

Ouyang Hua finally heard this and sighed, "We still need time to practice."

"But I will practice hard!"

Xia Chuxiao said, "Come on boy, controlling objects with spiritual power is not an easy task!"

Ouyang Hua said firmly, "No matter what, I will work hard!"

Xia Chuxiao curled her lips and smiled.

Two days later, Xia Chuxiao and the others finally arrived at Base G. At this time, the gate of Base G didn't look very good, the zombies beside the road hadn't been cleaned up, and there was a lot of stench.

Bai Ziyue and Ouyang Hua both felt disgusted and disgusted.

When we arrived at the gate of the city, there were guards guarding them. The guards were not dressed like guards at all, just like an uneducated fierce man.

Ouyang Hua complained a few words, "This is the G base, didn't it spread well before? Why does it feel different!!"

"It's a good thing I didn't come to Base G!"

Xia Chuxiao said lightly, "Is it like this, you will know when you go in! But it should be almost there!"

The four of them had already dressed up in disguise, and they didn't look so conspicuous. They walked to the gate of the city. At this time, there were other players wanting to enter the gate of the city.

From their conversation, it can be concluded that it is a middle-aged couple, and the front is like a team, dressed in a simple and awkward way, and there are injured people.

These people are all going to enter the G base, and they are at the end of the line.

Ouyang Hua complained again, "It's cold and clear, desolate and lifeless, you can tell that the inside is similar if you look outside!"

Bai Ziyue sighed helplessly when he heard his mosquito's voice!

Avoid talking to this guy at least!So directly at the gate of others to say that they are not.

Little Vine's milky voice came from next to my ear, "Master Yin, the air here is not good at all!"

"Don't come out! The air is not good! Hey, hey!"

Xia Chuxiao communicated with her mind, "You can help me in the space if you don't come out, harvest the ripe grain in the field today, and plant it. I believe you will be fine, little vine!"

Little Vine said aggrievedly, "Hey! There's a problem, master silver, I don't want it!"

Xia Chuxiao said meaningfully, "Hmm~".

"Hurry up, just harvest and plant!"

Little Vine pressed hard, "Okay! I'll do it!"

When they were about to enter, suddenly an unpleasant word reached their ears.

"Wait! Who are you! Don't you know how to hand in supplies?"

"Seeing that you are not poor, there are not many, just fill the baskets on the ground with grain and you can live!"

The one who spoke was the guard, with a sarcastic look, not at all like a soldier.

Ouyang Hua's temper was about to get angry, but Bai Ziyue said coldly to the guard, "But we handed it in once just now!"

The guard began to speak vaguely, insisting that he must hand in the food before he could pass.

"If you don't have food, you can go back and forth wherever you go. Don't delay my work, you can't afford it!"

Xia Chuxiao came out, her brows were sharp, "I can give it to you!"

next second!
"Wow!" The food, cabbage, etc. fell into the basket, a whole basket.

Seeing the greedy eyes showing all the time, the guard was calculating in his heart. He raised his head, his attitude became better, and he coughed, "It's okay, it's okay, it's passed!"

Xia Chuxiao didn't move, she just stood there, and Gong Yuhan also showed a domineering look.

Bai Ziyue and Ouyang Hua looked at them, not understanding.

"What else do you want to do!" The guard said when they saw that they didn't go in.

Xia Chuxiao's eyes were sharp, and she said calmly, "I haven't finished what I just said,"

"What's the matter!" the guard said harshly.

Those eyes were gazing at her, Gong Yuhan forcefully forced her back, the guard became more honest and did not dare to change his mind.

But Gong Yuhan was not happy at all, he hated other people staring at little women, especially men.

snort!If you want to play tricks on my woman, you will die!

The guard felt the cold again, and shrank back.

Xia Chuxiao, "Ask something, why isn't the army guarding the gate of G base, and what is the current situation of G base!"

The guards looked at them, as if they were planning something, Xia Chuxiao warned, "Don't think about any calculations, be honest, otherwise I won't be able to control myself!"

This look is too scary!

The guard took a few steps back, feeling uncomfortable and flustered being stared at by her.

"I said, I said!"

"Actually, I don't know, I just came here to make up the number of guards. I heard that I became a gate guard because of the lack of people in the army. The base also recruited many supernatural beings. What I did was the post that the army should do before. !"

Bai Ziyue listened carefully to the two of them, and understood why she asked.

Xia Chuxiao thought about it for a while, and continued to ask, "What else! Why is there a small number of troops! When did it start, and when did it decrease!"

The guard said, "A few days ago, the army left the base to kill the zombies, but they didn't come back, because they were killed and wiped out by the zombies!"

"It's been like this for several days in a row. Not only the army, but the team of supernatural beings is also dying and disappearing. At that time, everyone said that bad luck came, some superstitions, etc.!"

"G base has reduced from food to none, everyone is hungry, not as glamorous as before, like home."

"Everything has changed!"

(End of this chapter)

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