Chapter 102
Han Yu knew since she was a child that she was not welcome.

Not only does his beloved father dislike him, but even his biological mother is the same. In her heart, only his father is always in her eyes, and she can't see his existence at all.

However, he still spent three relatively peaceful years. Although he was not favored, no one dared to abuse him because he was the only prince.But the birth of the younger brother and the death of the queen mother broke this peace.

His mother's death was unexpected.

The queen mother is a lunatic, she loves her father madly, but the father is destined not to be the only woman, so she climbed to the queen's position by virtue of the power of the family, just to better control the father, but she didn't know that this would only lead to It made her father hate her even more.

Soon, the father had a woman he liked very much, and he met him when he was out for fun. He took the woman back to the palace, not only made her a noble concubine, but also gave her full love.

But all of this was unacceptable to the queen mother, she could not tolerate her lover's betrayal of herself.Especially when she found out that the other party was pregnant, she became mad and broke into the noble concubine's bedroom with a sword, intending to kill the other party, but was stopped by the hidden guards in time.

The father soon found out about this. In order to better protect his lover and children, he coaxed his mother into drinking poisoned wine, until she left with a happy smile on her lips.

On the second day after she died, the favored imperial concubine was crowned as empress, and the two of them sang in harmony, they were extremely affectionate.

After his mother's death, he was completely alone and helpless, his father didn't like him, and that queen wanted him to die even more.

Different from him, the birth of his younger brother attracted much attention. The father who always had a cold face towards him actually smiled at his younger brother, which he had never seen before.

Just because the younger brother wanted to live in the East Palace, he was kicked out by his father from the East Palace, and he found a dilapidated bedroom for him to live in. At that time, only a lame slave was willing to follow him.

His misfortune had only just begun.

It is common for him to not have enough food and clothing every day, but he still has to endure Han Xiao's humiliation and beating from time to time.

Han Xiao seemed to take bullying him as an interest, he would come over early every morning, beat and kicked him before leaving contentedly, but he had to lie where he was for a long time before he had the strength to get up.

If it was only like this, it would not be unbearable, but the queen found a warlock from somewhere, and said that she could practice the elixir of immortality for the emperor, but she needed the medicine boy to test the medicine, and herself who was connected with his blood was the best s Choice.

Han Yu was taken back to his place by the other party. It was the first time that he didn't have to be bullied by Han Xiao. Before he had time to rejoice, he faced a new nightmare.

That sorcerer is not a good one, he doesn't know how to practice the elixir of immortality at all, he just followed the queen's order to torture him.

That night, the warlock locked Han Yu in a small room. After he threw a bag of things into the room, he locked the door from the outside.

Han Yu was a little drowsy, but when he heard the rustling sound, he realized something was wrong, and soon realized that what the warlock threw in was a pack of mice, and they quickly bit through the bag and crawled out of it , opened his mouth and bit Han Yu.

From this day on, Han Yu never slept at night again, but he would be awakened by any disturbance.

Seeing that Han Yu was not killed by the rat, the warlock seemed to be interested, and sometimes threw him some snakes.

In order to survive, Han Yu only knew how to be beaten at first, and later resisted with his hands. Although he didn't know how to use internal strength, he used his hands to move to death.

Such days did not last long. One day, the warlock's enemy approached him, and he was stabbed with a sword.

Just when he was about to escape, he was hit by Han Yu. Han Yu first kicked him, and then picked up a stone and threw it at him heavily. The warlock died immediately and could not die again.

Seeing the enemy walking towards him, he was not afraid, but happy for killing the warlock.

Unexpectedly, the enemy did not intend to kill him, "I see that you have a good foundation, do you want to take revenge? Ask me to be your teacher."

"Okay." Han Yu looked at the old man in front of him and nodded without hesitation. Even if it was a tiger's den, he was willing to go, just to stop being bullied.

He studied martial arts with his master for four years and was recalled to the palace at the age of 14.

Regarding this son whom he had not seen for four years, Emperor Youguo was very indifferent, and just told him that he would be sent to Anguo as a proton, and told him to be honest.

Thinking back now, Han Yu is extremely glad that he didn't refuse at that time.

Since the warlock incident, he has been ill and cannot fall asleep easily. Even though he is in a safe environment and his martial arts are already unrivaled, he still cannot sleep.

And if he continues like this for a long time, he may not live to be 25 years old. This is the result of the diagnosis and treatment given by the genius doctor of You Country, Ouyang Yue's master.

He accepted it calmly, after all, there was no one he cared about in this world.

But by chance, he encountered the only antidote, and since then he has the motivation to live.


Su Mu lay on the recliner and looked at the huge palace in front of him, feeling that it was too empty.

"Spring peach."

"Niang Niang." Chun Tao came from the side, and after a year, she became more and more intelligent and sensible.

"Go and find some beautiful porcelain vases to decorate the palace."

"Yes, the servant will go here."

Su Mu stood up and put the things in a simple place, but when she was moving the painting, she found a hidden compartment behind the painting, and there was a box inside.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, she had never seen this box before, so it could only be Han Yu's, but why did he put Dong XZ here?
Out of curiosity, Su Mu decided to open the box after much deliberation.

After Han Yu came down to court, he called An Yi and asked out of habit, "What is the queen doing?"

When An An thought about what the Queen had done, he couldn't help but twitched his mouth slightly, "Master, Madam left you a lot of handkerchiefs and veils, and then she took Chuntao, Qinghe and the others and left, saying that she was going back to live in Anguo for a while."

Han Yu's footsteps paused slightly, and he turned his head to look at An Yi, "What did Su Su do today?"

"Madam found a box in the palace, and after opening it..."

Needless to say, Han Yu guessed what happened next, his little secret was discovered, it's over!
He didn't even change his clothes at the moment, and used lightness kung fu to intercept Su Mu. When he arrived, Qin Cheng had already come to pick him up.

Seeing that Susu was about to get into the carriage, he quickly pulled her down and hugged her tightly, "Susu, I was wrong."

"Really? Where did you go wrong?"

"The fault is that I shouldn't hide it from you, but that's all happened before. After I have you, I will lock those up."

Su Mu felt better, but still didn't intend to spare him easily, "I never thought that Emperor Youguo would be a thief in private."

Han Yu smiled lightly, and put a kiss on her face, "Well, I only steal from you."

(End of this chapter)

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