Chapter 113 Autistic Young Master (11)

Her reaction was so flat that Qi Zixuan felt as if she had punched the cotton with a punch, and she was very upset.

If she is upset, Peng Yue will suffer.

"Hey, that country bumpkin, come here. I have some unwanted clothes here, and I'm giving them to you. These are all famous brands, which you can't afford for the rest of your life without eating or drinking."

Qi Zixuan picked up an inconspicuous plastic bag from the corner, threw it at Peng Yue's feet, and then took out two paper towels to wipe her hands, as if she had touched something dirty.

Peng Yue ignored her at all, and even didn't even look at the package, "Oh, thank you Miss Qi for your kindness, I don't need it, I think I'm fine now, you should keep these things for yourself. "

She picked up the bag and put it back beside Qi Zixuan's desk.

Just as she was about to leave, Qi Zixuan kicked the bag away, and some of the clothes inside fell out, even falling on Peng Yue's feet.

Only then did Peng Yue know why she suddenly kindly wanted to give her clothes. It turned out that they were all damaged, either they were dyed with strange paint, or they were tattered and out of shape.

Even if these clothes were donated, no one would want them, but Qi Zixuan wanted to give them to her.

Does she look like a beggar?
"what are you doing!"

"I said I gave it to you. The things I gave away will not be recycled. Don't say I'm stingy. Although these clothes are a little damaged, they don't have much impact. They match your temperament quite well."

Qi Zixuan looked up and down at Peng Yue, staring at her whitish trousers and faded flat shoes for a few seconds, then moved away in disgust, her tone sounded more like charity.

Peng Yue was about to laugh angrily, she reached out and picked up a piece of clothing on the ground and threw it on Qi Zixuan.

Qi Zixuan stood up from the stool in an instant, and the dress fell to the ground with her movements, but she began to pat the clothes on her body up and down, as if it was stained with dust.

While patting, he still didn't forget to lose his temper at Peng Yue, "Are you crazy?!"

"Am I crazy? I think you are crazy! You are amazingly rich, I admit it, but what does this have to do with me? I am not your servant, and I am not your subordinate. Why should I accept you?" Something you don't want?"

This is the first time that Peng Yue has vented her dissatisfaction to Qi Zixuan so hysterically. She has had enough of him. She is poor, but this is not the reason why she should be insulted. She is also working hard to live.

"Peng Yue, you dare to kill me? I think you really don't want to hang out in C University anymore! I know the situation in your family. Believe it or not, I can make your parents unemployed in minutes?"

After Peng Yue said those words, she also regretted it. After all, Qi Zixuan's family background is very good, and it is not something a small ant like her can fight.

Hearing that she threatened her parents' jobs, Peng Yue felt sorry for herself for a moment.

If they knew that they had messed with such a wealthy family, they would definitely not let her in again, right?It is even very likely that he will personally send her to Qi Zixuan to ask her to apologize.

Her life is really sad.

Seeing that Peng Yue didn't speak, Qi Zixuan thought she had caught her, and there was a glint of complacency in her eyes.

Stepping on her high heels, she walked up to Peng Yue step by step, looked at her condescendingly, and curled her mouth, "It's easy to do if you don't want to be troubled by your parents, as long as you kowtow to me and apologize, and from tomorrow onwards, I will give you a new one." clothes, I will show mercy and let you go, how about it?"

As she spoke, she reached out to lift Peng Yue's chin, but was stopped by a hand, "Have you had enough trouble?"

Qi Zixuan's smile froze on her face, she turned to look at Su Mu, "What? You want to end up like her too?"

Su Mu didn't reply immediately, but withdrew his hand first, picked up a tissue and wiped it carefully, and threw the tissue into the trash can.

Seeing her movements, Qi Zixuan's already unattractive complexion was more like a palette, blue and purple for a while.

"Su Mu, since you also want to take this muddy water, then I will grant your wish. Starting tomorrow, you and Peng Yue will no longer be students of C University, and you offended me, so don't even think about going to college again in the future." University." Standing in front of the two of them, Qi Zixuan announced proudly.

Su Mu put her hands on Peng Yue's shoulders nonchalantly, "Oh, is that so? Why don't Miss Qi try to see if it can be done first, and then tell us the result? After all, there are so many people watching, I believe the principal should It’s not easy to explain.”

"There are so many people watching?" Qi Zixuan was taken aback for a moment, then she reacted and said with a smile: "Are you talking about you and Peng Yue? How could anyone take your words seriously? They wouldn't offend the Qi family for you two students .”

Su Mu raised an index finger and shook it left and right, "No, no, of course it's not just the two of us, but many people have heard your 'dangerous' speech just now, I believe they should also want to know how to offend the Qi family. s consequence."

Qi Zixuan suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart, she looked left and right, her eyes flustered, "Did you do something secretly?"

"Hmm." Su Mu nodded and admitted. Seeing that Qi Zixuan was still searching left and right, she kindly suggested, "Why don't you turn on your phone and search my live broadcast room to have a look? The account number is: 762946932, and you shouldn't be disappointed."

The words "live broadcast room" made Qi Zixuan's eyes widen for a moment. She entered the number with trembling hands, and what came out was a newly registered account, which showed that the live broadcast was in progress, and she quickly clicked on it.

It was the picture of the dormitory she was familiar with. In the picture, she was looking down at her mobile phone, exactly the same as she is now.

Looking at the bullet screen, they were all scolding her.

Grumpy Bear: In?Newcomer, I want to ask if the Qi family is the emperor?There is so much power, no one cares?

Oh ho ho: Qi Zixuan's character design collapsed!I can't see her, I really can't put her who is usually gentle and kind with her who is aggressive and arrogant now, it's too disillusioned!

Sincere heart: It turns out that the so-called wealthy daughter actually looks like this in private. No wonder the wealthy young master in the novel always likes little white flowers. If I want to marry such a thing, then I would rather continue to be single.

Crazy and unrestrained: I just want to know how University C is going to deal with this matter?Do you not want to offend the powerful and then expel the students, or do you want to be blind and pretend not to see?

Laughed through life: If there was no live broadcast, these two students would definitely be expelled, but now, tsk tsk, that's not necessarily the case.

Grumpy Bear: Due to the pressure of public opinion, the principal will let them be well, but the eldest lady is afraid that she will feel bad.

Qi Zixuan was really uncomfortable. She had just finished watching the live broadcast when she received a call from her father.

(End of this chapter)

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