Chapter 127 Autistic Young Master (25)

Qu Yantian was startled by the sudden sound, his hand shook, the knife was not held firmly, and fell to the ground, making a "clang" sound.

But she didn't care about it, and slowly turned her head to look at the door, and saw the housekeeper holding a drink in his hand, looking at her with a gloomy expression.


Before she could explain, the housekeeper had already approached, and when he saw the bleeding wound on Huo Ling's arm, his pupils shrank suddenly.

When he looked at Qu Tiantian again, his eyes were terrifying, "Miss Qu, I have reason to suspect that you did it on purpose. You want to attack my young master, so please come downstairs with me."

After receiving such a glance from him, Qu Tiantian lost all his strength and fell to the ground.

It's over, her plan, her future, is over before it takes shape.

When Su Mu received the call, Qu Tiantian was sitting on the floor in the living room surrounded by several security guards.

She gave him a cold look, then turned and went upstairs to find Huo Ling.

The housekeeper told her that Huo Ling's condition was not good at this time, as if he was stimulated, even though he had woken up, he refused anyone to approach him.

When she passed by, the butler was standing helplessly beside Huo Ling's bed, while Huo Ling was sitting on the bed blankly, and the smell of blood had not completely dissipated in the room. This scene was very familiar, just like she and Huo Ling 's first meeting.

"Xiao Ling." She walked in and just called the other party's name lightly.

Huo Ling trembled when he heard the words, then lifted the quilt, strode towards her, hugged Su Mu into his arms, and kept calling, "Susu, Susu."

The housekeeper looked a little dull at the side, he didn't know whether he should cry or laugh at the moment.

The young master is willing to speak!Although it was Mr. Su's name, it didn't prevent him from being happy for the young master.

I didn't expect the young master to have such a harvest after being stimulated, it can be regarded as a blessing and a curse!
Trapped in his arms, Su Mu felt his body trembling constantly, feeling distressed for a moment, and reached out to pat his back to comfort him.

It wasn't until Su Mu's hands were tired from clapping that he was finally able to escape.

She glanced at the wound on Huo Ling's arm, took the medicine from the butler's arms, and gave him the medicine without saying a word.

Seeing this scene from the side, the housekeeper couldn't help but nodded secretly. They were also the young master's teachers. Teacher Qu and Teacher Su also treated the young master at two extremes, one was sincere and the other was malicious.

He was extremely thankful that he went to find the young master early today, otherwise he would not have seen the unexpected scene, and it was not even certain whether the young master would be alive or dead.

This is attempted murder!
He must let the old man and his wife severely punish Qu Tiantian, the murderer.

Su Mu wrapped up his wound with gauze, and tied a perfect bow at the end, "Okay, that's fine, it can't be removed, I'll change your dressing tomorrow, you know?"

Huo Ling nodded, "OK."

"Well, I'm going downstairs with the housekeeper. You lie on the bed and rest obediently. I'll come back to you when things are done, okay?"

Huo Ling held her hand tightly and whispered, "Together."

"You want to go down with me? Are you sure?" Su Mu was a little surprised. She knew that Huo Ling could talk, but she never thought that he would want to go out. Could it be that she was really stimulated?


"Okay, let's go together." Su Mu shook his hand back.

Since he wants to go, all she can do is support and encourage. It is also a big change for him to take this step. If he feels unwell after going out, she will send him back in time.

The butler followed behind the two dully, the shock in his eyes hadn't dissipated.

If he was surprised by the young master's words, then his willingness to go out made him unbelievable, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Fifteen years have passed since the young master was diagnosed with autism at the age of six.

In the past 15 years, he watched the young master close himself day by day, living in the imaginary safe world, he never gave up, hoping that one day the young master could return to normal.

Now, finally let him wait until this day.

Although Huo Ling was willing to go out, he couldn't do without Su Mu, and almost hung himself on her.

When Su Mu proposed to sit separately, even the butler could sense the dissatisfaction emanating from the young master.

He had no choice but to arrange for the two of them to sit together.

"Miss Su, I think the young master is very insecure. You should sit next to the young master. I will explain to the master and wife when they come back. I believe they can understand."

Just as they were talking, Huo's father, Huo's mother, and Huo Chen entered the door in a hurry, "Housekeeper, is Xiao Ling okay?"

Mother Huo asked anxiously before she entered the door, but when she saw Huo Ling sitting on the sofa, she stopped and opened her eyes slightly, as if she couldn't believe what she saw.

"Xiao Ling, is that you? Can you go out now?" Her voice was still trembling, and one could imagine how excited she was.

"Hmm." Huo Ling hummed lightly.

His utterance frightened several people, especially Qu Tiantian who fell to the ground at this time.

She had planned to rely on Mrs. Huo's trust in her and find any reason to confuse her. After all, Huo Ling only had one wound on his body. It could be said that she saw Huo Ling harming himself, and she wanted to stop it.

Moreover, Huo Ling is a mute, he can't tell the truth as the client, so he can only watch her perform.

But she never expected that Huo Ling would actually speak. Her original plan would not be useful at all. They must believe what Huo Ling said more, what should they do...

For a moment, her complexion was as pale as paper, and she also had the thought of regret.

But after seeing Huo's father and Huo's mother following behind him, her eyes were full of hope again.

Huo Chen will not ignore her. Although she has already caused Huo Ling's harm, as long as Huo Chen is willing to intercede for her, Mrs. Huo and the others should not be too decisive.

Father Huo put away his excitement, turned to look at the housekeeper, "What happened?"

The housekeeper walked up to Qu Tiantian, pulled out the bag she was holding tightly in her hand, took out a bottle and a knife from it, and handed it to Father Huo.

"Master, Miss Qu brought these things to the young master's class today. The family doctor did a comparison just now. This knife is the one that hurt the young master, and this bottle of potion is hallucinogenic."

"Psychedelics?!" Mrs. Huo couldn't help raising her voice. As far as she knew, this was a contraband. What on earth was Qu Tiantian going to do with it?
No, it should be said what on earth is she going to do to her son!
"That's right, according to the doctor's test, the dose of psychedelics on the young master's body is not small. If it wasn't for his own slight resistance to this kind of medicine, he may be unconscious by now. I guess Miss Qu should take half of the psychedelics in the bottle. It's all used on the young master!"

(End of this chapter)

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