Chapter 133 The Daughter Idol (3)

Su Mu had an expression of "I knew it".

"Brother, you always say that this is not suitable for me, that is not suitable for me, but I am already, I have to try to make something I like, otherwise it would be a pity, don't you think?"

Su Ran still had a straight face, and wanted to refuse, but when he turned his head, he saw Su Mu looking at him pitifully. The familiar begging look in those eyes made him subconsciously unable to bear to refuse.

He closed his eyes hard, opened them again after a few seconds of contemplation.

"You can go, but I have a request."

Su Mu cheered up immediately, "Brother, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will try my best!"

"Yeah." Su Ran got up and rummaged through the documents he brought back, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Su Mu, "Sign this."

Su Mu looked down, the S-level contract!
She couldn't help taking a deep breath, and asked in a trembling voice, "Brother, do you mean that you want me to sign with our company?"

When Su Ran heard this, she glanced at her, "Otherwise, do you still want to sign with another company? Or do you want to go to Lu Cheng's company?"

Su Mu was shocked, and immediately shook his head in denial, "How is this possible! Of course I want to go to our company." The look in his eyes was so piercing, did she dare to say go to other places?

Her original plan was indeed to go to Lu Cheng's company, because it was the company An Xinyu wanted to work for, and it would be easier to start with her if it was closer to her.

But it's good to be in her own company, where she is comfortable and has no constraints. Maybe she can grab the other party's resources unscrupulously?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this method was feasible. She took the pen and was about to sign it excitedly, but she stopped after seeing the huge letter 'S'.

"Brother? Is it too bad to sign me an S grade?"

Su Ran propped her chin with one hand, and nodded silently, "Well, I will tell you as soon as there is a higher-level contract in the future."

"..." No need, he clearly knew that she didn't mean that.

However, she also knew that this thief ship would be on board now, and she gritted her molars angrily. She swiped a pen on the contract and signed her name.

Su Ran took over the contract, and after seeing her last pause piercing through the paper, a smile flashed in her eyes.

Still the same as when I was a child, I don't know how to restrain my temper at all.

The reason why he didn't want her to participate in this kind of program was because he was worried that she would be bullied. After all, his own child still loved him, and he was worried that his sister would be wronged in a place he couldn't see.

But if she really refuses her request...

Looking at Su Mu, who was furious like a puffer fish, he was spoiled and helpless, and he might be so angry that he would ignore him for many days, right?
Forget it, as my sister said, she has grown up, and it's time to do something she likes to do, at worst he will follow behind and watch.

After all, he will not let his sister suffer, and her sister is by his side, even if she turns upside down, he will protect her.

"Okay, come with me to the company tomorrow, and I will introduce you to your next team."

"Oh, good." Su Mu replied feebly, always felt like he fell into a trap, what's the matter?

She scratched her head, a little confused.

Soon, he followed Su Ran heartlessly, watching him cook, helping him pass the seasoning, busy like a little bee.

Seeing her like this, Su Ran shook her head and smiled lightly. She really looked like a child. How could he feel at ease leaving her outside to practice alone with her current appearance?Of course, you have to put it by your side and watch it.

Early the next morning, Su Mu was dug out of the bed by Su Ran, dragged and dragged into the car, and drove all the way to the company.

After arriving at the company, he threw Su Mu directly into his office and went out.

He was not there, and Su Mu was happy to be at leisure, so he simply lay down on the sofa, closed his eyes and continued to catch up on sleep.

Just as Su Ran brought her in, seeing her like this, she couldn't hold back her face turning dark, and stepped forward to grab her directly, "Did you become a thief last night? Why are you so sleepy!"

Su Mu sat up straight, and yawned casually, "Hey, isn't it because the thought of going to the show makes me so excited that I can't sleep?"

"Well, this is your future manager. His name is Chen Ke. Let's get to know each other."

"Chen Ke??" Su Mu suddenly felt relieved, and suddenly opened his eyes wide, "Brother, you arranged Chen Ke for me? Is it a little..." Too violent?
Even if she is not an insider, she has heard of Chen Ke's name. He is the most popular manager nowadays, and all the artists he has managed are all top-notch, no surprises.

And he happened to be An Xinyu's manager in the previous life. It can be said that half of the reason for An Xinyu's popularity in the previous life came from Chen Ke.

But now, this opportunity fell into her hands...

Su Ran pondered for a few seconds, then replied: "I also think it's not appropriate, how about this, you use it first, if you are not satisfied, change it later, now he is the only idler."

"..." Her dear brother once again misinterpreted her meaning, can we continue to chat this day?
As if worried about being replaced, Chen Ke took the initiative to say hello, "Mu Mu, I'm Chen Ke. I'm confident that I can take care of you. I hope you can give me a chance."

Su Mu was a little flattered, and quickly replied: "Of course I believe in your ability, so let's make it like this."

To be honest, she was also a little worried that her out-of-control brother would suddenly replace this manager. Wouldn't that be a good deal for An Xinyu?

Since he wanted to trample her under his feet, of course he had to take away all her opportunities.

Unbeknownst to her, at a place she didn't see, the two men looked at each other, and Chen Ke gave Su Ran a thumbs up.

Su Ran coughed lightly, "That's it for now, Chen Ke, she wants to participate in the latest talent show, so I'll leave it to you to handle it."

"Okay, don't worry, President, I will deal with it as soon as possible, so as not to delay Mu Mu's report the day after tomorrow."

"Yeah." Su Ran nodded and looked at Su Mu, "You continue to rest here, I still have something to say to Chen Ke alone."

"Oh, okay." She lay down again hugging the pillow without hesitation for a second.

Seeing this, Chen Ke suddenly covered her mouth tightly, afraid that she would laugh out loud.

Su Ran glanced at him and left first, and he immediately followed behind.

When the two went out, he reached out and patted each other's shoulder, "Thank you, brother, I will definitely take Mumu with me."

In fact, he had taken a fancy to Su Mu's potential stock a long time ago, but at that time, Su Ran did not agree with his sister entering this circle.

Now that he was able to find him immediately, Chen Ke was a little moved.

"It's okay." Su Ran inadvertently looked at Chen Ke's face, thinking that Mu Mu should not like him because he is so ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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