Chapter 140 The Daughter Idol (10)

System: Warning Warning!The possibility of host task failure is as high as 40%, please take remedial measures as soon as possible.

An Xinyu couldn't help feeling flustered: What's going on?

System: Due to the lack of seriousness of the host, the first stage got the lowest grade F, and the system estimated that the possibility of failure to win the championship increased.

An Xinyu was dumbfounded when she heard this: How could this happen?I take it seriously, but there are too many uncertain factors in this world, and I can't handle it.

She feels very headache now, it is worthy of the difficult level of the world, and it is completely incomparable with her previous world.

In the past, as long as she turned on the aura of heartthrob, the other party would offer everything she wanted without saying a word, and she didn't even have to do anything.

But here, she not only has to prevent the character from collapsing, but also prevents the other party from getting out of her control, and there is even a person who is not affected by the halo at all, but she has to take the initiative to please the person.

This world is too difficult for her! !Does she still have the possibility of completing the task?

System: In view of the fact that there are too many unstable factors now, I have already contacted the headquarters and agreed to upgrade your halo. At that time, Han Zhishan will still be affected by the charm effect. You don’t need to worry about this anymore, and as long as you If the degree of collapse is controlled within 60%, it is not considered a collapse of human design.

An Xinyu couldn't help but be overjoyed, there is such a good thing?Then wouldn't she have to worry about the collapse of the character set?You can do whatever you want?

But what the system said next made her realize that she was thinking too much.

System: Even so, the host still needs to pay more attention to his words and deeds, and try to avoid the collapse of the human setting.In addition, after system testing, Gu Huai is the key to winning the championship. The best way is to attack him and let him be used by you.

An Xinyu pondered for a while, then nodded in response: I will try.

This is not her first strategy mission, and Gu Huai is also good at her aesthetics, which is not a loss to her, but the other party always gives her a sense of mystery that cannot be seen through. Compared with him, Huai Lu Cheng, the president of Sheng Entertainment, is obviously a better choice.

However, in order to successfully complete the task, she would also be willing to try, but how to get close to the other party is a difficult problem...

She looked directly at Gu Huai's back, conceiving a feasible plan in her mind.

"Xin Yu."

Suddenly, Qin Lingling's shout came from her ear.

She came back to her senses and looked down at Qin Lingling's direction, only to see that she was looking at her with a teasing face.

Because of the self-confidence of the two, they both chose the high places when they first chose the seats. Qin Lingling was No. 12, An Xinyu was above her, and she sat down in sixth place.

At first, Qin Lingling wanted her to sit directly, but she remembered her personality and chose to sit at the end of her debut.

Now it seems that the original decision was correct, otherwise it is likely to lose favor.

Qin Lingling leaned against the stool on her back, approached her, and asked, "You've been looking in Teacher Gu's direction, do you like him? You didn't even hear me calling you twice!"

An Xinyu blushed immediately, looked in Gu Huai's direction again in embarrassment, and then covered her face and retorted, "Don't talk nonsense, I just think Teacher Gu is very nice, handsome and capable, yes He just appreciates it."

"Is that so? But why do I feel that your reaction now is more like what I said?" Qin Lingling continued to tease her.

As if she was really taken into consideration by what she said, An Xinyu reached out to hit Qin Lingling, "I said no, why do you still say that? I'm going to hit you."

Seeing that she was getting angry, Qin Lingling quickly apologized, "Okay, okay, I don't want to say anything, but if Xin Yu likes Teacher Gu, then go after her, it's definitely okay if it's you."

An Xinyu seemed to be a little shy, and it took a while before she mumbled back: "Yeah."

Su Mu was concentrating on watching the singing and dancing performance on the stage, when the voice of Yaoyao suddenly sounded in his mind.

{That low-level system has upgraded her heartthrob aura, and the effect of the influence may increase, the master should pay more attention. }
Yaoyao was about to die of anger at this time.

Never expected that the halo of that low-level system could be upgraded, and now the effect has surpassed the crown it gave to the owner. If it had known this, it would have been exchanged for a better crown.

Wouldn't this be compared to a low-level system?So what face does it have to call itself an advanced system?

What a disgrace, what would the owner think of it?

Unexpectedly, Su Mu just paused, then suddenly smiled, {This is fine, otherwise I would be worried that she would be eliminated before reaching the second round, and that would be too unchallenging. }
{...}Yaoyao was silent. It thought that the host would have a bigger gap after learning that the opponent's halo had been upgraded, but it didn't expect the host to be much stronger than it thought.

It seems that it has made one move many times, and in the next second, it escaped again.

On Su Mu's side, she was also forced to cheer up again, because the person who was about to play was Gu Yan, and she had promised that the other party would appreciate her performance.

What Gu Yan prepared was an explosive song. She sang and danced on the stage. During the period, she also made many difficult poses, which caused the trainees in the audience to exclaim.


"I saw a video on the Internet, saying that this dance can only be done by boys because girls are not strong enough. Who said this? Isn't there a typical example now? Miss sister Saigao!! "

"As expected, she has undergone professional training. Even if she doesn't sing very well, her dance is definitely at the ceiling level. With her ability, she must be able to enter Class A, right?"

Hearing this, Su Mu was slightly taken aback. In her memory, Gu Yan did not get an A, but entered Class B. The reason was that Yue Shuhui thought her singing had many flaws and needed more practice.

But it's hard to say what the outcome will be this time...

After Gu Yan's performance was over, she stood panting in front of several tutors and accepted their ratings.

Several teachers shied away from each other, and finally Han Zhishan took the lead to say, "Is that Gu Yan? First of all, I want to propose a performance. Your singing and dancing performance is very complete, the rhythm is also very good, and your dance is very good." Contagious, even I, who can't dance, can't help but want to dance with you a few times, but..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped, causing Gu Yan to raise her heart to her throat.

"But your singing part is still a little flawed. I can see that this is a matter of your personal habits, but it goes well with this song, so I will not deduct points for this performance. Your score is here. It is A, and I hope to have the opportunity to guide you in the future.”

(End of this chapter)

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