Chapter 158 The Daughter Idol (28)

{Master, An Xinyu's system has abandoned her and returned to her original world. }
Su Mu was resting on the floor of the training room, when he heard Yaoyao's words, he immediately became interested, {What's going on? }
Yaoyao told Su Mu what it had seen, including the fact that An Xinyu's aura of being a charmer had left her.

{Then she has become an ordinary person now? }
Yaoyao shook her head, {Worse than ordinary people, what those people like is not her herself, but the halo on her body, now that the halo is removed, she will soon be backlashed, the deeper the impact, the more serious the backlash. }
Speaking of this, Yaoyao felt a little sympathetic to her. Without her halo, she would become more and more ordinary in front of others. I don't know if she can bear this blow after waking up.

Oh, it's too bad...

However, she deserves it! !

Su Mu was a little startled and said: {There is still backlash?What kind of backlash method?Spectacular? }
What to do... She really wanted to see it.

{...} Yaoyao is quite speechless, is the master imagining something strange again?
{Backlash is not spectacular, but a subtle influence. The first people to change are those who are deeply influenced by her. How much they liked her before, how much they will hate her after backlash.By the way, master, you have just been unilaterally broken up by the male protagonist, and he also told the world that An Xinyu is his favorite person. }
{Oh ho? }
Is it that interesting?She's getting more and more interested!
Su Mu asked the director to get the phone back on the grounds that he wanted to call his brother. The director owed her a favor because of the surveillance video, so naturally he asked someone to give it to her without saying a word.

Worried that other trainees would see that he was partial, he ordered the staff to return the mobile phones of other trainees and allowed them to take a break.

The trainees who got their mobile phones were so happy that they looked for corners to make calls or play with their mobile phones.

Su Mu borrowed a lounge from the director.

As soon as she turned on her phone, she saw the message from Lu Cheng. She moved her finger and replied below: What a coincidence, me too.

After blocking all his contact information, he called his brother.

"Hello, Mu Mu?" Su Ran's gentle voice quickly came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, it's me, bro."

"Why did you call me suddenly? Are you unhappy inside? I'm going to pick you up now?"

"No brother, it's just that the program team gave us time to contact our family. Brother, I just received a breakup text message from Lu Cheng..." Speaking of the last sentence, she deliberately lowered her voice, looking quite disappointed.

Su Ran was silent for two seconds, then suddenly said: "Su Mu, do you remember what I said before? Your vision is really bad! You always contradicted me before, but now? You always like pretty things the most, but No matter how you look at the choice of boyfriend, you just like that ugly thing!"

ugly things...

It turned out that Su Ran thought of Lu Cheng so much in his heart. He wondered if Lu Cheng would want to cry when he knew about it. No wonder Su Ran always disagreed with his sister being with Lu Cheng.

"Of course I think brother is right now!"

Su Ran was taken aback, "What?" The stubborn bull in his family said that sentence just now?Didn't you not listen to any advice before?Or is he hallucinating?
"I think what my brother said is right. After staying here for a while, I suddenly realized that City Chief Lu is just like that. I don't have to rely on him. There are many good-looking people! Maybe I can find more OK."

Hearing this, Su Ran was very relieved, "It's good if you can think that way, besides, you are still young, and our family doesn't need to get married, so you don't have to worry about finding a partner so early, isn't it good to be like a brother?"

"...Like my brother, I'm afraid I'm going to take care of myself and die."

Su Ran opened her mouth to refute, but felt that she was telling the truth, so she could only say: "Then you must not mess around again, and if you like it, you must inform brother in advance."

"it is good."

The siblings chatted casually for a while before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

Of course, only Su Ran was reluctant, and Su Mu went back to find Gu Yan immediately after hanging up the phone.

Gu Yan was playing a game, and when she saw her coming, she asked gossipingly, "Who did Xiao Mu go to talk to? So mysterious? Let me guess, it can't be your boyfriend, right?"

Su Mu walked to her side and sat cross-legged, nodded after listening, "I do have a boyfriend, but I was talking on the phone with my brother just now."

"Huh?" Gu Yan looked at her in disbelief, stopped even playing the game, and hurriedly asked, "Xiao Mu, do you have a boyfriend? Why haven't you mentioned it before?"

It's over!Seeing her brother's appearance is obviously interesting to Xiao Mu, but Xiao Mu has a boyfriend, what should I do? ?

Could it be that she did something bad with good intentions?

No way?No way?
"There's nothing worth mentioning. He doesn't like me, but I like it unilaterally. And just this morning, he proposed to break up with me, saying that he has someone he loves more." Su Mu shrugged, looking indifferent look like.

"So it's like this..." Gu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, she thought that the sister-in-law she found for herself would disappear like this!Fortunately, she is still there.

"Then do you still like him now? Do you plan to start a new relationship?"

Although she is confident in her brother's charm, if Xiao Mu always has someone else in her heart, it will be a troublesome matter.

But Su Mu suddenly turned his head and raised eyebrows at her, and said mysteriously, "Do you know who the person he loves is?"

Gu Yan's curiosity was instantly aroused, "Who?"

"An Xin's words."

"Her? What kind of vision did your ex-boyfriend have! Don't let a beautiful woman like you go, just like a little white flower! What's going on with these men? I just saw Lu Cheng make a statement saying that An Xinyu was his best friend." Love, and will marry An Xinyu, is it possible that your ex-boyfriend also has such thoughts?"

Su Mu nodded in agreement, "Indeed, because he said those words."

Gu Yan didn't hear anything wrong at first, and she sighed with emotion, feeling worthless for Xiao Mu.

But then, she suddenly realized, opened her eyes slightly, and said in surprise: "Lu Cheng is your ex-boyfriend?"

"That's right, it's him. I didn't see the statement he posted online until I received the breakup text message."

"This scumbag!" Gu Yan stood up suddenly, pacing back and forth beside Su Mu with her hands clasped, wishing she could beat Lu Cheng to vent her anger.

Su Mu pulled her to sit beside him, looked at her who was still full of anger, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm not angry yet, but you got angry first, shouldn't you be happy for me?"

"That's right." If Lu Cheng didn't leave, how could he give her a seat?

(End of this chapter)

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