Chapter 16 First-line Artists (16)

"Already found it? How is this possible!!" Sister Li's voice suddenly rose, and her tone was full of disbelief.

He even threw the phone out of control, unwilling to believe this fact.

The news that she spent so much effort to get it turned out to be fake!Then how would she explain to her brother, she had promised to win this resource for him.

She never doubted that Su Mu would lie to her, because in her heart, Su Mu was controlled by her like a puppet, and it was impossible to escape from her grasp.

Su Mu only heard a "bang" from the mobile phone, and there was no voice from Sister Li for a long time.

"Sister Li, what's the matter? Are you okay?" Su Mu dutifully played the role of her obedient puppet, because now is not the best time to have a showdown with Sister Li.

"It's okay, I just thought you still have an event to attend, so let's cancel the variety show first."

Sister Li's idea is very simple, since Nan Nan can't participate in this show, leaving Su Mu there will only add to Nan Nan's heartache, and it is better to call her back and put her next to her to watch.

Hearing her sullen tone, Su Mu unhurriedly turned on the recording button, "Sister Li, didn't you say that I performed well in this show? Why do you want me to quit again?"

"You also know that I have more than one artist, and I may be negligent towards you. I have finalized another variety show here. You and Nan Nan will participate together, so I can take care of you."

Su Mu curled her lips when she heard the words. Wasn't it just to find Li Nan a back-up guy for what she said so grandiosely?In this way, if he offends people on the show, he can push it on her. Do you really think she is still as young as before?
"But Sister Li, I don't want to be on the show with Li Nan."

After hearing the reluctance in Su Mu's tone, Sister Li exploded, "You still don't want to form a team with Nannan? If it weren't for your usefulness now, do you think I would agree to your team formation? I don't even say I hate you, You are the first to despise it! I just praised you so casually, you really think of yourself as something!"

The more Sister Li scolded, the brighter the smile on Su Mu's mouth became. Now there is no evidence of a showdown!

Sure enough, Li Nan is Sister Li's weakness, as long as he is mentioned, Sister Li immediately ignores everything.

It's just that this bit of evidence is still a bit weak, and she still needs a bit more breaking news...

"I didn't mean that, Sister Li, I just... because you transferred all my resources to Li Nan before, and he screwed up all of them, but those people on the Internet turned around and scolded me. I don't want to have anything to do with Li Nan anymore."

After hearing her accusation, Sister Li was inexplicably guilty, and her tone softened instantly, "Su Mu, it's like this. In fact, you can't blame Nan Nan for this matter. The resources I found for you at that time were also problematic. Deliberately finding fault, it was too late for me and Nan Nan to find out, the matter is already like this, and there is no way to change it, otherwise I will ask Nan Nan to apologize to you?"

"But because of this incident, not only did I have a bad reputation, countless fans lost fans, and I was completely out of luck as the actress, and the situation after that was even more difficult. I didn't have many resources for a year, and I lived in a rented house all the time. Li, all this, can he make up for it by saying sorry?" At the end, Su Mu's voice suddenly became hysterical.

Su Mu's words opened up Sister Li's memories. Last year, she asked Li Nan to replace Su Mu in endorsements and variety shows. She is beautiful, has a good personality, and has a steady stream of resources in her hands.

But looking at her younger brother, he is obviously handsome and has the potential to become a first-line star, but lacks suitable opportunities. Her own sister naturally wants to help him find a way, and finally she puts her mind on Su Mu's resources.

She specially found some suitable for Li Nan. Anyway, the partner only wanted good-looking ones. She thought that Li Nan was not bad, and might be more popular than Su Mu, but unexpectedly, it was all messed up.

She thought it was right for her younger brother to be arrogant. After all, he had the strength, but in the eyes of others, this was undoubtedly an act of digging his own grave.In this way, the several variety shows that Li Nan participated in repeatedly hit the wall, and ended in failure every time.

She didn't take this trivial matter to heart, and continued to find suitable resources for Li Nan, but the paper still couldn't contain the fire. When she saw someone expose this matter, and even the company's senior management came to ask her, she didn't even think about it He pushed Su Mu out.

Afterwards, she and Li Nan were safe, but all the abuse came to Su Mu alone. Her existing resources were all stopped, and many partners canceled their cooperation one after another. They thought that they would never accept tainted artists. Mu's reputation plummeted, but overnight, everything she had painstakingly managed for three years came to naught.

At first, Sister Li would feel guilty and blamed for this, thinking that she had harmed such a good seedling, but as Li Nan's resources increased, she felt in a daze that what she did was right, instead of praising Su Mu, It's better to praise her own brother.

Now that Su Mu said this, she vaguely realized how excessive what she did at that time, but she didn't regret it, she just felt a little guilty towards Su Mu.

"What happened back then was that Sister Li was sorry for you. Sister Li promised to bring you back to the top! But you still have to cancel the variety show first. You have to participate in this event. I have already told the other party in advance."

After going around in circles, Sister Li still changed the subject, but Su Mu was not dissatisfied, because she had already got what she wanted.

"I see, I will go talk to Director Wang." There was an unconcealable disappointment in her tone, one could imagine how reluctant she was.

"Well, that's right, then I'll wait for your good news."

Putting the phone back into her pocket, Su Mu stood quietly among the flowers, waiting for that person to come out on her own initiative.

"Su Mu, you want to quit the show?" At a corner not far from Su Mu's location, Director Wang came out from inside, looking at Su Mu with distressed eyes.

He didn't expect Su Mu to have such an experience. In fact, like everyone else, he had a lot of complaints about this little girl and thought she would ruin his show.But he needs a topic to drive the popularity of the show, and Su Mu is the key to this topic.

It wasn't until she participated in the show, and as she got to know her slowly, Director Wang discovered that the little girl was not as "playing big", "disrespecting people" and "speaking without thinking" as said on the Internet, but a sharp and clever little girl.

She is only 22 years old, she is still young, and there are still many possibilities. Director Wang has always cherished talents and cherished talents. When he meets a good seedling, of course he will not just give up.

(End of this chapter)

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