Chapter 194 Childhood Sweetheart (4)

Ten minutes before school ended, Zhao Yacai was let off by the class teacher, and returned to the classroom in despair.

Su Mu was taking notes when suddenly a note was pushed to his hand, which said: Mu Mu, I know you are in a bad mood because you broke up with the male god, so I don't blame you, just don't do it again next time.

Zhao Ya's reaction was somewhat beyond Su Mu's expectations. She thought that with her character, she would lose her temper first after returning, but she didn't expect her to be so tolerant!

It seems that Zhao Ya really values ​​this little value in her, and she must squeeze it out.

Then she will play with them and see who is the prey!
She picked up a pen and wrote on the paper, "Xiaoya, do you know everything?"Do you think I'm useless?I failed your expectations of me and failed to keep Tianyi. Does it make you feel ashamed?
Xiaoya: Of course not!We will help you find a way to keep Tianyi. Let's start with your clothes. After school, we will go to the mall and give you a makeover, how about it?
Looking at the content on the note, Su Mu pursed his lips, "Here we come!"

Su Mu replied with one word: Good.

So, just after school, Zhao Ya called the four girls in the back row.

"Mumu wants to make some changes in her clothes. Let's go to the mall with her to buy some clothes."

As soon as she said these suggestive words, the eyes of the four girls lit up, and they nodded eagerly, for fear that they would be left behind if it was too late.

"Okay, we happen to be fine, so let's go with Mumu."

"Wait." Seeing that they turned around and were about to leave, Su Mu quickly stopped them, and said helplessly, "You forgot your schoolbags, and every time you leave in such a hurry, you only remember that you forgot your schoolbags when you were shopping. Reply to me but remember to remind you, next time you buy something, don’t forget to bring money!”

They went back and put their schoolbags on their backs, and smiled perfunctorily.

They were used to Su Mu spending money for them, so they didn't plan to bring their schoolbags from the beginning. With Su Mu as an ATM, why would they need to spend their own money!

"Well, then let's go." Su Mu watched with satisfaction as they all carried their schoolbags on their backs, smiled meaningfully, and left first.

Zhao Ya took the opportunity to open her backpack, and threw the wallet back into the desk pocket of the seat.

With Su Mu here, why does she need a wallet!

Seeing this, the four girls also opened their backpacks one after another, threw them into Zhao Ya's desk pocket, and did not forget to praise her, "As expected of Sister Ya, she has a way! Tall, it's too tall!"

Zhao Ya smiled triumphantly, "Okay, let's go, otherwise Mu Mu might have to wait."

After speaking, the five people left the classroom together.

After they left, Yuan Xiaoyuan tugged at the clothes at the same table, "Xiaoyue, did you see it just now? It turns out that Zhao Ya and Chen Fang don't bring money with them every time they go out, and Su Mu is not being taken advantage of, maybe Seeing that they didn’t bring any money, I helped them pay.”

Xiaoyue nodded, "It seems so."

At this time, the girl sitting in the back row of Su Mu stretched her neck and whispered to the two of them: "You two have been sitting in front of them for a short time, so I don't know, but they have always used Su Mu as a cash machine! Let’s take the last time as an example, last time those few didn’t bring any money, Su Mu paid them in advance, after returning Su Mu asked them for money, guess how they replied?”

Yuan Xiaoyuan and Xiaoyue shook their heads one after another, and asked curiously, "How did they come back?"

"They said they helped Su Mu catch up with the male god. She hasn't thanked them yet, and those things are just a gift. These words sound nothing, but the point is that they use this excuse every time, and I have never seen it before. Such a shameless person, you have the nerve to use the excuses from three months ago to keep talking! What's more, according to my visual inspection, Su Mu spent more than tens of thousands of money on them. This is only three months, and there may be more in the future. That's a lot!"

"Tens of thousands???" Yuan Xiaoyuan's shocked eyes widened.

so much money!

The combined monthly salary of her parents is only [-], and the money spent by these few people is more than the combined salary of her parents in three months! !

Xiaoyue couldn't help saying with emotion: "It's no wonder these people are so desperate for Su Mu. With such a deceitful and rich target, who would not be tempted! If you want to blame, you can only blame Su Mu for being stupid. Good or bad."

The girls in the back row shrugged, obviously agreeing with what she said.

Yuan Xiaoyuan was a little worried when she thought about what Zhao Ya and the others had done just now, "They deliberately left their wallets in the classroom. They made it clear that they wanted to cheat Su Mu of money. We should tell the teacher about it."

"Come on, one of them is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. The teacher can control them? Besides, the amount of money involved is not small. How dare the teacher make this clear, otherwise how will others think about our No. [-] Middle School?"

"Then let them continue like this? No matter how good Su Mu's family is, I'm afraid it will be squandered by these people!"

Xiaoyue spread her hands, and said helplessly: "I agree with Yu, even the teacher can't control this matter, what can we do? Moreover, these are all done by Su Mu voluntarily. If she doesn't want to, Zhao Ya and the others I can’t force her, I think we can only wait for her to figure it out.”

"Actually, there is no way at all." The girl in the back row suddenly said such a sentence, which instantly attracted the attention of the two, "What way?"

Siyu pointed to the classroom next door, "As the saying goes, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell. You can go to the male god. Su Mu and the male god are boyfriend and girlfriend. The only one who can convince her is the male god." people."

Xiaoyue nodded agreeingly, "It's indeed a solution. I heard that Su Mu has been chasing the male god since the first year of high school. I must have loved him so much! Su Mu can always listen to what he says, right?"

"Are you talking about Lu Tianyi? No, no one can find him!" Yuan Xiaoyuan immediately shook his head in denial.

Xiaoyue was a little surprised by her reaction, why was Lu Tianyi Xiaoyuan so excited?
"Why can't he?"

"Because... because he is not a good person."

Then, Yuan Xiaoyuan told the two of them everything he knew.

It was not long ago that after school, she forgot to take her schoolbag and came back to pick it up. As soon as she walked to the next classroom, she heard Lu Tianyi on the phone.

"Thank you brother, if I catch up with Lingling, I will treat you to dinner as soon as possible as a reward."

"Don't worry, I will definitely break up with Su Mu. Her family background can't compare with Lingling's. I'm afraid Lingling's kennel is more luxurious than hers, hahaha..."

"This..." The two were at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to describe their mood at the moment.

This is the true appearance of the male god?Feeling disillusioned...

(End of this chapter)

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