Chapter 196 Childhood Sweetheart (6)

"What! Are you lying to me? How can you have no money! Or do you think we cost you too much money, so you don't want to pay?" Zhao Ya was so excited that she completely forgot to keep her voice down, and asked It was so loud that everyone in the store could hear it.

The customers of the clothing store stopped what they were doing and looked around, wanting to watch the excitement.

A man and a woman who happened to walk to the door of the store also heard it clearly. The girl suddenly became interested and dragged the boy inside, trying to get closer to hear their conversation.

Su Mu quickly waved his hand to deny, "It's not Xiaoya like this. I didn't plan not to give it. Didn't I just pay you all the money you spent before? It's really because I spent too much money in the past three months. Mom stopped paying for it." I got my card, so I can't..."

Zhao Fang and the others immediately came over when they heard Su Mu's words, their voices trembling, "What do you mean? Su Mu has no money now? Then our clothes... why don't we take them off and give them back?"

When the other people heard this, they quickly nodded in agreement, "Yes, it doesn't cost money just to try it out, at worst, we'll come and buy it next time when we have money."

A few people walked towards the fitting room. Seeing that Zhao Ya was still standing still, Zhao Fang walked over and kindly reminded: "Sister Ya, let's go and change the clothes first. If you really like it, wait until Su Mu comes next time." We'll come back after the money."

Su Mu stood not far from the two of them, lowered his head, and just smiled slightly when he heard this.

Want to have a next time?Impossible!

"Zhao Fang." Zhao Ya grabbed Zhao Fang's sleeves tightly with both hands, and said anxiously, "Can you help me see if there is a hang tag on the ground in the rest area? I just threw away the hang tag of my clothes."

"Hang tag?" After her reminder, Zhao Fang suddenly looked down at the tag on her body, but found it was empty.

It was only then that she remembered that she was afraid that Su Mu would not want to pay, and wanted to use this to force her, and not only her, she also took off and threw away several other hang tags.

Sure enough, as soon as she looked up, she saw three other girls walking over with those new clothes, anxiously asking, "Sister Fang, Sister Ya, what should I do! Those shopping guides said that the tags of these clothes have fallen off, and we can't return them. purchase."

Zhao Fang's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly ordered them to look for it, "Go to the trash can in the fitting room over there to see if the tag is still there?"

At the end, thinking of Zhao Ya, she added, "There is still a rest area on the ground, check to see if there is a hanging tag, and bring it back if you have it."

"Hey, good." Several people put the clothes into Zhao Fang's arms, and obediently looked for the tag.

"Sister Ya, if you can't find the tag..." Zhao Fang looked around at the shopping guides who were staring at them, a little flustered. At this time, Zhao Ya was the only one she could rely on.

But Zhao Ya was not much better at this time, while resenting Su Mu in her heart, she was also looking forward to finding the hang tag sooner.

The dress that she loved before could not be put down, but now she is wearing it like a thousand catties. A dress worth nearly 1 yuan is simply not something she can afford.

After a while, the three of them came back dejectedly.

Zhao Fang asked quickly, "How is it? Did you find it?"

"I found it. It's just that the shopping guide mistakenly thought it was already bought. In order to prevent it from being used again, they had already cut it with scissors. What should we do now!" There were a few scraps of paper.

When Zhao Fang saw the fragment, she felt dizzy for a while, and she almost fell down, but fortunately, the three people beside her helped her in time.

"6000 yuan of clothes! Where did I get so much money!"

The other three people also looked sad. They usually follow Zhao Fang to take advantage of all kinds of petty advantages, and they spend money lavishly. They don't have a penny saved.

And since they had Su Mu as a big money by their side, they spent even more recklessly, and their wallets were cleaner than their faces.

What's more, they are all a group of students, where did they get so much money!

"What about my hang tag? It fell on the ground in the rest area, so it shouldn't have been thrown into the trash can."

"Sister Ya, we searched for a few times according to the location you mentioned, but we didn't find even a piece of paper. I think it must have been picked up by someone as garbage." The voice of this person became lower and lower, and said In the end, I lost my confidence.

"It's all a bunch of trash!"

They let her scold with their heads down, not daring to refute at all. They were still waiting for Sister Ya and Sister Fang to pay for the clothes.

But they didn't know that it was more difficult for the two of them, because the clothes they chose were much more expensive than others!

Although it was not the first time for those shopping guides to encounter this kind of situation, it was the first time they encountered high school students. They couldn't make up their minds for a while, so they could only call the manager to come over.

"I heard from the clerk that some of you forgot to bring money when you bought clothes. Is it you? I'm the manager of this clothing store, An Li."

A well-dressed, well-dressed woman walked slowly under the guidance of the shopping guide. She had a slight smile on her face and a gentle tone of voice, which gave a good first impression.

Su Mu opened his eyes slightly when he saw the person coming, this...isn't this my aunt?Wasn't she still abroad not long ago?When did you come back?

An Li was also a little dazed when she saw Su Mu, and just about to say hello to her, Su Mu stopped her with gestures.

Seeing this, An Li frowned. It seemed that Mu Mu and her so-called friends did not have a good relationship.

Seeing that she had a good temper, Zhao Ya thought she was easy to talk, so she stepped forward and explained to her, "Hi, it's like this, our friend forgot to bring money here, and we accidentally knocked off the tags of these clothes, can you Pay a deposit first, and we will definitely come back to pick it up in two days, do you think it is okay?"

An Li glanced at the clothes on her body, nodded and praised: "Little classmate, I think this dress suits you very well, and you must really want it. It's just that this dress is a limited edition in our store. I made two pieces, and now the tag is damaged, so I can’t continue to sell them. I can accept the deposit you mentioned, but how much can you pay?”

Zhao Ya stretched out five fingers, and tentatively said, "500 yuan?"

The 500 yuan is the only cash she has now, and she got it from Su Mu in the morning, and she was reluctant to spend it, so she was able to keep it until now.

After An Li heard this, she suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, even suspecting that she had heard it wrong, "Haha, little classmate, are you joking with me? The cheapest clothes in our store cost more than 500 yuan. Your [-] yuan The money is really unreasonable. Since you are not sincere, and I don't want to be said to be tricking you high school students into spending money, I will call the police now, and ask the police to come and sort it out for us to see how much is appropriate, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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