Chapter 2 First-line Artists (2)

Su Mu hummed softly in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then the sudden severe pain in her head made her unable to support the floor with her arms, and slid down again.

Seeing this, the fat woman thought she had compromised, and with a smug smile on her lips, she turned and left the room without even looking at her.

Su Mu lay on the ground, closed his eyes tightly, and slowly sorted out the extra memories belonging to the 'Original Owner' in his mind.

Su Mu is a third-tier artist, she has always been lukewarm, her acting skills are not bad, her appearance is even better, there is no reason for her to remain the same after several years of debut.

She was also ambitious at first, and wanted to break out of the world by herself, but the facts proved that no matter how hard she tried, she was still just a small transparent existence.Therefore, she gradually began to degenerate, only picking variety shows or scripts that she was interested in, and over time, there were almost no resources.

The agent couldn't stand it. She signed Su Mu because of her face, and she also regarded Su Mu as the company's cash cow. She didn't expect Su Mu to be excellent, but she didn't get attention at all.

In desperation, the manager had no choice but to contact the famous director privately, intending to let her climb up to the other party, so that she would have no worries about food and drink and endless resources.In fact, with her appearance and figure, as long as she is willing, there are many people who are willing to spend money for her.

But everything the agent did went against Su Mu's original intention of entering the entertainment industry. She naturally refused decisively, but was threatened by the agent to hide her in the snow.

Of course, Su Mu has heard of He Ji. He is the young master of the He family. He is honest and forthright, with high IQ and EQ. He has countless companies under his name. He is a typical rich and handsome man.

The moment he rescued her from suffering as a hero, Su Mu fell in love with him irresistibly.

But He Ji just regarded her as someone in need of help, even though Su Mu was pretty and obedient, he already had someone in his heart who he wanted to spend his life with.

The woman He Ji likes is named Wen Zhixue, who is also in the entertainment industry, but unlike Su Mu, Wen Zhixue is a first-line actress, gentle and generous, and is very popular with fans. Su Mu knows that she There is no way to compare with the other side.

Su Mu silently kept his heart away without telling anyone, and focused on his career.It's just that no matter how much she conceals it, there will still be times when she reveals her intentions, and her intentions are still accidentally noticed by the sensitive Wen Zhixue.

Wen Zhixue is not a generous person, especially when the other party wants to covet He Ji, so Su Mu's already precarious career is even worse.

The Internet was full of reports that she wanted to get involved in the relationship between Wen Zhixue and He Ji, and that she had walked into the box of a famous director before. She became popular as she wished, but in this way.

The company didn't want to offend Wen Yinghou and He Ji, and terminated the contract with her immediately to prove her innocence. She lost everything in an instant, and even when she was walking, passers-by would treat her coldly.

Her family was also troubled by this. Neighbors and people who knew the location of her home would come to the house to scold her parents for not disciplined her well. Facing the disappointed parents, she completely collapsed, and finally chose to commit suicide. show innocence.

But her suicide didn't bring good results, everyone quickly exposed the matter and never mentioned it again, and Wen Zhixue and He Ji became a model couple envied by everyone.

No one knew that their happiness was based on Su Mu's pain. She had never done anything wrong, the only mistake was loving the wrong person.

Su Mu opened her eyes and stroked her chest, wondering if it was due to the use of the original owner's body. After reading the memory, she felt a dull pain in her heart, surrounded by regret and unwillingness.

She just stroked her chest lightly and didn't speak for a long time.

The experience of the original owner is somewhat similar to hers. They both fell in love with the wrong person and ruined their lives for it.

{Master, are you okay?} Seeing that she is not in the right mood, Yaoyao is a little worried.

{It's okay, I'll be fine slowly. }
Su Mu stood up from the ground, walked to the side sofa and sat down. She rested her chin with one hand, half-closed her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

{Master, your mission this time is very simple, change the original ending of the original owner, and stop falling in love with He Ji. }
Su Mu nodded, this is really not difficult for her, as long as the status quo is changed.

Su Mu stood up and looked around. The place where she is now is a hotel.

The facilities in the room are all available. Seeing her reflection on the TV screen, she raised her eyebrows and walked quickly to the bathroom.

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, Su Mu looked at the person in the mirror without blinking.

A standard classic oval face, eyes are clear and elegant, but it seems to be full of expression, the nose is delicate and small, below is a pair of moist red lips like cherries, which are slightly raised at this time, showing the owner's good mood.

Seemingly sensing Su Mu's joy, Yaoyao became more courageous.

{Master, are you satisfied with the appearance of the female partner?As long as you complete the task, you can get the beauty value of the female supporting role~}
Su Mu touched the corners of his lips, the tip of his nose, and his eyes with his fingertips. Then he narrowed his beautiful eyes and smiled happily.

Yaoyao, who finally saw her smile, breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the owner of this appearance is very satisfied.

Of course Su Mu was satisfied. She hadn't seen such a face for a long time since its appearance was destroyed. Due to the habit of their nine-tailed foxes, they would feel happy when they saw beautiful creatures.

{Yaoyao, can you find out where the villain is now? }She didn't forget the main task of conquering the villain.

{Master, I have a villain locator here, but it can only be used three times in one world, do you want to use it? }
{Use it, maybe you can create a chance encounter. }
{The villain locator has been used successfully, now start to locate...huh?The host, the villain, is also in this hotel, and his room is upstairs. }
Su Mu raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Is it such a coincidence?"

The director's room where the manager wants the original owner to go is also upstairs, and the villain's room is also upstairs, maybe she can...

Director Zhao waited in the room for a long time but no one came. He took out his mobile phone and was about to urge him again when the doorbell suddenly rang.

When he opened the door, he saw the beauty he had been thinking about day and night standing at the door and looking at him shyly, which made him instantly elated, and he forgot everything for a while, and just wanted to welcome her into the door.

Unexpectedly, the shy beauty just pushed him away, ran out with fear on her face, and at the same time shouted "Help."

Director Zhao was stunned, but he quickly reacted and went to arrest her. After all, everyone who lives here is either rich or expensive, and if he offends one of them, it will be enough for him to drink a pot!

Su Mu came to the door of the villain's room according to Yaoyao's location, and knocked on the door vigorously, "Please, help me."

(End of this chapter)

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