Chapter 219 Childhood Sweetheart (29)

What is from heaven to hell?This is! !
Chu Zimo was so excited at this moment that he didn't know what to do. He wished he could hug Su Mu for a couple of laps, but considering that this was a school after all, he just looked Su Mu in the eye and promised earnestly, "I will wait until the college entrance examination." When it’s over, I’ll tell you solemnly again.”

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

After the two talked about it, the relationship went back to before in an instant, even better!
Especially Chu Zimo, the affection in his eyes towards Su Mu was almost overflowing, it was hard to ignore.

Since the two came back, the classmates have been discussing secretly.

"Is Su Mu and Chu Zimo together? It feels like their relationship has changed."

"It must be. You didn't look at Chu Zimo's eyes. I couldn't help my heart beat faster. If he didn't like Su Mu, I would perform a handstand and drink water."

"However, it's understandable. After all, she is a childhood sweetheart, with a foundation of love, plus a handsome man and a beautiful woman. They are a good match."

"I just don't know how long they can go, don't expire in three months like Lu Tianyi!"

Chu Zimo and Su Mu naturally heard those discussions, but no one cared because they had their own little secrets.

{Master, guess what I found? }Yaoyao's slightly excited voice came from his mind, forcing Su Mu to reply to it distractedly.

{What's wrong?What good things did you find? }
{It's Meng Weiwei's system!It didn't run away, and wanted to come to you, but it was merged by me before it got close. }Yaoyao patted her stomach and burped in satisfaction.

Su Mu was only surprised for a moment, then figured it out.

Most likely, Meng Weiwei's mission to attack Chu Zimo failed, she was devoured by the system, and then went to find the next target, and she happened to be that target.

{Let me see what's interesting...} Yaoyao put her hand on Huahua, and all the experiences of the system swallowed by it flashed in its mind.

{It turned out to be like this! }Yaoyao's excited voice came again, {Master, you must never have imagined that Meng Weiwei's soul is actually An Xinyu!Because of the disorder of time and space, she made a contract with this system before you left that world. This is her first mission, which is to capture Chu Zimo. }
{Also, its script is a bit different from the one I have in my hands. In Meng Weiwei's script, the hero is Chu Zimo, and you are the heroine. Your original ending was very happy.Her task is to successfully capture the male lead and destroy this happiness, what is this!Also too bad!Master, they absolutely hate seeing you and the villain father!Bad stuff! ! }
If the system hadn't been integrated, Yaoyao even wanted to beat it up!
The relationship between the master and the villain's father is so good, can it be destroyed if it wants to?
"No wonder..." Su Mu suddenly realized, and whispered.

No wonder Meng Weiwei is so hostile towards her, it turns out she is An Xinyu!
Presumably the other party had discovered her identity, so she chased after her for revenge without even thinking about it, but she didn't expect to lose herself instead.

I wonder if she will regret it after the impulse passes?

Without Chen Xingran and Meng Weiwei stumbling her, and Lu Tianyi being forced to drop out of school to work, Su Mu's life seemed to be back on track again. Apart from eating and sleeping, she was studying every day.


After the college entrance examination, the two families sat down to eat together again, they still came to Luoshui Restaurant, but this time the mood was completely different from last time.

Especially Chu Zimo, he took care of Su Mu who was beside him the whole time. His thoughtfulness and concentration made both Chu's mother and Chu Lingling feel toothache.

So the two couldn't help but want to stab him.

Chu Lingling put her hands on her chin and asked with a smile: "Sister Mu Mu, it's the first time I've seen my brother take care of others so carefully. You are really amazing! I think you should take my brother away!"

She originally wanted to simply tease the two of them, but she swore that she actually received admiring looks from her brother.

What does it mean?Could it be that her brother is really interested in Sister Mu Mu?
She couldn't wait to tell Mother Chu about this guess, after all, the two of them most wanted Su Mu to be their daughter-in-law/sister-in-law!
Su Mu was drinking porridge, but she couldn't ignore the pitiful little eyes of the man beside him, so she had to turn her head to look at him, "What's wrong?"

"Mu Mu, the college entrance examination is over, does what you said before still count?" Chu Zimo tentatively asked.

"It depends on whether what you said at the time counted."

Chu Zimo immediately looked joyful, and nodded again and again, "It counts, of course it counts, I said it at the time, and I will tell you again solemnly."

Su Mu glanced at the few people who were watching the fun, and stretched out his hand to tug him, "I'll talk about this later, now eat obediently."

"Okay." Chu Zimo nodded with a smirk.

Looking at the naive appearance of her eldest brother, Chu Lingling once doubted her own eyes, is this still her eldest brother?
Where did her former silent and cold brother go?Can falling in love really make people lower their intelligence?

She said she didn't understand, but she was very surprised.

Suddenly, she felt her clothes being pulled by someone, and when she turned her head, it was her mother.

"Cough cough..." Chu's mother coughed lightly, then dragged Chu Lingling outside, and kept saying, "How old is your child, why do you need someone to accompany you when you go to the bathroom! You guys Play first, I will go out with Lingling."

When Chu Lingling was dragged out of the door, the expression on her face was still dazed.

Does she need someone to accompany her to the bathroom?
This is slander!You are damaging her image! !

After Mother Chu and the others left, the other three also found an excuse to leave the box, and soon there were only Su Mu and Chu Zimo left in the box.

Chu Zimo would be stupid if he didn't realize that everyone was trying to match them up.

He reached out and grabbed Su Mu's small hand on the table, and held it tightly, forcing Su Mu to look at him, "Mu Mu, I rarely regret doing things, but I made an exception because of you, I don't want This kind of regret will come again, and I don't want to miss you, so can you give me a chance to take care of you for the rest of my life?"

Su Mu looked up at him, and saw the tension and anticipation in his eyes, which was rare in him, and he was always confident.

So I stopped teasing him, shook his hand back, and said softly: "I said before, if you still want to continue to take care of me after the college entrance examination, then I agree, so, I am willing."

"Mu Mu!" After getting the response, Chu Zimo was ecstatic, hugged Su Mu and turned around three times before burying his head on her neck and shoulders.

Susu, thank you for accepting me.

(End of this chapter)

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