Chapter 299 True and False Daughter (15)

Su's father and Su Ziyi's final discussion resulted in suing Su Huanying for the crime of intentional injury. If she doesn't teach her a lesson, I'm afraid she will be even more reckless in her actions in the future.

But as soon as she said this, she was strongly opposed by Su's mother, "No! Yingying is the only one. If we sue her, then the rest of her life will be over! Didn't Su Mu have nothing wrong? Otherwise, this Forget about it, as long as we don't tell it, others won't know about it. And I've come to my senses, I will never indulge Yingying like before, don't you guys want to send her back? I agree. "

Hearing this, Su Ziyi was speechless. If it wasn't for the fact that the person in front of him was his biological mother, he might have turned his back and left.

He knew that his mother had some virginal plots, and he thought it was nothing before, but when it happened to him, he realized how unacceptable it was to meet such a person.

"Mother, sometimes I really wonder if Su Huanying is your own. Obviously Su Mu is your own daughter, and she is the one who has been hurt all the time, but you just can't see it. Not only did you not say a word of concern, but you also paid more attention to the murderer. Forgive me, I really don't understand you."

Mother Su was taken aback when she heard this, and tried to defend herself: "I'm just not used to Su Mu's existence. After all, Yingying has been by my side for 18 years, and I'm always familiar with her."

"Yes, because you are not used to your sister, so you deliberately ignore him, and even face Su Huanying in front of her. It's all because of your incompatibility. But since you like Su Huanying so much, why? Still agreed to send her back to the Su family? Wouldn’t it be good to keep her by your side? I believe she will be very happy if she knows. "

"Ziyi, why did you talk to your mother! Wasn't you the one who hated Su Mu the most before? What position do you have to laugh at your mother now?" Su's father, who had been silent all this time, suddenly scolded him.

"Yeah, it's me." Su Ziyi smiled self-deprecatingly, and then slapped himself on the face, "I'm just an idiot! Fortunately, I always boasted that I was smart, but I didn't even have the little tricks of Su Huanying." Seeing it through, just because she grew up with me, seeing that she has a beautiful filter, she is just acting cute and coquettish as usual, so I am willing to do anything for her, even going against my relatives for her. Sister. You are right. When it comes to going too far, I am the one who is going too far. I forced her to go to a women's university, but she is smart enough not to go, otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

"But didn't you say that women's colleges are good? And that list..." Father Su asked him puzzled.

"That's what I lied to you, because I expected in advance that you would refuse, father, and you have always valued interests very much. If you knew the value of women's universities, you would definitely not be able to resist letting them go, but Su Huanying has already When you are about to go abroad, you will naturally set your sights on Su Mu. Now that I think about it, I have done more than my mother. I will go to my sister to apologize and ask for her forgiveness. As for her unwillingness to return to Su Mu In this matter, I respect her decision."

As soon as he finished speaking, a female voice suddenly sounded from the door, the voice was still a little trembling, "Brother, just now... you said to whom do you want to apologize?"

Hearing this, several people turned their heads quickly, and saw Su Huanying standing at the door in disheveled clothes, who knew that she came back in a hurry.

Seeing that her eyes lit up, Su's mother immediately got up and walked towards her, but Su's father and Su Ziyi frowned, showing no good looks towards her.

"Yingying, when are you coming back? How did you make yourself look like this? Did something happen?"

Seeing Su's mother approaching, Su Huanying grabbed her hand as if grabbing a life-saving straw, "Mom, the things on the Internet are all fake, right? I'm still from the Su family, and those are just for outsiders to hear." Really? You won't send me back to Su's house, will you? "

"Tch" Su Ziyi, who was sitting on the sofa, sneered, glanced at Su Huanying, got up and left, leaving only one sentence: "I've said everything I need to say, you take care of the rest, I'll go find my sister."

Seeing that Su Ziyi turned around and left without hesitation, Su Huanying panicked even more and exerted more force on her hands, not even noticing that her nails were digging into her flesh, "Mom, tell me! You say this is not true, I am still the Su family His daughter, right?"

Mother Su withdrew her hand in pain, looked down, and saw that it was already covered with scratches from fingernails, and some blood was even vaguely seen.

Staring at these wounds, Mother Su looked at Su Huanying with strange eyes for the first time, but seeing her ferocious expression and crazy eyes, Mother Su couldn't help taking a step back in fright.

But Su Huanying still asked her relentlessly, "Mom, why didn't you say anything? Are those words true? Didn't you say you wouldn't want me?"

Su's mother was cruel and nodded: "Yes, those words are true. We do intend to send you back to Su's family, but we are doing this for your own good. Don't hate mom."

"Haha" Su Huanying laughed out loud as if she had heard some joke, "You said it was for my own good, but you drove me away, isn't it because your real daughter came back? So you don't need me anymore, do you?" ? Since you want to be good for me, let me continue to live in the Su family, I want to continue to live a wealthy life, and I want to make those who look down on me regret it, this is what I want. "

Mother Su looked at her in disbelief, and after a while, she asked, "Yingying, how did you become like this!"

Shouldn't her daughter be well-behaved and sensible?But Su Huanying's appearance completely shattered all her fantasies.

"Didn't I become like this because you forced me out? I was also a victim of having the wrong child. Why would I lose everything as soon as Su Mu came back? Su Mu is your child, so am I not? Why can't you feel sorry for me while you feel sorry for her? You say you won't want me, and I'm still the daughter of the Su family, but how do you do it in private? You want to send me back to that unscrupulous Target family, I hate you!" After speaking, Su Huanying quickly ran upstairs, returned to her room, and slammed the door loudly.

"This... Hongbo, what should we do now?" Mother Su looked at Father Su for help.

Su's father closed his eyes, tapped his fingers on the table, and said in a deep voice: "You should have heard it too? The reason why she doesn't want to leave the Su family is not because she is reluctant to part with us, but because she is reluctant to part with everything she has now, so you still have to Will you continue to protect her?"

Mother Su fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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