Chapter 302 True and False Daughter (18)

"Humph" a soft hum pulled Su Mu back from her thoughts, and when she turned her head, she saw Su Lele standing at the door of the house with her chest folded, looking at her provocatively.

Obviously, the person who pushed her earlier was he who didn't run away.

Su Mu stared at him for a while, then suddenly took out his mobile phone, tapped it with his fingertips a few times, put it to his ear and said, "Hello, is it 110? I want to call the police, someone wants to harm me."

Su Lele was still a child, at the age when she was in awe of the police, when she heard Su Mu calling the police, she immediately stopped being frightened, turned her head and cried into the room: "Mom, Dad, come and save me!"

"What are you shouting for! Didn't you go to give someone away? Are you calling your soul here?" Yang Meijuan's angry voice came, saying that she said so, but she still came out with Su Zhiguo.

Seeing them coming, Su Lele thought she had a backer, pointed at Su Mu, and began to complain, "Mom, I pushed her just now, and this bad woman wants to call the police to arrest me, Mom, teach me a lesson she!"

"What? Call the police??" When Yang Meijuan heard this, her eyes widened. She strode forward and knocked the phone out of Su Mu's hand. The phone rolled into the stairwell. unusable.

Not only did Yang Meijuan, who caused all this, not feel guilty at all, she accused Su Mu of going too far.

"Isn't your brother just joking with you? It's just a small fight, as for the trouble to the point of calling the police? You are really a white-eyed wolf. I should have thrown you into the street in the first place and let the homeless pick you up." ,Pooh!"

"Are you kidding? If I hadn't reacted quickly just now, the injuries would have been minor. Since Mom, you think we're just joking around, why don't you try the feeling of being pushed yourself?"

Yang Meijuan knew how strong her son's hands were, so she didn't dare to try it lightly, so she could only poke her neck and say, "Aren't you injured? Since it's okay, let's forget about it, and even let the police come Catch your brother, what kind of words! Don't you want to go? Go quickly." Don't be an eyesore here.

Su Mu almost laughed at her shamelessness, but she also knew how unreasonable this family was, and knew that it would not be good for her to keep fighting, so she decided to leave.

But as soon as she raised her feet, she saw a man who had been standing on the side suddenly stepped forward, took out something from his pocket, and said to Su Zhiguo and the others: "I received a report saying that you deliberately She is making things difficult for her, and she is unwilling to let her go home, so please follow me to the bureau now."

This reversal not only stunned everyone in the Su family, but even Su Mu was astonished. She immediately thought of Lin Sisi. It turned out that what Sisi said at the time was not to comfort her, but the truth.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there, Lin Sisi and several police officers just arrived.

"Huh... Mu Mu, are you alright?" Lin Sisi panted and walked to Su Mu's side, looked at her from top to bottom, and after confirming that she was all right, put her hands on her hips and began to breathe calmly.

After climbing four flights of stairs, she felt like her legs were going to fail.

"I'm fine, Sisi, did you call the police?"

"Yes, didn't I tell you that if you didn't come down for half an hour, I would call the police and find someone to rescue you? After all, this family is so weird, I'm afraid something will happen to you, how about it? Am I very righteous? "Lin Sisi raised her chin and looked at her proudly.

"Well, it's very generous, thank you." Su Mu smiled and helped Lin Sisi straighten the messy bangs on her forehead.

The atmosphere between the two of them was harmonious, but the three of Yang Meijuan were already terrified at this moment.

Especially Su Lele, when she saw that the police really came to arrest him, she was so frightened that she was fat and trembling, she pushed everyone away and ran to Su Mu's side, and was about to hit her with her fists.

"It's all your fault, you bad woman. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been arrested by the police uncle. Mom is right, you are a scourge, and you should be killed after changing the baby!"

"What are you doing!"

"Finish the baby?"

Two male voices sounded at the same time, one threw himself in front of Su Mu, protecting her tightly, and the other grabbed Su Lele's wrist, so that the hand he wanted to swing had to stop in mid-air.

The man dragged Su Lele, pulled him in front of the Su family couple, looked at the three of them, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a deep voice: "What does he mean by 'after changing the child'? Maybe you should give me an explanation."

"It's just... um..." Su Lele didn't care much. When the policeman asked him, he planned to tell the truth. Yang Meijuan, who was opposite her, quickly covered his mouth, looked at the man, and said with an apologetic smile, "This kid is talking nonsense. , you also know that sometimes children’s words can’t be trusted, we don’t know what’s the meaning of ‘changing the child’, most of the words the child didn’t know where to learn, so it can’t be taken seriously.”

"is it?"

"Of course, as you can see, we are just an ordinary family, and we don't have the guts to do bad things at all!"

Seeing the pensive look on the man's face, Yang Meijuan thought she had made it through successfully, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard another voice: "I know about the 'changing children', and I just want to ask this couple something, please send it to me." We'll go to your bureau, thank you."

"Okay." The man nodded, beckoning the police officers behind him to take the Su family away.

Yang Meijuan, who thought she would be able to escape the catastrophe, was in a hurry and cursed at the man who had just spoken: "What are you? I was talking to the police officer, so where is it your turn to intervene? She also said she knew about our 'changing children'. How do you know about things that my mother has never done? You are so brave to frame my mother!"

Seeing his posture protecting Su Mu, she smiled strangely and said, "I said, why are you targeting me like this? It turns out that you are targeting Su Mu, why? She told you that she was bullied by me, so you Came here to avenge her? She played so flamboyantly at a young age, how shameless! Officer, if this is the case, then you can't believe this man's words, he must be slandering."

"That's right, I did come here for Su Mu, but we are not the kind of relationship you think. My name is Su Ziyi, and I am Mu Mu's brother!" Su Ziyi admitted very readily, and then looked at Yang Meijuan's eyes With disgust, "Only people with dirty thoughts will think dirty of others, and dare to slander Mumu, you are not small! And I know exactly what you have done behind the scenes."

Yang Meijuan's eyes widened from the moment he announced her family name, and now she looked at him with trembling lips, unable to utter a complete sentence.

I thought: It's over, I'm afraid I'm going to admit defeat now!
(End of this chapter)

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