Chapter 31 First-line Artists (31)

Fu Jing took Su Mu upstairs and returned to her room.

Just as he walked to the door, he happened to bump into Bai Mo who had just walked out of the room.

Bai Mo looked at the two, and when he saw Fu Jing's hand on Su Mu's waist, his eyes flickered slightly, and he regained his composure when he looked at Su Mu, "How is the event going?"

"It's okay, except for a little mistake in the middle, everything else is okay."

"That's good." Bai Mo nodded slightly, as if he had just noticed the ambiguous relationship between Fu Jing and her, he looked a little surprised, "You?"

Speaking of this, Su Mu did not hide anything, and introduced to him, "He is Fu Jing, and we are now boyfriend and girlfriend."

Even though she was wearing a mask and couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, it could be seen from her slightly squinted eyes because of her smile that she was very happy.

Bai Mo was silent for a while, "Really? Then I wish you happiness, I have something else to do, so I'll go down first."

"it is good."

The two watched Bai Mo pass by them and walked up the elevator.

Fu Jing squeezed her hand suddenly, with dissatisfaction and jealousy in her tone, "He likes you."

"Impossible. Bai Mo has always kept a distance from me. It can be seen that he also resists me. Don't think too much about it."

is it?

Fu Jing frowned slightly, he didn't think the man's expression just now was conflicted, it was obviously more of a disappointment.

At this time, he was only thankful that he acted quickly, otherwise there would be other people who would come to pry the corner of the wall.

Without further explanation, he opened the door and led Su Mu into the room.

As soon as the two entered, the elevator door opened, and Bai Mo walked out, staring at Su Mu's door for a while, with a lonely expression.

And inside the room.

Fu Jing supported Su Mu to sit on the bed, took out the medicine bought from the hospital, and put it aside.

Su Mu watched Fu Jing take off her black suit in front of her, revealing the neat white shirt inside, and walking towards her with the potion, she couldn't help shrinking back.

"What's the matter?" Thinking that she was afraid of pain, Fu Jing couldn't help but soften her tone, "Don't worry, I will be gentle."

Su Mu shook his head, "Don't you need to go back to work? I can do things like applying medicine myself."

Fu Jing put down the medicine and turned to look at her with a serious expression, "Susu, I'm your boyfriend now, do you think I can handle work with peace of mind if I leave you here? To me, you are more important than work. important."

"..." I'm sorry, she was talking too much.

Seeing that she no longer resisted, Fu Jing felt satisfied. He grabbed Su Mu in front of him, and carefully took off the mask from her face, revealing half of her swollen face.

Seeing this, Fu Jing pursed her thin lips tightly. It is really too kind to take revenge on the other party on the Internet...

Seeing that he has not moved, Su Mu couldn't help urging, "Didn't you say to apply medicine?"

Fu Jing regained consciousness in an instant, took out a cotton swab, dipped it in the potion, and gently wiped it on Su Mu's face.

While wiping him, he asked, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

It was just a little numb, but Su Mu didn't say this, for fear that Fu Jing would be more worried about her wound.

After wiping her face, she came to her feet. Before she had time to be shy, she saw that Fu Jing had already put her feet on his lap very naturally, changed to another cotton swab and began to wipe the wound.

Fu Jing didn't show any abnormality during the whole process, but Su Mu was a little nervous. Fortunately, the medicine was finished soon.

As soon as the tension was relaxed, Su Mu felt a little drowsy. She woke up early today, and after all the troubles, she wanted to come back to catch up on sleep, and now she finally had this chance.

Just thinking that Fu Jing hadn't left yet, she pretended to be energetic and looked at him for a while.

Seeing that she was so sleepy that she could barely open her eyes, Fu Jing still insisted on looking at her, thinking it was a little funny, "Go to sleep, I'll put the medicine away and go back to work."


Since he said so, Su Mu naturally wouldn't wrong herself. She lay back on the bed, lifted a corner of the quilt to cover her body, and fell into a deep sleep.

Fu Jing put the medicine back and wrote down the precautions ordered by the doctor before walking back to the bed and looking at Su Mu who was sleeping soundly.

He never knew what liking was, and he never liked others. In his eyes, everyone was almost the same.

Until she appeared, fresh and different, he couldn't help but slowly put his eyes on her until he couldn't look away anymore.

He knew that he might have fallen, but he was happy with it.

After staring at the little girl's face for a while, he finally took Su Mu's hand and kissed it lightly, "I hope you have a good dream, see you tomorrow, Susu."

Perhaps because his breath was uncomfortable on the skin, Su Mu's fingers shook slightly, but he didn't wake up.

Fu Jing covered her with the quilt, took a deep look at her, and then turned to leave.

Su Mu slept very deeply this time, and when she woke up, the sky outside had completely darkened.

She sat up from the bed, took out her mobile phone and looked at the time on it, it was already seven twenty, no wonder she was so hungry.

Just after turning on the light in the room, before Su Mu got out of bed, there was a knock on the door.

"Su Mu, are you awake?" It was Ding Yao's voice.

"Well, wait a minute."

Su Mu threw off the quilt and got out of bed, limped to the door, opened the door and let her in.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt? I've seen all the news on the Internet, your manager is really not human, to do such a thing!" Ding Yao was furious, especially when she saw that Su Mu's face was still swollen. When the face disappears, it is even more angry.

I can't wait to punch that manager twice, and vent my anger!
After receiving her concern, Su Mu's heart warmed slightly, "I'm fine, it's just that it looks serious, and the pain is gone, and I can go down in two days."

Only then did Ding Yao heave a sigh of relief, "That's good. I wanted to come to you a long time ago, but the director said you should be resting, so I didn't dare to knock on the door. I didn't dare to come until I saw the light on your door."

Su Mu Weizheng, "The director also knows?"

"Of course, we don't have to go out today. Everyone can only play with their mobile phones in the room. And you have made such a big noise, everyone must know about it."

"Hmm." She should have expected it, everyone knew it was only a matter of time.

"By the way, let me tell you something." Ding Yao suddenly approached mysteriously, "Wen Zhixue and He Ji seem to have broken up, but no one knows what happened, only that the two are meeting now Like strangers."

"..." Maybe she knows about this, but it might not be good to say it from her perspective.

Ding Yao continued to gossip, "You weren't here for dinner today, I didn't see that He Ji's face was stinky like anything, and Wen Zhixue was the same, with a dark face the whole time, just like being owed millions. I'm curious."

When it came to eating, Su Mu rubbed his stomach, as if he was even hungrier.

(End of this chapter)

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