Chapter 313 Farmer Girls Are Not Easy To Mess With (3)

Two days later, Su Mu was able to get out of bed.

Because she was bedridden for a long time, she didn't dare to walk too fast at once, so she could only walk slowly step by step.

At this time, the door of the house was opened from the outside, and Zhao Xiaowan walked in with a bowl, and was very happy to see it.

"Mu Mu, you..." As soon as she opened her mouth, she realized that something was wrong, looked around cautiously, and closed the door after confirming that no one had seen it.

"Mumu, can you get out of bed?"

"That's right, my body has been healed, so don't worry, mother."

"That's good." Zhao Xiaowan put down her heart, brought the broth to the table, and then told Su Mu: "You should rest in the house today, don't go out of the house, and mother will hide it from your grandparents first. If you let them know that you are well, they will definitely come to order you, mother does not want you to fall into the root of the disease if you are not well."

"I understand, mother, don't worry."

The original owner's last life was because she didn't listen to Zhao Xiaowan's proposal and insisted on seeing her grandparents. She thought she could hear their words of concern, but who ever wanted to wait for her was endless heavy work, so she fell into the root of the disease. Can not be cured for a long time.

She can't be that stupid.

"Then you rest first, mother will go to the mountain to dig wild vegetables with sister Qiao later, I think she will come back later, if your grandmother comes over, don't panic." Zhao Xiaowan said to her worriedly Entrust.

She knows that her daughter has a good relationship with her parents. If it was before, she would definitely not stop her. But now that her daughter has just recovered from a serious illness, she is afraid that she will fall into the root cause of the disease, so she dare not let her take risks.

"Mother, don't worry, my daughter is not stupid. By the way, mother, have you ever thought about separating from your grandparents? Let's live alone."

Hearing her mention of "separation", Zhao Xiaowan was taken aback, and quickly turned to look at the door. After confirming that it was tightly closed, she asked in a low voice, "Why did you suddenly mention this?"

Su Mu pointed to his head and explained: "In the past two days, I have had an extra memory in my head. I don't know if it's true or not, but I think this method is feasible. "

"Mumu, do you support family separation? But don't you like grandparents the most? After separation, our family may be looked down upon by outsiders, don't you feel sad?"

"Mother, you worry too much." Su Mu walked up to her, grabbed her hand and put it in front of her eyes, and said, "Look at you, you are younger than my aunt, but your hands are rougher than hers. , even if you don't feel bad, my father and I will. I was willing to get close to my grandparents because I thought they would not dislike me, but when I fell into a coma to save Dongdong, they abandoned me , I only took Dongdong away, if I hadn’t met a kind person to send me back, I’m afraid I would have died, and it was only then that I realized that my grandparents probably never cared about my life or death.”

"What did you say? Did they leave you?" Zhao Xiaowan was a little annoyed when she heard her daughter's words, "No wonder you and Dongdong didn't come back at the same time. They also told me that it was because Dongdong was young and brisk. It turns out that they didn't intend to send you back at all, how could they do this! You are also their granddaughter!"

Zhao Xiaowan still clearly remembers Su Mu lying unconscious on the ground at that time, exhaling more air than inhaling, if the doctor hadn't treated her in time, her daughter might have died because of it.

At first, she thought it was because of her daughter's performance, she didn't want to blame others in the past, but she didn't want the truth to be like this!
"Although I am unconscious, I still retain consciousness. I can hear what they said, but I can't open my eyes. If these are not dreams, they should be real. Mom, I know you don't want Dad and We are all unfilial people, but filial piety is nothing! Grandparents don’t even worry about our life or death, so how can you expect them to take the initiative to get close to us one day?"

These words undoubtedly gave Zhao Xiaowan a blow in the head, she was very flustered at this moment, "You let me think again."

Su Mu knew that she was a little shaken, and quickly added the last dose of strong medicine: "Mother, don't blame me for speaking badly, based on what I know about my grandparents now, if my condition does not improve, they will definitely take advantage of your inattention. Throw me into the deep mountains, and it will be too late for you to regret it."

"I will discuss this matter with your father, they are your grandparents, they should not be so terrific, you can stay at home at ease, today, no, don't go out for the next two days, remember? "

Su Mu nodded obediently, "I made a note, mother."

Seeing her lying back on the bed after drinking the soup, Zhao Xiaowan took the bowl and left in a state of unsteadiness.

Parents shouldn't be able to do such a heartless thing, right?

Although she thought so, she was very uncertain in her heart.

Zhao Xiaowan walked to the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks. In the courtyard, Mrs. Su was coaxing Su Dong to eat. Seeing her coming, she stood up and asked, "The second one, can't the ugly girl get out of bed? This family But there's still so much work to do! How long is she going to be lazy?"

Hearing what she said, Zhao Xiaowan quickly defended her daughter, "Mother, Mu Mu almost died at that time, it was a blessing to be able to be saved, how could her body recover so quickly! I heard from the doctor that if she had died earlier Treat me, I’m afraid I’m in good health now, and I don’t know who moved Mu Mu back then, why she walked so slowly! You should blame that person if you want!”

Hearing this, Mrs. Su's eyes flashed with panic, she dared not say anything wrong with Su Mu, she hurriedly changed the subject: "In this case, let her rest well, what are you still doing here? Why don't you hurry up and do it?" live!"

Zhao Xiaowan replied with a low eyebrow, "I'll go right away, mother, don't be angry."

But when he turned around, his eyes turned cold.

After saying that sentence just now, she has been observing Mrs. Su, and naturally she did not miss the panic in her eyes, which also confirmed that what Mu Mu said was true.

She was really cruelly thrown by these people by the river. If some kind-hearted people hadn't brought her back, what she and Yan Lang had seen was a dead body!
Holding her breath in her heart, Zhao Xiaowan simply tidied up the kitchen, went to the east courtyard to find Qiaojie, and asked her to go dig wild vegetables on the mountain together.

The East Courtyard is where the eldest family of the Su family lived. Sister Qiao was their eldest daughter. Because she was abandoned by her husband, she had no choice but to return to the Su family. Therefore, the Su family was often ridiculed by outsiders.

The boss of the Su family also thought she was ashamed, so he only gave her the most remote room to live in.

It's just that going there must pass through the room of the eldest couple. Zhao Xiaowan didn't intend to listen too much, but she never expected to hear Mu Mu's name from them.

(End of this chapter)

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