Chapter 323 Farmer Girls Are Not Easy To Mess With (13)

Naturally, Jiang Yan would not miss the excitement about the Su family. Ever since she heard that Su Yan's family was separated, she couldn't stay for a moment, and couldn't wait to see what happened to Su Mu.

As far as she knows, this old lady Su is not a good person. Su Mu and the others want to separate the family, and old lady Su will definitely not agree easily.

Xiao Yu glanced at her and asked, "Miss Jiang seems a little anxious, is there something urgent?"

Jiang Yan is still hesitating, she wants to see Su Mu's excitement, but also wants to be by Xiao Yu's side, after all, this is the best opportunity to cultivate feelings, she doesn't want to miss it.

Hearing Xiao Yu's question, she quickly reached out and touched her face. Does she look anxious?

Just as she was about to wave her hand to say it was okay, she suddenly noticed the book on the table not far away, which she borrowed from the village to relieve Xiao Yu's boredom.

Looking at this book, she suddenly had an idea, "Young Master Xiao is really careful, I do have something urgent to do, this is the book I found to relieve your boredom, if you are bored, you can read it first, I don't need it How long will it be back."

As she spoke, she grabbed the book on the table and handed it to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu took it with her hand, but didn't open it. She just looked at Jiang Yan and continued to ask, "I wonder if I can go there with Miss Jiang? I'm already in good health, and I want to see the scenery of this village. It's urgent, maybe I can help a little bit."

"No need!" Seeing that he wanted to follow, Jiang Yan immediately raised her voice to refuse.

After realizing that she had reacted too violently, she softened her tone and explained: "Young Master Xiao's injury is still not fully healed. If the condition worsens because of going out, wouldn't all the previous treatments be in vain? And what I said The urgent matter is not difficult to deal with, so don't bother Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao just needs to wait for me to come back."

How dare she let Xiao Yu follow her, Su Mu is right there!

Although Xiao Yu now thinks that she is the one who saved his life, if he recalls everything after seeing Su Mu, wouldn't everything she has done during this time be in vain?
Not only that, but Xiao Yu will also think that she is a liar and offended the prince of the capital, will she have a good life in the future?

So she must find a way to prevent the two from meeting each other!Only in this way can the lie continue forever.

Xiao Yu nodded without forcing her, "Since that's the case, I'd better not follow. Miss Jiang, please pay attention to safety, go and come back quickly."

Jiang Yan thought that what Xiao Yu said was caring about her, so she couldn't help but feel happy. It seems that getting along during this period of time is still very useful, at least Xiao Yu has a good impression of her now.

"Master Xiao, don't worry, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Before leaving, she glanced at Xiao Yu uneasy, and when she met his handsome face, Jiang Yan blushed quietly.

Thinking that Xiao Yu would become her husband in the near future, Jiang Yan could hardly control her heartbeat, worried that she would lose face in front of Xiao Yu, so she quickened her pace and left the room.

After Jiang Yan left, the smile on Xiao Yu's face gradually faded, and he reached out and tapped on the table a few times, and suddenly a figure appeared in front of him, "Master."

"Well, is there any result?" Xiao Yu took the book on the side and flipped through a few pages at random, then threw it aside.

He has never been interested in this kind of talk about love and love.

The dark guard told everything about Jiang Yan that he found out.

"You said she had been wandering by that river before my accident?" Xiao Yu sat up instantly, staring at the hidden guard with dim eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

"That's right, Ms. Jiang goes there every day and stays for a whole day. Because of her strange behavior, many villagers have the impression of her."

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

Xiao Yu closed her eyes, and recalled all the things she had with Jiang Yan in her mind. What she thought was normal before was now magnified, and it turned out to be a bit unusual.

It seems... Jiang Yan approached him on purpose, for a certain purpose, but he doesn't know it yet.

He originally thought that Jiang Yan belonged to the prime minister, but according to the secret guard, she has never been out of Qingyu Village, so it is impossible for her to have any contact with people in the capital.

Then where did she know his identity?Even know where he died.

These questions surrounded Xiao Yu like clouds of fog, which made him puzzled, and he did not dare to relax his vigilance at all.

"Just now Jiang Yan said that she has something urgent to do, do you know where she went?"

The secret guard hesitated for a moment, and then expressed his guess: "A major event happened in the village today. The subordinates think that it may be related to the urgent matter that Miss Jiang said. The second child of the Su family wants to separate from the Su family, but the old lady means It’s okay to separate the family, but the relationship must be completely severed, and now the village chief is writing a 'severance agreement' to be a witness for them."

Xiao Yu's mind moved, "Could the Su family you're talking about be..."

The hidden guard nodded, "That's right, it's the home of the peasant girl who saved the master, and the second son of the Su family is her father."

After the explanation from the dark guard, Xiao Yu immediately understood where Jiang Yan's previous nervousness came from.

Probably because he was worried that he would recognize that Su family peasant girl as his real savior, and that her lies would be exposed on the spot.

Although he really wanted to expose Jiang Yan's trick immediately, but until he finds out the secret about her, it's better for him to hold back for the time being.

After he figured it out, he waved to the dark guard, "Go and do something for me..."

The Su family at this time.

After the village chief wrote the last word, he put down his pen, and when he looked up, he found that there were people gathered around him.

He raised his hand and coughed lightly, just as he was about to drive them away, he caught a glimpse of the over-excited expressions of Mrs. Su and Su Ying from the corner of his eye.

After thinking about it, he finally said nothing.

A large number of people is a good thing for Su Yan and the others.

Seeing the village chief stop writing, old man Su stepped forward with excitement, "Village chief, have you finished writing?"

"That's right." The village chief glanced at the villagers outside the door, and raised his voice a little higher, "It just so happens that there are so many people present today, everyone will be a witness. Su Yan voluntarily separated from the Su family, and the Su family also Proposed to sever ties with Su Yan, from now on Su Yan will no longer be part of the Su family, and will have nothing to do with the Su family."

"You really want to sever the relationship!"

"Madam Su and old man Su are really cruel, the second child is such a good person, even if he says no, he won't!"

There were discussions from the villagers outside the door, but they were all saying that the old man Su was not good, and the faces of the two became more and more ugly after hearing this.

Su Ying didn't care about this, he rubbed his hands and went up to ask the village chief, "The village chief, now the second brother, no, Su Yan and the others have nothing to do with my family?"

The village head cast a glance at him, and said angrily, "What's the rush? Since we want to sever the relationship, we should give Su Yan some silver as compensation. I've done the math, and ten taels of silver is the most appropriate."

(End of this chapter)

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