Chapter 325 Farmer Girls Are Not Easy To Mess With (15)

Su Yan and the others quickly found the courtyard at the foot of the mountain, just after pushing open the door, they stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

Perhaps it was because of the rumors before that this yard has been untouched for a long time, and weeds are overgrown inside, especially the grass in the yard is as tall as half a person!
Everyone frowned, how could people live in this yard with so many weeds?
Just as he was about to persuade Su Yan to live in another place, he saw that he had already taken out his scythe and started cutting the weeds on the ground.

Seeing this, several people also put the package on the ground, took out their tools and walked over to help.

Zhao Xiaowan glanced at the courtyard, thinking that after all, this is where he will live in the future, so he also planned to help.

"Mu Mu, you and Tong Tong Xixi stay here first, and we will live in after parents clean up the yard."

Su Mu nodded, "Okay, mother, go to work, I will take care of Tong Tong and Xi Xi."

"Okay." Zhao Xiaowan confidently joined Su Yan and the others with the tools.

Fortunately, they took a lot of tools when they left Su's house, otherwise it would have taken a while.

After she left, Su Mu lowered his head to look at his younger siblings. The two obviously didn't know how today's events had changed for them. Their eyes were still ignorant, and they held on to Su Mu's clothes tightly.

Su Mu remembered the tragic experience of the two in the last life, and this time she would never let Su Tong and Su Xi end up like that again.

Several people worked for more than half an hour before they cleaned up the weeds in the courtyard and the house.

Out of gratitude to them, Zhao Xiaowan found the bacon that had been hidden for a long time from the package, and divided it into four parts for several people.

"Thank you for your help today. I don't have anything valuable at home. This is my own bacon. I hope you don't dislike it."

A few people quickly waved their hands and shied away. They helped Su Yan because they had a good relationship, and they had just been kicked out, and they didn't have many things. How dare they take these away again!

"Sister-in-law, let's take it back. We all volunteered to help. After all, Brother Yan and we grew up together. Aren't you cheating on us?"

"That's right, sister-in-law, you and Brother Yan are having a hard time, and we can't do anything else to help, so we can only move things and weed."

When Zhao Xiaowan heard what they said, she felt even more sorry for a while, and insisted on letting them accept it.

A few people couldn't hold her back, so they had to accept it, thinking that they would treat brother Yan and sister-in-law better in the future!
As it was approaching the time to go to the field, they were afraid that no one would be found at home, so they did not dare to stay for a long time. After saying hello to Su Yan and Zhao Xiaowan, they hurried back to the village.

Zhao Xiaowan didn't let Su Mu and the others in, but led them in after cleaning up the courtyard with Su Yan.

Looking at the brand-new courtyard, several people nodded silently, this is indeed a good place to live.

This is not a big courtyard. There are three rooms in total, two for housing and one for kitchen, but it is enough for their family.

Perhaps it was because it was built too early, and some tiles on the roof have fallen off. Su Yan planned to go to the back mountain to find some stones to simply repair it.

Zhao Xiaowan took Su Mu and Tong Tong Xixi to clean up the room together. Because Tong Tong and Xixi were young, Zhao Xiaowan let them sleep in the same room with him when they were in Su's house. Same.

But when she saw the bed for two people to sleep on, she looked distressed, what should she do now!
At this time, Su Mu came from the next room and saw her staring at the bed in a daze, how could she not know what she was thinking, and immediately said: "Mother, you can let Xixi sleep with me, that bed is so important to me. It's a bit too big, as for Tong Tong... Later, I can ask Dad to find some wood to widen the bed to accommodate another person, and Tong Tong will sleep with his parents temporarily."

"fair enough."

This is also a good way. Tong Tong is still young and can still sleep with them. If he is older, he must build another house.

When Su Yan came back, Zhao Xiaowan immediately told him about Su Mu's proposal, and Su Yan naturally agreed. He put down the stone slab and turned to look for suitable wood on the mountain.

The whole family is busy with this new home, after all, this is where they will live in the future.


"Master, your order has been completed, but when I came back, I heard something. Miss Su's family moved to the yard at the foot of the mountain. It is said that there are ghosts there."

"Ghosts?" Xiao Yu sneered, "Someone must be playing tricks. If ghosts really appeared, why is Jiang Yan still safe and sound?"

Jiang Yan's residence is the closest to the courtyard at the foot of the mountain. If there are ghosts, she should be the first to be affected, but not only is she not affected at all, but her life is getting better and better, and she can even find a lot of ginseng.

It can be seen from this that it is impossible to believe that there are ghosts in that yard, but it is feasible to scare some timid people.

"Then this subordinate will send the things to Miss Su now?"

"Well, just say thank you for saving my life, don't reveal my identity."

"My subordinate understands."

"Then you go, it's time for Jiang Yan to come back." Xiao Yu closed her eyes, raised her hand and waved lightly, and the room returned to silence in the next second.

But not long after, a voice sounded outside the door: "Young Master Xiao, have you fallen asleep? Can I come in?"

Xiao Yu suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the door, the light in his eyes flashed away, he rubbed the teacup on the table in his hands a few times, and then said softly: "Come in."

Jiang Yan didn't hear any sound outside the door, she thought Xiao Yu had already fallen asleep and was about to turn around and leave, when she heard his voice from inside, she immediately opened the door and walked in.

After entering the door, before she could open her mouth, she heard Xiao Yu ask: "Miss Jiang's urgent matter has been taken care of?"

Jiang Yan was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that she used this as an excuse when she went out, and hurriedly responded vaguely, "It has been dealt with, thank you Mr. Xiao for your concern."

"That's good." Xiao Yu nodded, and then turned her head to look out the window, "It's been half a month since I was rescued by Ms. Jiang, and my parents must be very worried about me. I can go home today, thanks to Miss Jiang, I should repay your 'kindness' no matter what."

Xiao Yu deliberately emphasized the word 'graciousness', but unfortunately Jiang Yan was so immersed in joy that she didn't hear it.

When Jiang Yan heard that he was going home, Jiang Yan's heart skipped a beat. She finally waited for this moment!

Restraining her joy, she quickly waved her hands in a pretentious manner and said: "Young Master Xiao, you are serious. I didn't do anything. How can I ask you to repay me? But if you leave, I will be left alone at home. Thinking about it, I really don't feel used to it. "

Xiao Yu lowered her head and pondered for a while, then Fang asked, "I wonder if Miss Jiang would like to live in another place?"

Immediately, Jiang Yan's eyes lit up, and she nodded her head, "Of course I am willing."

(End of this chapter)

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