Chapter 37 Holographic Online Games (1)

Su Mu opened his eyes again, and found that it was no longer the familiar room, and there was still a sense of loss.

Having been with Fu Jing for so long in the previous life, she was already used to his presence, and she felt a little uncomfortable leaving suddenly.

But she quickly stabilized her mind, sat up, and began to look around her surroundings.

This is an extremely simple and bright room, decorated only in black and white, the room is large, but there are not many things, only a big bed, sofa, desk and what looks like a cabin under her.

Su Mu rubbed his dizzy head, got up and got out of the cabin, and threw himself on the bed.

Her body sank into the soft bed, her breathing gradually slowed down, as if she was about to fall asleep in the next second.

At this moment, Yaoyao's voice came from her mind, scaring away all her drowsiness in an instant.

{Ding dong, master, I noticed that you have reached a new plane, Yaoyao transmitted the memory of the original owner to you, do you want to receive it now? }
Su Mu stroked his more painful head, nodded, {accepted. }
The world she is in now has a more developed civilization and more advanced technology, but the most popular ones are holographic games.

Holographic games allow users to personally experience the fun of the game through the game cabin, where all the tactile sensations are real, like being in another small world, which makes people want to indulge in it.

Whether they are students or staff, they all like to log in to the game in their spare time, whether it is enjoying the scenery or doing tasks, it is a new way of relaxation for them.

And "Xianyuan" is the most popular holographic game at present. Not only the costumes and props, but also the beautiful scenery and game experience are better than other games, so it attracted countless game lovers to patronize as soon as it was launched.

Su Mu is like this. On the surface, she is the big lady of the consortium, aloof and withdrawn, but in the game, she is just a thirtieth-level nanny with bad hands.

Su Mu played this game purely by chance, after accidentally clicking on the promotional video and watching it, she was moved to this idea.

Asking her brother to send her a new game cabin that the company just developed, she started her black hand...

No matter how other people opened the heaven-defying weapons and equipment, she could only open one item, and those who did not believe in evil opened it ten times, but the number of items increased from one to eleven.

Corresponding to her is the heroine Cheng Yiyi, but in any box, she can use those hands that turn decay into magic to open heaven-defying equipment. For this reason, she was also named "European Emperor" in the game. Go crazy with countless gangs and squads.

Who would think that he has less equipment against the sky?What's more, it is a perpetual motion machine.

It's just that in the end, the male lead took the lead.

The male protagonist is named Luo Mingyang, a rich man who founded a gang in the game called Tianwai Feixian, and he is the leader of the gang.

It is worth mentioning that Su Mu is also in this sect. Although she is only a low-level novice nanny, everyone in the gang knows that she is not short of money, so there is no shortage of people who want to establish a good relationship with her.

Su Mu has a good relationship with the people in the gang, and he joined the gang leader's team several times during the period, so he has some contact with him.

The holographic game can adjust the appearance. You can enter the game with the original appearance, or you can choose to adjust it up or down. In order to avoid being recognized, the original owner chose to adjust the appearance down by 80.00%. The current appearance can only be regarded as delicate and smart.

The male and female protagonists choose to enter the game with their original appearance. In this game full of handsome men and beautiful women, their appearance is not outstanding, but when everyone knows that it is their original appearance, they become popular.

Luo Mingyang himself drew Cheng Yiyi into the sect because of her European emperor physique, but as he got along longer and longer, he was gradually attracted by her innocence and loveliness, and he fell into it and couldn't extricate himself.

Soon he started chasing his wife. Almost everyone in the game could tell that he liked Cheng Yiyi, but the hostess still treated him as a good friend.

I don't know if she really doesn't know the other party's intentions, or if she pretends not to know.

Su Mu, as the little princess of the consortium family, is the object that countless people want to curry favor with, and these people of course include the Luo family. She was surprised for a while when she saw Luo Mingyang's appearance similar to that of the gang leader, but was misunderstood that she liked it On the other side, the Luo family was even more proud of it.

Knowing that the Luo family and the Su family have cooperated, Su Mu didn't explain it. She just thanked Luo Mingyang for taking care of her in the game. After all, she doesn't like to owe favors to others.

The Luo family didn't know what she was thinking, and they sent Luo Mingyang over many times to invite her to go out together. After getting along many times, Su Mu found that he didn't reject him, and that the other party was very considerate and thoughtful, and never did unnecessary things.

Until the two met Cheng Yiyi, who was working part-time, she looked at them in disbelief. Even though Luo Mingyang explained to her many times that he and Su Mu were just a family partnership, the other party still didn't believe her and chose to escape.

Su Mu didn't take this trivial matter to heart, but she didn't expect that when she logged into the game the next day, everyone was saying that she was a mistress, meddling in the relationship between Cheng Yiyi and Luo Mingyang, and even those who were friendly to her before, He also changed his face in an instant, and said unbearable words in his mouth.

Su Mu never logged into that game again, and the cooperation between the Luo family and the Su family ended early. She, Luo Mingyang and Cheng Yiyi had nothing to do with each other. I just heard that the Luo family had an extra daughter-in-law, who looked very ordinary. .

Su Mu rubbed his temples for a while, and his dizziness improved.

Through memory, she knew that the reason for this symptom was because she stayed in the game cabin for a long time, and she didn't have enough rest.

Instead of getting up from the bed, she closed her eyes and put her hand on her forehead.

{What is this mission? }
{The mission of the original owner is to enjoy the game and stop meddling in the affairs between Luo Mingyang and Cheng Yiyi. }
{Ok. }
Su Mu's voice gradually softened, and his mind gradually emptied, and he couldn't even remember what he answered, so he just fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, she was awakened by a knock on the door.

"Miss, are you awake? Lunch is ready, are you eating in the house or downstairs?" The servant Zhang Ma's voice came from outside the door.

After moving his stiff body, Su Mu looked at the game cabin not far away, and replied to the door: "Mother Zhang, please bring it here, I will eat in the room today."

"Okay, miss." Zhang Ma replied, and the footsteps gradually disappeared, probably going downstairs to prepare meals.

After eating, her slightly pale face finally returned to rosy.

Having enough food, drink and energy, Su Mu lay back in the game cabin again, ready to experience the gameplay of this game.

Since the original owner's task is to play the game well, her current level is definitely not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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