Chapter 50 Holographic Online Games (14)

Only then did Tang Xin look straight at Mu Rusu, "Is this the teammate you are looking for, Brother Xi Chuan? Isn't her level too low? And she is a nanny, how can I be useful?"

Although she didn't show it on the face, the disgust in her tone was not hard to hear.

Su Mu was not angry at all when she heard this. To her, what the other party said was the truth, and with her current strength, she was indeed not worthy of Mo Yan and the others.

Sensing a few taps on her arm, she turned her head to look, and saw Mo Yan looking at her worriedly.

She shook her head slightly at Mo Yan, indicating that she was fine and she was not so fragile.

Seeing that no one refuted it, Tang Xin felt that she was right in thinking so.

"Brother Xichuan, and other brothers, even if you want to find teammates, you must find a level that is worthy of you! With her level, she will definitely hold you back!"

Mo Yan retorted her in a cold voice, "Although Rusu's rank is low, she has been trying her best to help us regain blood throughout the whole process. You are a high rank, but what else can you do other than hold back?"

Tang Xin was satirized by him so face-to-face, and felt a little uncomfortable, especially in front of her competitors.

If she had no other purpose, she would definitely turn around and leave.

But thinking of the bonus that was enough for her to squander a year, she stopped abruptly.

She lowered her head and sobbed softly, "Brother Mo Yan was really angry with me before? I'm not feeling well and can't exercise vigorously, so..."

"Yes, you are always uncomfortable when you are fighting, but every time you open the box and expose the best things, your actions don't look like something is wrong at all." Dong Liu couldn't bear it anymore.

"I was..."

"Besides, you are a mage, you only need long-range attacks, and you don't need strenuous exercise at all. Even if you can find a suitable reason, I won't look down on you so much!"

Tang Xin's face turned red, and she suppressed her anger, "Brother Mo Yan, you are sure you want this newcomer and not me, right? Anyway, we have formed a team together for half a month."

"Well, get out." Mo Yan didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore.

"Okay, you guys don't want me first, don't regret it in the future!"

After the harsh words, Tang Xin disappeared in place, and Dong Liu and Hot Beauty also regained their courage and returned to their original positions.

"I almost got entangled again. I'm really annoyed. Speaking of which, Xi Chuan is all to blame for this."

"That's right, if it wasn't for that idiot, how could we have gotten into such trouble!"

Xi Chuan, who was accused by Dongliu and Hot Beauty, didn't refute it, and admitted his mistake frankly, "It's my fault. I didn't know people clearly, and I caused trouble for everyone. I'm sorry."

None of them expected that Xi Chuan would take the initiative to apologize, which caught them off guard.

"It's okay, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't know how good Rusu is." Mo Yan made a pun, not only comforting Xi Chuan, but also praising Mu Rusu.

"That's right, knowing Miss Sister is our greatest blessing!"

"Me too." Su Mu really felt that he was very lucky to be able to form a team with them.

"Damn it!" Xi Chuan suddenly cursed angrily.

"what happened again?"

"It's Tang Xin, she posted the chat video with the boss just now to the world, and now everyone is raping the boss online!" Xi Chuan turned up the world chat page to show them, "I knew this Tang Xin would definitely not be so straightforward leave!"

[Tang Xin: It's right to say that people take tea to cool down, but after leaving for a few days, my team is no longer my team, and my brothers have also become other people's brothers. 】

Her statement is accompanied by a screenshot and two videos below.

It has been 20 days since the date of the screenshot. It was Tang Xin who was pulled into the team, and everyone else sent the word welcome.

The first video was ten days ago. In the video, she called everyone's brother sweetly and asked them to give her the fashions they unpacked. Mo Yan gave her without saying a word.

The second video was just now. She asked Mo Yan if he wanted a newcomer instead of her, and finally got Mo Yan's "get out".

As soon as this video came out, players all over the world exploded.

Mo Yan is like a god to these players. Although he looks mediocre, he has incredible operational strength. He is invincible in command and battle, and he is usually taciturn, so he has many fans.

But what did they see?Mo Yan spoke rudely to a female player and a former teammate!This somewhat disappoints them.

Fallen Beast: Sure enough, the Great God only exists in my imagination, I have successfully unfollowed, and will never love again.

All over the sky and stars: I think it's better not to talk too much before seeing the facts, maybe there will be a reversal later!

Gummy Candy: What can be reversed?I have said long ago that these people on the list are very arrogant, but you just don’t believe it, now that the hard evidence is out, are you still lying to yourself?
Tota Li: Don’t you all think that this girl has problems too?As girls, I can understand Mo Yan's choice, but I can't get along with her temperament.

Little sloppy: Finally someone said it, I thought I was the only one who found this problem.

Gummy Candy: Miss Sister is cute and cute, I believe what she said, I think you are probably jealous of Miss Sister!
Tota Lee: Jealous of her?Miss Ben can get whatever she wants, why should she be jealous of bean sprouts like her?
Tang Xin was furious at the word "bean sprouts". If she hadn't forced her poor character to be raped now, she would not have let this person go so easily!

When the players in the world were arguing endlessly over the collapse of the Great Master, Xi Chuan posted a complete splicing video, with no trace of PS, and only 5 minutes long, but it thoroughly exposed the actions of Tang Xin's villain.

They paddled the whole way during the fight, scrambled for the best treasure when opening the box, chatted with a few people indirectly asking for money, and suddenly went offline 3 minutes before the dungeon opened, so they had to find someone to make it up temporarily.

Xi Chuan only posted the video and did not speak, but those who watched the video understood their grievances.

Starry Sky: What did I say?Don't talk too much, it turns out that it is right to wait.

Tota Li: Oh my god, I feel so sorry for the teammates of the great gods. I still don’t get angry after being squeezed for so long. If it were me, would I just let her go on the first day?

Little sloppy: I'm ashamed to sue the world, I really think everyone is blind!Tell you, our eyes are bright!Just one glance can tell you have a problem.

Seeing the wind direction change, Xi Chuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, every time I pass the dungeon, I will save the customs clearance video, otherwise, wouldn't I have to suffer from being dumb this time?"

"You have finally done something reliable and deserve praise!"

Hearing this, Xi Chuan cast a glance to the east, "Hmph, do you need to say it?"

(End of this chapter)

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