Chapter 60 Holographic Online Games (24)

Li Jungang finished comforting Cheng Yiyi, when he suddenly heard this, he frowned, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yueyue wiped away her tears, with a relieved smile on her face, "I'm serious, let's break up, I'm tired."

Spend her whole youth to accompany a person who doesn't love her, she can't love her anymore.

"Then break up, just don't regret it!" Li Jun replied casually, not knowing what he would lose.

"Junzi, Yueyue broke up with you because of me, let's go and apologize to her together? She loves you so much, she will definitely forgive you." Cheng Yiyi tugged at the corner of Junzi's clothes and persuaded softly road.

"Don't worry about it, let her go!" Thinking of Yueyue's words just now, Li Jun just felt bored.

He couldn't help thinking, if Yiyi was his girlfriend, he wouldn't have to worry about it.

It's a pity that Yiyi and the leader are just a couple.

Li Jun suppressed the sudden thoughts in his heart, and returned to Luo Mingyang with Cheng Yiyi.

"Help Master."

"Ming Yang."


Looking at the disorganized team in front of him, Luo Mingyang felt a little tired. If it wasn't for the fact that the roster could not be changed, he would have changed without saying a word.

"I'm going out to take a breath. You should reflect on yourself first. I don't want the next game to be like this."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Yiyi was ready to follow, but was stopped by Luo Mingyang, "You just stay here and think about it, after all, this matter is all because of you."

Cheng Yiyi bit her lip and looked at him, eyes full of disbelief, "Ming Yang, do you also think it's my fault?"

Luo Mingyang didn't reply, only leaving her a back view of turning around and leaving.

Yueyue's gloating voice followed, "It seems that the leader of the gang is also an upright person, so you are the only one who thinks you are right? Ah, no, there is also the person next to you, the evidence is already in front of you. If I want to be blind, I can’t do anything.”

"Yueyue, how can you think of me so much? I said it was because I was too flustered. How can you not believe me?"

Yueyue rolled her eyes, not wanting to pay attention to the people immersed in her own world.

It's the same reason that it's hard to wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. Cheng Yiyi believes that she is innocent. Even if other people say too much, she doesn't listen, and she always believes that she is right.

Seeing that Yueyue ignored her, Cheng Yiyi became even more angry. Since playing this game, she has always been popular everywhere. When did she receive this kind of treatment?

Immediately ignoring what Luo Mingyang said to let her stay in the room to reflect, she opened the door and left the room, she couldn't stay here for a second!

Seeing this, Li Jun hurried to catch up and left behind her.

Seeing this scene, Yueyue was expressionless, but her heart was getting colder and colder, and she couldn't help laughing at herself.

Look, this is the man you have loved for 18 years, he can easily abandon you, a green plum, for a woman he just met, how pitiful...

After Cheng Yiyi left the room, she ran aimlessly, passed through the rooms of many players, and returned to the event hall, where many people had already gathered.

Her sudden appearance did not attract the attention of these people, because they were all watching the big screen in the center intently.


"Yiyi, where are you?"

Cheng Yiyi's body trembled suddenly, she turned around and saw Li Jun running towards her with a relieved smile on her face.

But now she doesn't care about Li Jun at all, because just now, the moment her name was heard, the quiet hall became restless for a moment, like a drop of water dripping into a hot oil pan.

"Hey, hey, look, that girl is Yiyi Niaoyiao, right? Thanks to the fact that I had a good impression of her in the game before, I didn't expect to do such a thing!"

"That's right, it's her. I heard that she looks the same as the one in the game. She looks so good-looking, but why is her heart so vicious? She really can't be judged by her appearance!"

"It's hard to disagree. My best friend still regards Yiyi Niaoyao as a goddess. I don't know if she will explode in place if she sees this scene. She is really speechless."

"You don't need to say that about her. I think in that situation, everyone would want to protect themselves, but she did something that others didn't dare to do."

"To put it simply, it's pure fear of death, right? I really feel sorry for that soldier. In order to protect two selfish people, I don't even have time to drink the blood recovery potion."

"I agree, if it were me, I wouldn't bother to care about them! I'm here to compete, not to take care of the eldest lady."

Hearing these words, Cheng Yiyi's face turned pale and her figure trembled slightly.

Only then did she realize something bad had happened.

"Xianyuan" is very popular with many players, and this game is the first time that "Xianyuan" holds an offline event. There will only be more people watching the event.

Does that mean that her performance in the game has been seen by more people?

Although she could explain, how many people would believe her?Will everyone think like Yueyue that she did that on purpose?

Thinking that after returning to the game, other players would look at her strangely, she hurriedly covered her head, and kept muttering, "No, no."

She finally got to this point, not only has the unique koi luck, but also has a rich second-generation boyfriend like Luo Mingyang, she can't lose everything now!
Yes, this is the best now, she can't lose, she has to find a way...

Li Jun walked over and saw that she looked a little crazy, and couldn't help but worry, "Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing him, Cheng Yiyi seemed to see hope, she held on to Li Jun's clothes tightly, "Li Jun, help me, I can't lose everything now."

Before Li Jun could reply, she shook her head again and let go of him, "No, I shouldn't beg you, I should go to Mingyang, only he can help me, yes, I'm going to go to Mingyang."

Cheng Yiyi's eyes lit up, she pushed Li Jun away, and walked towards their player's room.

Seeing her in such a state, Li Jun was a little worried. He was about to raise his heels, but he heard the voices talking about Yiyi in the hall.

Hearing their malicious slander, and Yiyi's state just now, he couldn't help feeling a little resentful, these talkative mother-in-laws!
Seeing that they were talking too much, Li Jun couldn't bear it anymore, "Have you said enough? Yiyi only made such a mistake because she was too flustered. She has already blamed herself very much, what more do you want from her!"

Seeing everyone stunned, he continued: "Yiyi's teammates have already forgiven her, so what are you worrying about here?"

After speaking, without looking at their reactions, he turned around and chased after Cheng Yiyi.

After a long time, no one spoke.

"Isn't a gentleman the moon's boyfriend?"

(End of this chapter)

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