Chapter 64 Holographic Online Games (28)

Everyone didn't dare to show their anger, because they didn't dare to challenge Young Master Su's authority.

However, there are some people who are not able to use their brains, "Young Master Su, shouldn't you explain your relationship with her to us? We work so hard but we are not as good as a shameless girl. We refuse to accept it!"

He is the No.2 team member. Although he is No.2, the prizes are far from No.1. He has always been unwilling, but now he finally found a chance.

Jealousy has made him lose his mind.

"Don't accept it? So what if you don't accept it! Then you have to hold back!" Su Qi looked at the man coldly, raised his lips and sneered, "Because she is our little princess, my younger sister Su Mu."

Everyone was shocked, they never knew that Su Qi had a younger sister.

"how can that be?"

Fang Xin didn't want to believe it, the other party was obviously someone with the same impure thoughts as her, how could she suddenly become Su Qi's own sister?
If these were true, wouldn't everything she just did become a joke?
The team member who had the same thought as her was already trembling uncontrollably, and his back was wet with sweat.

What did he just say?He even said that Young Master Su's sister has no shame, he is finished!
But the worst was yet to come, Su Qi walked up to him, "You mean our little princess has no shame?"

The coolness around him was enough to freeze the team member to death, and the team member hurriedly knelt down tremblingly and begged for mercy, "Young Master Su, I speak without thinking, I speak badly, I hope you and Miss Su don't talk to me. General knowledge."

It is said that a man has gold under his knees, but he has to kneel. Their family's economic lifeline is still in the hands of the Su family, and he cannot gamble with their family's future.

One misstep has caused eternal hatred, and now his intestines are green from hatred!

Su Qi just glanced at his badge, and said lightly, "Is that Li Yan? I remember it."

After Su Qi left, Li Yan fell to the ground in a daze. He knew that because of his words, the whole family would suffer together with him.

Su Qi walked up to the awards platform, and the staff handed over a microphone very perceptively.

Looking at the players who had calmed down their anger, he said lightly, "Although Mumu is my younger sister, it is their own efforts that her team got No.1, whether you admit it or not. In addition, this The competition was originally held for Mu Mu's happiness, I don't need your approval, the awards ceremony is over here."

After finishing speaking, Su Qi threw the microphone to the staff and stepped off the stage to see his sister.

"Brother, you were so handsome just now!" Su Mu praised him without hesitation.

Su Qi smiled instantly and rubbed his sister's hair.

Seeing that his sister was still hiding in the brat's arms, he immediately dragged her out angrily and took her away.

Su Mu looked back at Qin Mo while walking, she reached out and pulled Su Qi's clothes, "Brother, I still have something to say."

Su Qi stopped, "Then say it here."

"..." She wanted to confess her heart to Qin Mo, but what would she say in front of so many people?
Seeing her embarrassment, Su Qi pretended not to notice, "What's the matter, Mu Mu? Don't you have something to say? If you're afraid, you can tell Big Brother, and Big Brother will help you."

Su Mu supported his forehead, forced a smile and said, "It's okay, bro, let's go back."

She didn't believe that Su Qi didn't know what she wanted to do, it seemed that she had to find another chance next time.

Seeing Susu being taken away, but he couldn't catch up, Qin Mo felt a little dry.

He knew that Su Qi felt that he was not worthy of Susu, and since he guessed Susu's identity, he also had this thought.

But so what?That's the motivation to keep going.

It is absolutely impossible for him to give up Susu!

He kept comforting himself, just wait...

The offline competition of "Xianyuan" became popular. Although the final awards ceremony was destroyed, no one denied that Qin Mo and others were No.1. After all, the players watched their competition process.

This competition not only made Yiyi Niaoyao and Tang Xin angry, but Qin Mo and Su Mu were the most popular.

Yiyi's performance disappointed the players who liked her very much, and what was even more disappointing was that she ignored the overall situation, causing Mingyue Kejin and the others to lose their easy-to-get No.2 in vain.

During this period of time, she finally realized what it was like to be isolated. In the past, when she was in a gang, she was always surrounded by many people, and everyone would try to please her, just for her to agree to form a team with them.

Looking at it now, she stays in the gang all day, but only Junzi is willing to talk to her. Those people would rather team up with the moon than look for her.

This not only puzzled her, but also made her wronged. Obviously, she and Yue Yue made the same mistake, so why should everyone only isolate her?

Obviously, she didn't realize her mistake at all.

"Gentleman, how can they do this? They tried their best to make friends with me before, but now they turn a blind eye to me. I have already admitted my mistakes. Why can't they forgive me?"

As Yiyiyouyou's loyal supporter, Junzi naturally couldn't see her being sad, "Don't be sad, Yiyi, they are all white-eyed wolves. When the leader returns, he will definitely drive these people out!"

Yiyi nodded curtly, "Yes, when Mingyang comes back, he will definitely avenge me."

Although she and Ming Yang had some troubles, she knew that Ming Yang would not abandon her. After all, he had promised her to be Mrs. Luo.

Every time she thinks of this, she can't bear the excitement in her heart. The wealthy circle that she dreamed of entering is only one step away from her now, and she will never give up no matter what!

Little did they know that at this time Luo Mingyang didn't have any extra thoughts to care about her.

Ever since the Su family rejected their proposal, he has focused on winning No.1 in the competition. Although he tried hard enough, he failed to seize the opportunity, which disappointed Grandpa Luo and Father Luo very much.

Luo's mother walked into her son's room with the food, and seeing his thinning face, she couldn't help sighing, "Yangyang, you really disappointed your grandfather and father this time. , but you, alas."

Luo Mingyang felt very uncomfortable at this time, he knew that his father and the others put all their hopes on him, how confident he was before the game, how much he regretted it now!

"It's all my fault. It's my fault for not thinking well enough. I ruined my last hope. It's all my fault." He kept scratching his head in remorse. It would have been great if he had been more serious in selecting candidates.

Luo's mother hugged him distressedly, "I can't blame you for this matter, it's your grandfather and father who are too ambitious, how can we imagine the Su family? When they wake up from their dreams, the Luo family will be stable." gone."

(End of this chapter)

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