Chapter 72 Beware of Protons (3)

Three days later, Su Mu's body was basically healed, and it was time to listen to his grandmother and go to the temple to pray for blessings.

After having breakfast with her grandmother, she remembered that she hadn't informed Su Rou about it.

"Qinghe, you go to the side courtyard and tell Rourou that we are going to pray later and meet at the door."

"Yes, Miss." Qing He took the order and left.

Qinghe and Chuntao are maidservants who grew up with Su Mu, but they have different personalities. Chuntao has a hot temper and can't hide things, while Qinghe has a calm temper and a delicate mind.

So this is also the reason why Su Mu always sends Qinghe to handle errands.

As soon as Qinghe left, Chuntao couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Miss, do you really want the second lady to go along to pray for blessings? This servant feels that she might not sincerely pray for you."

"I know."

"You know? Then why did the lady ask her to go with her?" Chuntao was anxious, isn't the lady just asking for trouble for herself?
Su Mu looked in the direction of the courtyard, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "Because I want to know what she is going to do."

Chuntao was relieved now, as long as the young lady can recognize the true face of the second young lady.

A quarter of an hour later, Su Mu came to the door accompanied by Chun Tao and Xia He.

Su Rou was already impatient with waiting. Seeing her coming, she couldn't help stabbing her, "Sister is really slow in coming. If I knew you came out so late, I would have come here later."

Before Su Mu could speak, an angry shout came from behind the two of them, "Who allowed you to talk to Mu'er like this?"

The two turned around to look, and saw Mrs. Su walking towards them supported by the nanny, with Prime Minister Su following behind.

"Grandma, Daddy." Su Mu immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Madam Su, father." Su Rou lowered her head and saluted unwillingly.

But in my heart I was filled with resentment: They are both Prime Minister Su's daughters, why can Su Mu call him daddy affectionately, but she can only call her father?Is it because of the damn concubine system?

Seeing her nondescript salute posture, Mrs. Su became even more angry, "Look at what your salute just now looked like? Is that what the mother at home taught you? Pray that you don't have to go, give me Learn manners at home!"

"No way!" Su Rou refused without even thinking about it, and she didn't realize it was wrong until she finished speaking.

This was in ancient times, and she is still just a concubine who no one wants, and she has no ability to fight against Mrs. Su.

She changed her mind, and immediately knelt down and bowed her head to admit her mistake, "Old Madam Su, forgive me for not following your arrangement, my sister is weak, and I also want to pray for my sister, hoping that she will recover soon."

Mrs. Su just looked at her and didn't agree or disagree, so Su Rou could only continue to kneel.

In fact, Mrs. Su doesn't believe a word of Su Rou's words. She has been in a high position for many years, and she has never seen any kind of person.

The unwillingness and jealousy in Su Rou's eyes never escaped her eyes.

The reason why the other party was not allowed to get up was to teach her a lesson and let her recognize her current situation.

Under such circumstances, Prime Minister Su was the first to feel distressed. He quickly walked over to help Su Rou up from the ground, and complained to Mrs. Su, "Mother, Rou'er is just a child, don't you think the punishment is too much?" Yet?"

Mrs. Su gave him a sideways look, "Shut up, you are the one who shouldn't talk, go back!"

Prime Minister Su's face changed, and he wanted to say something to refute, but because of his mother's majesty, he had to go back obediently.

Only then did Mrs. Su turn her eyes to Su Rou, "I can agree with you to go, but you'd better be honest, don't think about it, and remember your identity clearly."

Su Rou's hand hidden in her sleeve was clenched tightly, identity, identity again!

When she climbs to the supreme position, they will let them take a closer look at her identity!

Su Mu was deeply afraid that the excitement would be severe now, and Mrs. Su would notice something strange, so she proposed to leave.

Mrs. Su immediately held her hand reluctantly, "Mu'er, be careful on the road, grandma is waiting for you to come back in the mansion."

"Grandma, I'll be back as soon as possible."

After the promise, Su Mu and Su Rou left under the watchful eyes of Mrs. Su and Prime Minister Su, and the two carriages went out of the city one after the other.

Inside the carriage.

Chuntao's cheeks bulged slightly, and her face was full of anger, "Miss, Second Miss must have done it on purpose! She asked to walk in front of you, which shows that she doesn't care about you!"

Su Mu wrapped the cloak around her body with a calm expression, "Didn't she also say that she was protecting me?"

"But, that's also..."

It was because of this reason that Chuntao couldn't accept it. She felt that the second young lady clearly wanted to jump on the young lady's head.

"Okay Chuntao, if I'm so careless next time, I'll have someone else take care of me." Although Su Mu's voice was as gentle as usual, her tone was undeniable.

Chun Tao's heart tightened, and she immediately put away the expression on her face, "Miss, I know I was wrong, and there will be no next time."

"Okay, then trust you again, Qing He, remember."

"Yes, ma'am."

When the two got off the carriage, Qing He pulled Chun Tao aside.

"I think I really spoiled you, making you dare to say anything." Qing He frowned, and looked at her with unswerving eyes.

Chuntao lowered her head and explained in a low voice, "I just think that Miss Er is not innocent, and I am worried that Miss will be deceived by her, so I just want to remind Miss."

Hearing this, Qing He just reached out and poked her on the forehead, "It's so stupid! You can see things that you can see, but you think the lady can't see them? And your reminders sound more like instigation."

Chuntao's face turned pale, she thought about it carefully, and felt that Qing He was right.

The young lady is much smarter than her, so why would she need her reminder?
Seeing that she realized her mistake, Qing He sighed slightly, "It's good to know that it's wrong, some words are better kept in your stomach, the young lady doesn't like clever people the most."

"I remember it, and I will definitely correct it in the future." Chuntao nodded quickly to assure her.

As soon as the two of them got back to the carriage, a group of strong men dressed in coarse clothes sprang out from the grass not far away. They held weapons in their hands, and each of them was fierce and fierce-eyed.

When the leading strong man gave an order, all the people surrounded the two carriages. The servants of the Prime Minister's Mansion saw that something was wrong, and immediately drew out their weapons to fight the opponent.

It's a pity that these attendants were all raised and abandoned, and they didn't have much real talent and learning, so they were quickly knocked down by the other side.

Su Rou huddled in the corner of the carriage and covered her mouth fiercely, so as not to scream.

She knew that she would not be in danger, and soon the third prince would come to rescue them with his attendants, but it was the first time seeing such a bloody scene, and she still couldn't help but feel conflicted.

Just when she was about to escape, the curtain of the carriage was lifted from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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