Chapter 87 Beware of Protons (18)

"Are you questioning my decision?" Han Yu's expression didn't change, but his aura grew stronger, and he pressed down on An Er with all his might.

An Er's throat felt sweet at the moment, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, but he didn't dare to wipe it off, "This subordinate dare not."

At this moment, he was covered in cold sweat, and he regretted it even more. He wanted to defend Ouyang Yue, but he forgot that he was just a slave and had no right to intervene in his master's affairs.

It was he who was blinded by the lard for a moment and lost his composure.

When An Yi came back from dealing with the matter, he saw An Er kneeling on the ground, while the master looked at the handkerchief in his hand, not at all intending to make An Er get up.

He walked over, "Master."

Hearing this, Han Yu turned to look at him, "Is the matter settled?"

"Those pills have been placed in your house according to the master's instructions."

"Okay, let's go then." Han Yu folded the handkerchief carefully, stuffed it back on his chest, got up and left.

When he reached the door, he paused slightly, "An Er has a big heart, don't need to follow me from now on, go back to An Er to do things."

"Master!" Hearing this, An Er instantly raised his head with an expression of disbelief, but when he looked towards the door, he found that the master had already gone away.

He hurriedly got up to chase after him, but he knelt on the ground for too long, his legs had already lost feeling, and before he got up, his whole body had already fallen down.

An Yi hadn't left yet, seeing him like this, he quickly reached out to help him.

After helping him to sit on a stool beside him, he asked, "Tell me, what did you do or say to make the master so angry?"

Although they are the master's secret guards, the master never treats them as ordinary subordinates.

Even if it is usually ineffective, the master just turns a blind eye and closes one eye, and if it is serious, it is only a minor punishment, but this time the master wants to send the dark second back to the dark hall.

They were selected by the master from the dark hall, and they followed the master when they urinated, and they have been in love for ten years now.The master asked An Er to go back, which meant that An Er had done something that offended him and was abandoned.

Therefore, An Yi was very curious about what An Er said to his master after he left.

"An Yi, I was confused and made the master angry, can you intercede for me, I know I was wrong." An Er has not fully recovered until now, he does not want to believe that he was abandoned by the master.

"Tell me first what you have done."

Even if An Er retells exactly what he said before, including the master's reaction, he still listens to An Er without missing a single word.

"It deserves it!" If An Yi felt pitiful for An Er before, now he feels that he deserved everything.

He likes Ouyang Yue, and it's not wrong to want to please Ouyang Yue, but it's not the only way, but he is bold enough to lay his mind on his master, and even slander Su Mu in front of his master.

An Yi felt that An Er was stupid for the first time, and he was hopelessly stupid!

An Er didn't understand why An Yi was so angry, so he defended himself in a low voice, "I'm not all for Ouyang Miracle Doctor, I'm for the sake of my master. That Su Mu is nothing special, let alone compared with Ouyang Miracle Doctor, Even her younger sister Su Rou, she is no match, I really don't want my master to be entangled with such a person."

Speaking of the word 'Su Mu', An Er still had deep disgust on his face.

Seeing the expression on his face clearly, An Er only thought it was funny, "No matter how ordinary Su Mu is, she is also the daughter of the eldest princess, the niece of the current emperor, the princess Anmu of Anguo, and is loved by everyone. Identity despises her here?"

An Er frowned, staring at An Yi with some dissatisfaction, "An Yi, why are you speaking for her? Could it be that what I said is not the truth? What if the master is really entangled by her one day? Can you accept our proposal? Is the mistress such an ordinary person?"

An Yi raised his eyebrows, "Why not? Let's not say that she is not ordinary, even if she is ordinary, as long as the master likes it, I can naturally accept it. An Er, you are really as the master said, you have a big heart, yes It's not that I forgot my identity, but I want to reach out to take care of my master's affairs!"

"How dare I take care of my master's affairs? I'm just not worthy of my master. There are so many talented women in the world, why does he want to put his heart on Su Mu?"

"Don't you think we can't see your thoughts? You like Ouyang Miracle Doctor, but Ouyang Miracle Doctor likes Master, and you want to help her, so you stepped on her in front of Master, hoping to make Master change his mind, secretly, I I didn't know you were so generous."

Listening to An's dissecting his little thoughts one by one, An'er's face became more and more ugly, his eyes dodged, and he didn't dare to meet An's eyes, "I don't know what you are talking about, I am really for the master."

"Oh? For the sake of the master? If so, then you wouldn't say these words, because Miss Su is the only one who can save the master now."

An Er was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "An Yi, are you confused? That Su Mu doesn't know anything, she's just a young lady who doesn't go out of her way, what can she understand? You don't need such a genius doctor, but you are willing to trust a young lady, no wonder the master's condition has not improved until now."

When An Er said this, his eyes were mocking, mocking the ignorance of his master and An Er.

An Yi was not annoyed, but just curled his lips into a sneer, "Don't you know the reason why Master's condition hasn't improved?"

An Er was taken aback, "What should I know?"

"You kept saying that you were thinking of the master, so why didn't you see it? You didn't see that the medicine Ouyang gave the master was ineffective, and you didn't see that she was sent by the queen. If it wasn't so, the master's How can the condition not improve?"

"How is this possible? How could Miracle Doctor Ouyang do such a thing?" An Er shook his head frantically, he didn't believe it.

In his heart, Ouyang Yue is like the bright moon in the sky, pure and flawless.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that she would do such a thing!" As she spoke, she snorted coldly.

If it hadn't been for Ouyang's genius doctor being injured that day, he might not have believed it when he accidentally saw the bottle of elixir when he was helping Ouyang's genius doctor find the medicine.

For this reason, he also specially showed it to the genius doctor Gu Guzhu, and the result he got was: if he continued to take this elixir, it would only take a few years for his illness to be cured.

"The master will send her away in a few days, and you have regained your freedom. Don't you like her? Then I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years first." An Yi glanced at him with a half-smile, turned and left.

An Er hadn't recovered from the blow he received, so he didn't realize that An Er had left at all.

His face turned pale, he actually betrayed his master for Ouyang Yue.

No wonder the master wanted to abandon him...

(End of this chapter)

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