Chapter 90 Beware of Protons (21)

Su Mu and the others watched him walk towards Su Rou, and the three walked away together.

"Miss, how could Mr. Xiang do this? Does he still remember what occasion it was? How could he leave you alone?" Chuntao was about to go crazy.

I also felt aggrieved for her young lady. On such an important occasion, Xiangye left as soon as he said it. He didn't even think about where this would put the young lady. Isn't this putting the young lady's face under his feet?
She can already imagine how those snarky people will arrange their young lady after this spring hunting is over.

Master Xiang is really too much! !
"Chuntao." Su Mu glanced at the people around him, and at Chuntao.

Chuntao was still angry at this time, but she had to hold back, she couldn't cause trouble for the young lady.

Su Mu raised his hand and patted her shoulder twice, and said softly, "I'm fine, let's go."

After finishing speaking, she took the lead and walked in. Chuntao and Qinghe quickly followed after seeing this, and Mao Da followed behind the three of them, showing a protective posture.

Su Mu entered the arena by himself, and sure enough, many ministers heatedly discussed it. As soon as she found a place to sit down, she felt that everyone was looking at her.

Among them, Su Rou looked at her even more provocatively, but Su Mu just looked at her and then looked away, directly ignoring her, making Su Rou very angry.

What caught Su Mu's attention the most was the man sitting not far from her. He was dressed in black clothes and had picturesque features. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his appearance was peerless. He was holding a wine glass in his hand and was fascinated.

Perhaps sensing that someone was looking at him, the man suddenly raised his head, and Su Mu slammed into his black eyes.

She was slightly dazed, but saw the man raised the wine glass in his hand to her, and smiled slightly.

{Yaoyao, what does he mean?Using beauty tricks?Seduce me? }
Yaoyao was startled by her brain hole, and then flew into a rage in the next second, {How is that possible?How could the villain father do such a low-level thing, master, don't let your imagination run wild! }
{yes?But what he did before didn't seem to be advanced. }Stealing a handkerchief, no matter how you think about it, is not something normal people can do, right?

{...}Yaoyao was powerless to refute.

After Su Mu looked away, Han Yu withdrew his smile and continued to stare at the wine glass in his hand, but his mind had already drifted away.

He didn't come back to his senses until he heard the comments from the people around him.

"To let the little princess walk in by himself, Prime Minister Su really has the guts. Isn't he afraid that the Holy Majesty will blame him if he finds out?"

"Earlier, I heard that Prime Minister Su didn't like this daughter-in-law. I thought it was just a rumor in the market, but it turned out to be true. The princess is so outstanding, but he doesn't like it. It really is unclear."

"What do you know? No matter how good the princess is, he can't be better than wealth and power. You forgot that he also has a concubine, Su Rou? She has been able to show herself since she married the third prince. She is opening a shop and helping the third prince." The prince came up with the idea, it can be said that the third prince is able to be today thanks to her."

"It's no wonder that the third prince's performance was mediocre before, but he has made achievements recently. It turned out to be because of Concubine Su. Then it's no wonder that Prime Minister Su flattered Concubine Su so much. With the help of a talented woman like her, why should the Prime Minister's family worry about poor development?"

"It's a bit early to say this. I got some news here. Prime Minister Su intends to hand over the shops in the prime minister's mansion to Concubine Su to take care of them, but the princess objects, and Mrs. Su also intends to let the princess take care of them. Manage the entire Xiangfu."

"This... Mrs. Su is also confused. With the relationship of blood, the side concubine Su will definitely not refuse to help take care of those shops, but if it is in the hands of the princess, I think most likely she will only continue to lose money."

"Who said it wasn't! Earlier it was said that Prime Minister Su was blind, but now it seems that most of the blind are us. How do you choose? Is it the one or the third prince?"

"Here, although the crown prince is the destiny, who said that the destiny cannot be violated?"

Several other ministers nodded secretly, obviously agreeing with his words.

Han Yu listened to these words in silence, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth covered by the wine glass.

But soon, his black eyes turned slightly, looking at Prime Minister Su who was talking and laughing happily with the third prince, seeing him looking at Su Rou from time to time, smiling lovingly.

Really blind!
After a while, the emperor and queen came with the prince, but there was another prince beside him.

Su Mu saw that he looked familiar, like the man on the steed that he saw in the attic that day.

In the introduction of the emperor's uncle, she also learned the identity of the other party, actually the second prince of You Country, Han Xiao.

Unlike Han Yu, the unfavored eldest prince, Han Xiao was born to the empress, and was quite favored. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the defaulted next emperor.

But everyone also knows one thing, Han Yu's mother was the previous queen, she had just passed away, the emperor Youguo couldn't wait to make his beloved concubine the queen, and sent Han Yu to Anguo as a proton, it can be said that it is a little bit Nostalgia.

But these have nothing to do with Su Mu for the time being, she is still not clear about this matter.

After the emperor introduced Han Xiao, he talked about the spring hunting.

"Last year's spring hunting was won by the crown prince hunting a wild boar and a rare deer. I don't know if there is any change this year? There is a bear in this year's hunting ground. If anyone can hunt this bear back, then he will be the leader this time." The leader of the spring hunt."

The ministers exclaimed.

It's not because it's so easy to get the leader, but because the target is a bear.

You must know that the bear is a powerful beast, and its combat power is not weak. It is difficult for human strength to match it.

Although the crown prince and third prince's kung fu is good, it is difficult to subdue such a beast alone.

The emperor should know the truth, so what is the meaning of his actions?
Su Mu glanced at her cousin, and found that he was sitting there with a calm expression, not in a panic. She guessed that this should be a countermeasure that her uncle and the others came up with.

As soon as she retracted her gaze, she noticed a gaze falling on her face, that gaze was a little sticky, as if it wanted to eat her.

Her veil was taken off when she first entered, and although she also noticed many jealous or amazed eyes on the way, none of them disgusted her as much as this time.

Su Mu looked up, and saw Han Xiao staring at her face obsessively, and she saw in his eyes that he was bound to win.

She turned her eyes to the other side, unwilling to pay too much attention to Han Xiao.

When everyone decided to go, Han Xiao suddenly stood up and suggested, "Your Majesty An Guo, I think it's a bit monotonous to just hunt a bear."

"Then what does the prince of You country mean?" The emperor glanced at him, and his attitude was not enthusiastic.

"My palace sees that there are many female relatives present, why not join in together? I heard that there are female generals in Qi State. It can be seen that women are not inferior to men sometimes. Besides, there are several princes and generals to protect them. I think these female relatives will surely It's safe and sound, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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