Chapter 94 Beware of Protons (25)

With Han Yu around, Su Mu could finally rest for a while. She was pulled off the horse by Han Yu and sat down against the tree trunk. At this time, she was completely weak.

The horse didn't continue to run, but stood still.

Han Yu kept staring at the wound on her neck, which was not pleasing to the eye, "Where's your handkerchief? I'll wipe off the blood for you."

"Thank you." After thanking Su Mu, he went to touch the cuff, but it was empty.

It was only then that she remembered that she had changed clothes before entering the hunting ground, and the kerchief was probably still on the cuffs of that dress.

Seeing that she didn't move while touching her cuff, Han Yu couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

"The handkerchief may have been forgotten by the minister in the tent. Why don't you just leave it at that? The wound doesn't hurt anymore. You can just go back and ask the doctor to apply the medicine. Don't bother Han Zizi." She moved her neck slightly as she spoke. , seems to confirm what she said that the wound does not hurt.

Han Yu stared at her for a long time, finally couldn't hold back, took out a bright yellow handkerchief from his chest, and helped Su Mu wipe the blood on Su Mu's neck.

But when Su Mu saw the veil, her body froze, she stuttered and asked, "Han Zhizi, where did you get that veil you just took out?" ?”

Han Yu paused for wiping the bloody hand, tightened the handkerchief in his hand, and replied calmly, "I picked it up when I went out to relax. Miss Su has seen this handkerchief before?"

Very good, throwing the question back again, is this a plan to refuse to admit it?
Su Mu's face was reddish, and she said with some shame, "This handkerchief belongs to the court lady. To be honest, the handkerchief and veil of the court lady have been missing for no reason recently. The servants in the family even suspected that there was someone who stole it, but The courtiers think it's really strange to steal these handkerchiefs and veils."

Hearing this, Han Yu shook his hands, and before he could reply, he was interrupted by two coughs from behind.

An Yi didn't expect that just after dealing with those people, when he came over, he heard Miss Su complaining to his master about the loss of the handkerchief and veil. Knowing the truth, he couldn't hide his guilt, so he could only cough twice to embolden himself.

Han Yu didn't bother with An Yi, but just thought about what Su Mu said, "Maybe it's a strong wind, so I can't tell if it was blown away. Miss Su is right, how can a thief only steal handkerchiefs and veils?" ?”

{Yaoyao, why is the villain in this life so thick-skinned? }
{Master, please don't speak ill of the villain's father behind his back!He's just sick, and he won't be like this when he recovers. You should love him so much, why are you still talking bad about him! }
{...well, my fault. }
"Han Zhizi also thinks so?" Su Mu's eyes lighted up slightly, as if he was delighted to find someone of the same kind, "It must have been blown away by the wind, and let the servants look for it when the courtier's daughter returns to the mansion, but to put it bluntly, It's also strange that the ones that were blown away were all taken by the courtiers, it's better to get them back sooner."

"Cough cough" An coughed twice again, and the sound was louder than the last time.

"What's wrong with him?" Su Mu followed the prestige, a little curious.

"It's okay, it's just that my throat feels uncomfortable recently." After speaking, he gave An Yi a cold look.

An Yi, who was forced to have a sore throat, immediately cleared his throat, and replied in a hoarse voice: "Thank you, Ms. Su, for your concern. This subordinate caught a cold a while ago, and his throat hasn't healed yet, so he keeps coughing. If it disturbs you and Master, I hope you will forgive me."

Su Mu shook his head, "It's nothing wrong, it's just that your throat is uncomfortable, it's better to ask the doctor to check it earlier."

"Yes, thank you Miss Su for reminding me, I will go to the doctor when I get back." God knows how difficult it is for a person who rarely gets sick to pretend to be sick.

Worried that Su Mu would bring up the 'handkerchief' again, Han Yu changed the subject first. He looked at An Yi and said seriously, "Those people have already dealt with it?"

"Yes, according to the master's order, there is still one alive. Does the master want to see it?"

Han Yu didn't answer him, but just looked down at Su Mu, "Miss Su, do you want to see it? Maybe I can ask the reason for assassinating you."

Su Mu shook her head, she had already figured out what should be said, and there was no need to ask again.

"I have notified the prince's cousin that he will arrive soon, and then hand this person over to him."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Han Yu gave An Yi a look.

As soon as An understood, he immediately used lightness kung fu to check the location of the prince.

Without An Yi's interruption, Han Yu suddenly felt much better, "Is Miss Su married?"

Su Mu was taken aback, and replied truthfully, "No."

"That's it." Although he already knew it, he still couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, but his face was calm and composed, "I heard a saying in the market that saving a life should be promised with your body. I don't know if Miss Su has heard of it. ?”

"This...of course I have heard of it."

"Then Miss Su is willing?" Han Yu looked into Su Mu's eyes with a serious expression.

As soon as Su Mu raised his head, he saw his own figure in his black eyes, and saw his cheeks flushed. He didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or tiredness from running around.

She turned her face away, not looking at herself, "Han Zhizi should have no shortage of people to like him, so why bother looking for me?"

She had heard rumors about Han Yu before.

Although Qin Hongyi is known as the most beautiful man in Anguo, that is just because everyone counts his status. If it is only about appearance, no one can match Han Yu.

For this reason, many people are saying that if Han Yu is not a proton, then there must be many young ladies who voluntarily marry him.

Even if he is the proton now, there are still many concubine daughters of the family who are willing to marry, as long as Han Yu agrees.

"What I said is true, my fair lady, a gentleman is so good, Susu, I am pleased with you."

Maybe he was more curious about Su Mu before, and the fragrance on her body could relieve his condition.

But gradually, his attention was not on the illness, but on her, wondering what she was doing.

At first, the purpose of stealing the handkerchief might be to alleviate the condition, but later on, I wanted to find a chance to see her, even if she didn't sit down, I could still look at her all day long.

He also felt that his behavior was very strange, and even thought that his illness was getting worse, which made him so dependent on Su Mu.But Han Xiao's covetousness towards Su Mu made him see this clearly.

He doesn't want to give up Su Mu to anyone, he likes her.

Su Mu didn't expect him to confess directly, and was a little surprised for a moment, "I, this is not a trivial matter, I need to think about it before replying to you."

"Don't worry, with my current status, you will only receive more accusations and criticisms if you follow me. When I settle everything, I will go to the prime minister's mansion to propose marriage. Even if you reject me, I will not give up."

"Are you crazy?"

"Well, if I go crazy, then only you are my antidote."

Just like now, there is no cure for him, and he has the only antidote, and the name of the medicine is Susu.

(End of this chapter)

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