Chapter 145

The boy held the noodles in his hands and ate mouthfuls, his eyes were sore and his heart was warm.

Lin Xuan was also eating noodles at first, but she accidentally looked over and saw the boy crying, she sighed faintly, walked to his side, took out a handkerchief and handed it to him: "I don't know what happened to you. What, but my sister said, even if the world is cold, our hearts should be full of flowers and full of hope for the future, as long as we have hope, everything will be fine."

The boy looked at Lin Xuan, his eyes were already wet with tears, but he could still see Lin Xuan's appearance clearly, he nodded solemnly, then bowed his head and ate noodles quickly.

Lin Xuan blinked, did he understand?Starting to eat noodles so quickly, she watched the boy quickly finish a bowl of noodles, and was about to ask him if he wanted another bowl, when he wiped his mouth, turned and walked out.

Lin Xuan stared blankly at the back of the boy leaving: "What a strange person."

"No matter how strange it is, it's not as strange as you." Situ Yi looked at Lin Xuan. What she said just now really came from Lin Ling?That's not like something a country woman would say.

The corners of Lin Xuan's lips twitched, and he turned to look at Situ Yi, his originally expressionless face suddenly burst into a smile: "Uncle, you don't understand things about children, after all, you are already very old.

My sister taught me to respect the old and love the young, so I am open-minded and will not argue with you. "

Situ Yi paused for a while, seeing that Lin Xuan ignored him and continued to eat noodles, he opened his mouth and looked at Li Jiasanlang: "Is this how your children are?" Saying that he can't marry a good wife is directly implying that he is getting older!

Situ Yi suddenly felt that the food in his hand was not tasty.

"From the perspective of my wife's relationship, that is my sister-in-law, and from the perspective of my mother's relationship, that is my younger sister. No matter how you count it, I will spoil and spoil her." The implication was that there was nothing he could do.

Situ Yi looked at Li Jiasanlang carefully, the corners of his lips twitched because of Li Jiasanlang's words.

In the yard, Lin Ling found Lu Yi and handed him the noodles in his hand. He didn't want to eat in the kitchen, and she didn't make any more requests. She turned around and was about to go into the kitchen, but the boy walked up to her and knelt down. in front of her.


The knee touched the ground, and the sound was loud. It is conceivable that the boy kneeled with all his strength.

"What are you doing? Get up quickly." Lin Ling wanted to help the boy up, but the boy's posture clearly refused.

"Sister, thank you for helping me today, burying my mother, and filling my stomach. You have done me a great favor, and I am extremely grateful." The boy tried his best to make his voice sound calm, and his eyes were firm Looking at Lin Ling anxiously: "The gratitude on the lips is too shallow after all, but I have nothing but this life, sister, I am willing to give my life to you!"

The boy prostrated himself on the ground facing Lin Ling.

Lin Ling looked at the boy with complicated eyes, and she felt that if she didn't say anything, maybe he would never get up like this: "I don't want your life, but you can do things for me, even if you do well, I will I dare not say that it can help you change your life, but it shouldn’t be a problem if you have enough food and clothing.”

Lu Yi looked at Lin Ling, she was just a child, what could she do for her?
The boy looked up at Lin Ling seriously: "My sister has something to do, just follow orders!"

Lin Ling sighed and looked at the boy: "First of all, I don't like people talking to me on my knees. Although we all have different births and have different rules to abide by, in the final analysis I am just a countryman, and I am also noble. I don’t want to go anywhere, so you really don’t kneel to me.”

The boy looked at Lin Ling, embarrassed.

"Don't get up yet?"

It's Li Jia Saburo.

Lin Ling looked at Li Jiasanlang who came out of the kitchen, and he came towards her with a bowl of food in his hand.

"Come and sit down to eat." Li Jiasanlang walked directly to the stone table in the yard with a bowl in his hand, motioning for Lin Ling to come over.

Lin Ling looked at the boy, then looked at Li Jiasanlang and nodded, she walked to the stone table, to tell the truth, she had worked so hard for the whole afternoon's meal today, and she hadn't even tasted it herself, even though Situ Yi and others Said it was delicious, but she hadn't tasted it yet.

"Come here." Li Jiasanlang waved to the boy, beckoning him to come closer.

The boy was a little afraid of Li Jiasaburo, but he got up and approached him anyway.

Li Jiasanlang saw that Lin Ling had already started eating and did not look at him, so he turned his gaze to the boy: "How old is it, and what's his name?"

"Yonger, five years old."

"Yonger?" Li Jiasanlang was a little surprised by the boy's name, he thought that a beggar should not have any elegant name.

"My mother taught me to be brave since I was a child. She often said that only when a person is brave can she live a long life." Yonger spoke seriously, and when he mentioned his mother, his heart shrank.

Li Jiasanlang nodded, and when he turned to look at Lin Ling, he saw that she didn't have too much expression on her face, and she didn't seem to be touched by Yonger's words. This is very good, he doesn't want too many irrelevant things People affect her emotions.

Lin Ling ate the food in the bowl unhurriedly, until she finished her meal, she looked at Yonger and said, "Yonger, I want to hire you to do things for me."

"Employment?" Yong Er looked at Lin Ling in surprise, not quite understanding what she meant.

"Employment means you do things for me, and I will pay you." Lin Ling explained.

Yonger paused, then shook his head: "Sister, I don't need wages, you are kind to me, I am willing to sell myself to you."

"Does every child know what prostitution is?" Lin Ling laughed upon hearing this.

"Selling one's body is to act like a cow or a horse for one's sister, I know it! My mother told me!" What Yonger didn't say was that her mother also said, don't sell yourself unless it is absolutely necessary. ...

"Stupid boy, selling yourself is not a good thing. Even if the master is good, don't sell yourself. No matter whether you are a man or a woman, after selling your body, you will not be free to marry. You will always be inferior, and men will have no way out." Lin Ling sighed, the way of the world is like this, she Powerless to change, can only adapt: ​​"At any rate, our poor family still has a way for men to get into office through the imperial examination, but if they sell their bodies, then there is no other way."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, seeing Yong Er still looking at her with a look of incomprehension, she smiled: "Don't look at my sister who is in business now and can barely make ends meet, but scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are the lowest. "

Li Jiasanlang looked at Lin Ling, even though she was smiling at the moment, but he felt that apart from her helplessness, Shang was the lowest, but that didn't mean that Lin Ling was the lowest.

Lin Ling will not know for a long time, it is because of her unintentional words that intensified Li Jiasanlang's determination to become an official through the imperial examination, and he wants Lin Ling to stop uttering her humble words!

"Okay, what are you talking about?" Lin Ling put aside other thoughts, just looked at Yonger and said, "Since you were born in a beggar's den, you must have known many children who are the same age as you or slightly older than you. No matter you are male or female, please help me to find some people who come here. I need people with healthy limbs, who can speak and who are familiar with the streets and alleys of the city. They come to help me, and they are all paid. .”

Yonger looked at Lin Ling for a moment, and suddenly stood up straight: "Sister, don't worry, I will help you find someone right now, and I will bring him to you tomorrow morning at the latest!"

Lin Ling opened her mouth, thinking that there is no need to be in such a hurry to speak, but Yonger obviously didn't give her a chance to speak, so he just ran away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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