Koi's wife is fierce and sweet

Chapter 158 158 Pajama Style

Chapter 158 158 Pajama Style
"Be good, Nannan, go to sleep, you still miss me."

Su Mo teased Ye Nannan in the video, seeing Ye Nannan acting like a baby with himself in front of the screen, Su Mo was very happy.

"Hmph, I know you still said that your fairy baby is going to sleep, don't miss me too much!"

The witty words came out of Ye Nannan's mouth, which warmed Su Mo's heart even more, and his smile was particularly springy. Ye Nannan also looked at Su Mo affectionately.


The two looked at each other affectionately for a long time before Ye Nannan hung up reluctantly. Suddenly, the room was quieter because no one spoke.

Morning, sunshine, wind, alarm clock...

"Ring ring ring... jingle ring..."

Against the background of these new days, the alarm clock disturbed Ye Nannan who was sleeping.

Staring in a daze, Ye Nannan turned off the alarm clock, let her body relax, and then told herself in her head that it was time to get up, as if her body had received an order.

Ye Nannan woke up, began to wash and brush her teeth, and went to work in the company...

The film and television company has been in Ye Nannan's hands for so long, and Ye Nannan takes care of it every day, but her mind can't be used for two purposes, and her body can't be divided into two halves, so there are still a lot of things to do.

"Nan Nan, you are here. The person who was going to buy our company a few days ago, I failed in the exam. There is nothing wrong with him. The company under his name is also acceptable. The meeting is scheduled for today."

Seeing Ye Nannan appearing in the film and television company, Zheng Yi went straight to the point and didn't let Ye Nannan take a break.

"Have you had breakfast? Let's discuss while eating. I haven't sat down yet when I come to the company."

Ye Nannan looked at Zheng Yi helplessly, and glanced at the porridge in her hand. Ye Nannan didn't want to talk about eating first, but there was really nowhere to put the porridge in her hand.

Only then did Zheng Yi follow Ye Nannan's words, and glanced at the things in Ye Nannan's hand, only to realize that it was really breakfast.

"Ah, I've eaten. You eat first. Let's talk about it after you've finished eating. This is a major event that cannot be sloppy."

Zheng Yi answered Ye Nannan with a little embarrassment, and declined Ye Nannan's invitation.

Seeing this, Ye Nannan had no choice but to go to the office by herself, put down her bag, and enjoy breakfast.

After a while, the assistant Xiaowen came over.

"Dong dong..."

There was a soft knock on the door, and Ye Nannan had already finished her breakfast, so she threw the rubbish into the trash can.

"Please come in."

After saying something very calmly, Ye Nannan wiped her mouth by the way, and then touched up her makeup with a small mirror.

"Sister Nannan, you have a small event in the afternoon. Don't forget, it's a brand party. They made pajamas endorsements, and it's over in two hours."

Xiaowen calmly talked about Ye Nannan's itinerary, and didn't care about Ye Nannan's makeup touch-ups.

"Pajamas? Are you serious? I don't accept those who are not the type of women from a good family."

Ye Nannan, who was in a resistant tone, expressed her thoughts. Ye Nannan, who was touching up her makeup, heard the pajamas tremble, and felt that the pajamas that needed endorsement were designated as special, otherwise there would be no need for endorsement.

"Puff haha... Sister Nan Nan, what are you thinking in your head, how could that unscrupulous sister Zheng Yi pick you up? It's not that she doesn't understand you."

Xiaowen, who was amused by Ye Nannan, laughed and felt helpless, not knowing what to say about Ye Nannan.

"Haha, it's better for me to ask clearly, otherwise something bad will happen then."

The cautious Ye Nannan spoke out what was in her heart, and her tone was also very cheerful, without appearing embarrassed by what the two of them said.

"Got it, I've been looking for you to film and rehearse too much for publicity lately, so Sister Zheng Yi offered you a job with a lot of money and little time, so that you won't disappear from the public eye, and you'll have time to do other things."

Xiaowen patiently analyzed the pros and cons with Ye Nannan, the entertainment industry is a circle where newcomers replace old ones, so if there is no traffic, people will be forgotten.

"I don't know much about these, you and sister Zheng Yi can figure it out, just pay attention to what I don't like."

Ye Nannan doesn't know much about things in the entertainment industry, let alone understand. Both Xiaowen and Zheng Yi are seniors, and they will definitely follow her, so Ye Nannan believes in them.

Using the development direction they arranged for themselves can also save a lot of effort.

"Okay, then I'll arrange afternoon activities for you, and we'll have lunch together later, and we're going to the event site after dinner."

Xiaowen explained the matter clearly and let Ye Nannan free up time. It also saved some things for Ye Nannan. When doing things like this, it will be easier and have a lot of goals.

Xiaowen left Ye Nannan's office, and Zheng Yi came in right after.

"This is all the information about Xingyao. The day before yesterday was a general information. I have investigated all of them today. You can see if there are any problems. Then there is the information we prepared. It is also on the side. It is to go and star with them. Yao needs to negotiate."

Zheng Yi was very serious and explained everything clearly. The acquisition is a major matter and cannot be sloppy, so Zheng Yi will not play around, and the materials are well prepared.

"How will their company go in the future? They look pretty good now, can they stand up to more rookies in the future?"

Ye Nannan looked at the information in front of her very seriously, and felt that it was all good. At the same time, she also expressed her worries. After all, the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, and it can't be said that it will always be good, and it will continue to be good.

"There is a document below, which is the performance evaluation of Shining Star Company by professionals, as well as the predicted risks in recent years, as well as unexpected situations that will be encountered, and even solutions, all for reference."

Zheng Yi has also thought about all the things, and she is fully prepared. After all, after the acquisition, her own food and clothing will also be affected, and Zheng Yi will not be careless.

"I didn't expect you to be very thoughtful, so that's it, but I don't have time today, and I have an event to attend in the afternoon, and it's past ten o'clock."

Ye Nannan was really embarrassed to find out that it was so late, after all, Zheng Yi was busy with this early in the morning.

"It's okay, I'm just letting you get acquainted today. I'm thinking about what you're not familiar with. If you don't understand when we meet, the other company is lowering the price. I'll make an appointment tomorrow."

The activities that Zheng Yi accepted for Ye Nannan naturally knew Ye Nannan's arrangements for the afternoon, and reading the documents this morning gave Ye Nannan a clear idea.

Now that Zheng Yi wanted Ye Nannan to know, and Ye Nannan also knew, then nothing happened, and Zheng Yi left the office by herself to make an appointment with the person in charge of Xingyao's acquisition tomorrow.

"Our company has considered it, and we will meet at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Zheng Yi answered seriously, and the person in charge opposite made an appointment.

Seeing that it was a big fish from Ye Nannan's company, the person in charge of the acquisition of Xingyao was naturally happy.

(End of this chapter)

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