Chapter 595 Forget about her for the second time
Qiao Yun's hands and feet froze for a moment, her little hand was holding the doorknob, and she forgot to let go.

Seeing that Li Hanzhou had woken up, the Li couple at the back rushed in immediately.

Madam Li looked Li Hanzhou up and down, and let out a long breath: "Porridge, are you alright?"

Li Hanzhou's half-closed long eyelashes blinked lightly, and when he opened them again, all the indifference in his eyes faded away, as if the person who looked at Qiao Yun with those strange eyes just now was just a dream.

He pinched his eyebrows, "What's wrong with me?"

Madam Li explained: "You fainted."

Li Hanzhou didn't speak. He looked at the person who stood dumbfounded at the door, and said in a soft voice with a smile, "Little friend, what are you in a daze for?"

"Ah?" Qiao Yun blinked, tilted her head to look at Li Hanzhou, then walked up to Li Hanzhou, stared at him for a long time without blinking, as if confirming something.

After a while, the corners of her tightly pursed lips loosened.

Still with a familiar attitude, the familiar person is the Li Hanzhou she knew.

"What?" Li Hanzhou found that Qiao Yun's attitude was not right, he was still a little heavy-headed just after waking up, and at the moment his expression was so tired that he couldn't lift his spirits up.

If the person in front of him was someone else, he would throw her out coldly and tell her not to disturb him.

But the person in front of him was Qiao Yun, which made him infinitely patient.

Qiao Yun shook her head and nodded immediately, then asked softly: "You just..."

He stopped halfway through the conversation.

Because she could tell from Li Hanzhou's expression that he didn't remember what he said just now, which made her feel a little complicated.

Her previous speculation may come true.

If Li Hanzhou remembered the past, the current memory would be replaced.

Just like in childhood, false memories overwrite real ones.

And maybe forget her a second time.

When she forgot for the first time, Qiao Yun didn't care at all. Although Li Hanzhou saved her at that time, she also saved his life.

In this way, no one owes anyone.

but now……

Qiao Yun was sure that she didn't want Li Hanzhou to forget her.

Li Hanzhou's eyes fell on Qiao Yun's hands beside him, and those hands were tense.

What does she seem to be nervous about?
Li Hanzhou frowned, just about to ask her what happened.

I knew from my mother that Li Hanzhou had fainted. I had never seen my brother fainted. I always thought he was Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten to death. Now the sudden fainting might be because Li Miao, who had an incurable disease, rushed in from the door. No one cares about it.

He threw himself on the hospital bed and yelled: "Wuuuuuu, brother, you don't want to die, I don't want you to die! You can't die, I'm not angry with you anymore, I will obediently listen to you in the future, I don't want you to die!" I will put cockroaches in your shoes again, I will not secretly add bitter gourd juice to your coffee, as long as you are alive, I will not talk back to you..."

Li Hanzhou: "..."

The Li couple: "..."

Qiao Yun: "..."

Li Miao raised her head and asked with tears in her eyes: "By the way, brother, what disease do you have? How long can you live? Let me be mentally prepared."

Mrs. Li couldn't bear to watch it any longer, she directly pulled up the collar of her precious daughter, and said angrily: "Okay, stop your tears, your brother is fine."


Li Miao curled her lips with a look of disbelief.

The Great Demon King would faint, he must be dying, and he wanted to lie to her.

Only then did she realize that Qiao Yun was there, and she felt sad again. "Jojo, I'm going to lose my brother."

Poor, her brother hasn't even talked about love yet.

Qiao Yun comforted her softly, "He won't die."

Li Miaoga stopped her tears: "So I won't die."

"En." Qiao Yun nodded vigorously, affirming this statement.

Li Miao wiped away her tears and said speechlessly, "What, tell me sooner if you won't die, it's a waste of my tears."

Li Hanzhou smiled coldly: "You want me to die so much?"

Li Miao's delicate body shook, and she immediately said: "That's definitely not the case. If you die, who will support me."

Li Hanzhou smiled and said, "Really, let's talk about cockroaches and bitter melon juice?"

Li Miao: "..."

"Jojo, are you thirsty? I'll buy you a drink."

After finishing speaking, he didn't give Li Hanzhou a chance to settle accounts, and ran away in a hurry.

The Li couple smiled awkwardly at Qiao Yun.

"I made you laugh."

Qiao Yun said, "It's okay, I understand."

Li Hanzhou's searching eyes fell on Qiao Yun again, and he turned to the Li couple and said, "You go out first."

"Okay, let's have a good chat."

Mrs. Li looked as if I understood, she pulled her bewildered husband out of the ward, and closed the door of the ward very considerately.

Wait for the eyesores to leave.

Li Hanzhou chuckled, and grabbed her hand before Qiao Yun could react.

These hands are white, tender, and small.

With one hand, he can wrap her little hand.

Qiao Yun lowered her eyes and looked at the clasped hands, her fingertips slightly curled up with a dazed expression.

"You were scared just now?"

Qiao Yun immediately denied: "No."

She is not afraid.

Just don't want to lose a good friend.

There was a slight smile from the corner of Li Hanzhou's mouth, and Tao Hua's eyes were full of tenderness: "I'm fine, don't worry."

Qiao Yun said "En." in a light voice.

Li Hanzhou observed her expression carefully, while Qiao Yun let him watch.

In the ward, there was a moment of silence.

In this tranquility, it was Qiao Yun who asked first: "Will you forget me?"

Li Hanzhou was slightly taken aback, not understanding why Qiao Yun would ask this question, he shook his head decisively: "No."

"Oh." Qiao Yun thought, it's a lie, I forgot once before.

Li Hanzhou frowned, and before he had time to think about it, Qiao Yun said seriously: "It's okay to forget, just pry open your head and help you remember."

Li Hanzhou: "..." With a harmless face, is it really good to say such a horrible thing?

Seeing that Qiao Yun's mood was very stable, he didn't know whether it was disappointment or happiness, but he was still a little disappointed.

"Tell me about the medicine."

Li Hanzhou changed the subject, his eyes lowered to reflect deep thought: "Remember what I told you about detecting human cells from medicine?"

"Yeah." Qiao Yun nodded.

Li Hanzhou's eyes were dark, and he said in a strange tone: "The ingredients extracted from your second brother's blood are consistent with some ingredients in the medicine."

Qiao Yun was taken aback for a moment, an unbelievable thought welled up in her heart, but she firmly suppressed it.

Li Hanzhou raised the corners of his lips, seeming a little interested: "This potion was researched through your second brother's blood, kid, are you hiding something from me?"

Qiao Yun didn't answer, but her eyes were slightly wandering.

Li Hanzhou said meaningfully: "I fainted, but my family called you over. What do you think is the reason?"

Qiao Yun looked at Li Hanzhou with clear eyes and an innocent face.

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(End of this chapter)

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