Chapter 599 Now... She Wants to Live Well

A few seconds after the message was sent, Pei Yao called directly, his voice full of puzzlement.

"Boss, what might it mean?"

"Literally." Qiao Yun didn't explain too much, and she was just guessing about many things, and she wasn't sure that things would develop as she expected, so she didn't want to worry Pei Yao too much.

Pei Yao thought to himself, as expected of Professor Qiao, his speech is really profound and worthy of study.

"It's okay, hang up."

"Wait, something is up..." Pei Yao spoke again with a more serious tone, "I had someone test your second brother's blood stored in the hospital, boss, you guessed it right, as expected..."

Having said that, he deliberately stopped and bought a pass.

Qiao Yun sneered at Pei Yao's behavior of deliberately creating a tense atmosphere, and said very coldly: "Want to punish copying?"

Pei Yao immediately said seriously: "Sure enough, a tube of blood was lost, and it was replaced by someone else's blood."

After he finished speaking, he waited for a while, but there was no sound from the other side. Pei Yao was confused and called softly, "Hi? Boss, are you still there?"

Qiao Yun came back to her senses, licked her somewhat dry lips, and said in a voice that could not hear anything strange: "I need something."

"Ah?" The sudden change of subject made Pei Yao stunned for a moment before replying, "What do you mean?"

Qiao Yun calmly told Pei Yao what she needed, then left Pei Yao who was full of doubts, and cut off the phone directly.

Pei Yao really didn't understand Professor Qiao's thoughts more and more, and it really was a woman's heart.

It's hard to do.

After sighing, he turned on his mobile phone to contact the people in the research institute and asked them to send the things Professor Qiao wanted to Lu's house.


Qiao Yun returned to Lu's house, and when she got off the car, she said to Zhou You very intimately: "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhou You was so moved that he was almost moved. Professor Qiao has really changed a lot.

A person who used to be cold and alienated from everyone, is now more and more amiable.

Qiao Yun walked slowly to the door of the house, and then opened the door.

At the same time, with a bang, countless colored ribbons fell from the sky, falling onto Qiao Yun's head and face.

Qiao Yun:? ? ?
"Not surprised, not surprised."

Lu Zhanxing, who was holding a firework tube, had a smile on his face, "Sister, I wish you a happy start of school."

Qiao Yun: "..." Fortunately, she loves studying, otherwise who would be happy when school starts?

Although he felt that this method was naive, Lu Jingzhi, who still wanted to see what his sister would look like in a weird way, also echoed, "Enjoy your campus life in the second half of the semester."

In the past, he was worried about Qiao Yun's grades, and even wanted to intervene in planning her life.

Now he is very clear that Qiao Yun just went to school to experience life, and he doesn't need to care about grades.

Lu Zhanxing casually put the fireworks tube aside, came over and took Qiao Yun's little hand, and said with a smile, "How is it, how is my brother treating you? My brother pushed back a notice on purpose and came back to celebrate the start of school for you."

Qiao Yun: There is no need to be so grand.

But seeing Lu Zhanxing's high spirits, she still said obediently, "Brother, it's very good."

When Lu Zhanxing heard this, he was immediately elated.

This is the joy of having a younger sister, which is really fulfilling.

Lu Jingzhi couldn't help feeling jealous when he saw him smiling so easily, but he wasn't as cheeky as Lu Zhanxing to ask for praise.

It is his greatest luck that Qiao Yun is still willing to talk to him now, he has no choice but to have the face to ask for too much.

"My brother prepared a gift for you, and it's in your room."

Lu Zhanxing saw a few ribbons floating on Qiao Yun's hair, so he helped her tidy her hair.

The movements are gentle and full of patience.

"Thank you, brother." Qiao Yun stood quietly and let him do it, her heart aching.

The siblings were very affectionate, and Lu Jingzhi said with a slightly sour taste, "Why didn't you tell me when you bought a gift?"

It made him unprepared, and he inevitably regretted that he was too careless.

Lu Zhanxing said intentionally: "I still need to say this, if you have the heart, you have already prepared yourself."

As soon as Lu Jingzhi choked up, he felt that this younger brother really deserved a beating right now.

"You think your elder brother is you? Then you can coax girls."

Su Mian came out of the small kitchen with the fried dishes, and smiled at Lu Rui who was sitting on the sofa watching the news: "Look at your second son's mouth, he can really speak sweet words, and I don't know how many girls have been deceived by his mouth Pass."

Lu Zhanxing: "..."

Lu Jingzhi's mood suddenly improved.

Qiao Yun raised her small face and looked at Lu Zhanxing with a frozen expression.

Seeing this, Lu Zhanxing hurriedly shouted: "I am wronged! Brother, I am innocent. I can deceive anyone without even holding a girl's hand. Sister, don't listen to your mother's nonsense."

Qiao Yun nodded vigorously: "I believe in you."

Seeing this scene, Su Mian's eyes were filled with relief. Although her daughter's identity is not simple, she was also worried that this would change the attitude of her family, but now it seems that she is thinking too much.

Even Professor Qiao couldn't change the fact that it was her daughter.

When the dishes were all on the table, the family sat down to eat.

Qiao Yun looked at the richer and more luxurious meal than usual, and paused with the hand holding the chopsticks.

Lu Zhanxing said with a half smile but not a smile: "Mom, you're still talking about me. Didn't you prepare so many delicious food just to celebrate my sister's start of school?"

"You're the one who talks too much, shut up." Su Mian scoffed at Lu Zhanxing, and picked up another chopstick for Qiao Yun: "Qiao Qiao, eat quickly."

"it is good."

Qiao Yun's eating posture is very beautiful, with long eyelashes hanging down, she is slow, focused and serious, very pleasing to the eye.

Lu Zhanxing looked at it for a while, as if thinking of something, he took out his phone and took a photo of Qiao Yun.

Then secretly tweeted to show off.

[Lu Zhanxing V: I wish my sister a happy start of school~ eat well. 】

As soon as it was sent, the phone rang endlessly.

Lu Zhanxing commented enthusiastically, and his beautiful eyes narrowed immediately.

"Ah, my sister is so cute, I really want to take her home and raise her~"

"I've decided, anyway, I can't get Brother Lu, so give me my sister."

"By the way, why doesn't my sister open Weibo? Thousands of blood books beg my sister to open~"

"+1, want to talk to my sister."

"It's superficial, I want to see my sister act like a baby to me."

Lu Zhanxing: Hehehe... It's a good idea.

Seeing that the fans were so greedy for his sister, Lu Zhanxing was very indifferent and ruthlessly deleted the photos he just sent with one click.

Then resend a message: [Sister is mine!You are not allowed to peep! 】

Fans: ? ? ? ?
Fans: Well, now the whole world knows that you are a serious sister-in-law.

Lu Zhanxing put down his phone, and said to Qiao Yun very solemnly: "Sister, you must not open Weibo, do you know?"

Qiao Yun: "?"

Lu Zhanxing said in a coquettish tone, "Anyway, it's not possible."

"Okay." Qiao Yun naturally wouldn't refuse this small request, she doesn't play social tools at all, except for the chat tools used to communicate with people.

Lu Zhanxing said seriously, "I won't let anyone snatch you away!"

Qiao Yun's big eyes were full of doubts: "?"

Su Mian said unhappily, "What kind of neuropathy will you get if you don't eat?"

Lu Zhanxing thought to himself, you don't understand, there are too many people outside who want to abduct his sister, and he will not let this happen.

After eating, Qiao Yun mentioned to them that they were going to Haishi to attend the full moon banquet.

After all, it's a long trip, so to avoid them worrying at that time, we still need to notify.

And she is not sure what will happen in the middle, so she can only stabilize them first, so as to avoid uncontrollable development at that time.

Lu Rui said distressedly: "Should I prepare a gift for you? I wonder what hobbies they usually have?"

That is the medical family of the Qi family in Haishi, so it is natural to pay attention to it.

"No need." Qiao Yun shook her head, "It will scare people."

Lu Rui's face was dazed: Can a gift scare people?
What Lu Rui didn't know was that Professor Qiao usually didn't give gifts, but gave them luxurious gifts, which were the kind of gifts that could shock people.

But since Qiao Yun said so, Lu Rui could only stop thinking about it.

On the contrary, Lu Zhanxing was quite worried: "Do you want my brother to accompany you?"

"Someone is with me." The dull emotion in Qiao Yun's eyes eased a little: "I used to be alone, and it was fine."

Lu Zhanxing said, "It's different now. You have a family now. No matter where you go, we will miss you and worry about you."

Su Mian said softly, "That's right, no matter how high your achievements are, in our eyes, you are still a child."

Seeing that his mother and younger brother had expressed their views, Lu Jingzhi coughed lightly, and said a little uncomfortably, "We are family members, so it's natural to care about you."

Qiao Yun was stunned, and then pursed her lips. There was a warm current in her heart, and she really felt that her family valued and cared about her.

Qiao Yun thought to herself, no matter what happens in the future, she will not let her family worry about her, nor will she get hurt.

She doesn't want to see them sad.

In the past, no matter how dangerous her situation was, Qiao Yun didn't care, she was not afraid of death at all, after all, she had no sense of belonging to this world.

Now...she wants to live a good life.

Although Lu Zhanxing wanted to accompany him very much, but Qiao Yun was very determined this time, so he had no choice but to give up.

But turn around and let Xie Ying check to see if he has received a notice that he needs to go to Haishi soon.

Don't let him follow, can he go to work anyway?

Lu Zhan praised his cleverness, maybe he can bring his sister to play with him then.

Well, he mainly wants to play with his sister.


Qiao Yun returned to the room and saw the gift box on the table at a glance.

With a little secret expectation, she carefully opened the gift, revealing the gift from Lu Zhanxing.

It is a small desk lamp with a portrait of a family holding hands engraved on it, and a line of words engraved below: My sister's exclusive family.

Qiao Yun's long eyelashes trembled, she raised her hand, and touched the words with her white and tender fingers.

Then she found the switch for the desk lamp and turned it on.

Warm yellow light instantly filled the whole room, and Qiao Yun's dark pupils reflected the color of the light, which seemed a little brighter than usual.

She took the desk lamp to the level of her field of vision, looked at it carefully for a while, then carefully placed it on the table, took out the test paper and lay down on the table to write.

She learned the papers very quickly, and she knew how to answer them at a glance, and she finished all the papers in a short time.

After finishing writing, Qiao Yun glanced at the small table lamp, thought for a while, picked up the small table lamp and put it on the bedside table, then nodded her head in satisfaction.

She likes this gift very much.

Qiao Yun looked at the time and found that it was a bit late so she went to wash up.

When she was lying on the bed, she received a video call from Li Hanzhou.

Qiao Yun was stunned for a moment, and after picking it up, she looked at Li Hanzhou who was half lying on the bed. She didn't speak, but her expression was a little puzzled.

Li Hanzhou stared at Qiao Yun's slightly raised nose and delicate lip line, and said with a smile in his voice, "Little friend, I'm suffering from insomnia again. Does your bedtime story count?"

In the dimly lit field of vision, Li Hanzhou heard Qiao Yun say, "It counts."

Qiao Yun spoke to Li Hanzhou in a soft voice, the origin of human beings, the extinction of species...

Li Hanzhou didn't speak the whole time, listening to Qiao Yun's bedtime story, his eyes fell on her curled eyelashes, which trembled as she spoke.

His eyes moved down, and he met Qiao Yun's clean eyes.

These eyes are too clean, that's why they are so transparent, and they can notice things that others can't.

He couldn't help thinking, how could such a small person with such a delicate body have the courage to bear these dangers?
Qiao Yun spoke dryly, took a sip of water from the water glass on the bedside table, and asked, "Are you sleepy?"

In Li Hanzhou's peach blossom eyes, there was an inexplicable look: "I'm sleepy."

The other party was successfully coaxed into sleep by him, Qiao Yun was very satisfied: "Then you go to sleep."

"it is good."

Li Hanzhou told Qiao Yun to go to bed earlier, and hung up the phone.

It seemed that he really only came to listen to bedtime stories because of insomnia, but only he knew what he was thinking.

Qiao Yun looked at the phone with a very confused expression. Li Hanzhou seems a little clingy these two days?
Is it...

Qiao Yun suddenly figured it out, so Li Hanzhou loves learning so much?Then she will talk about the principles of artificial intelligence next time.


Soon came the day to go to Haishi.

Qiao Xun originally wanted to pick up Qiao Yun, but was rejected because Qiao Yun's family wanted to take her to the airport.

Before going to the airport, Qiao Yun took a metal box from Zhou You, which she asked Pei Yao to prepare.

Qiao Yun opened it for a look, and after confirming that it was what she wanted, she threw away the box that got in the way, leaving only the things in her pocket.

Lu Zhanxing and Lu Jingzhi sent Qiao Yun to the airport, and worriedly entrusted Qiao Xun to take care of Qiao Yun.

Qiao Xun smiled: "Don't worry, I will send her back safely."

Lu Jingzhi and Lu Zhanxing said in unison: "Please trouble Dr. Qiao."

"I'm leaving." Qiao Yun waved his little hand to say goodbye to them.

Qiao Xun looked at the Lu family brothers not far away, and said to Qiao Yun, "They really care about you."

Qiao Yun was noncommittal.

This time, he took a private jet. According to Qiao Xun's words, he didn't want to be disturbed.

Qiao Yun expressed his understanding.

Before boarding the plane, Qiao Yun received a message from Li Hanzhou: 【Be careful on the road. 】

Qiao Yun replied: [I will. 】

This was the last time Li Hanzhou received a message from Qiao Yun, because Qiao Yun completely lost contact after arriving in Haishi and sending a message to his family that he had arrived safely.

 It's a new month, ask for a monthly ticket, recommend a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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