If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 602 Wanting to Leave Scars on Qiao Yun's Pretty Face

Chapter 602 Wanting to Leave Scars on Qiao Yun's Pretty Face
After sending Qiao Yun off, he boarded the plane to Haishi on the grounds of work, and then waited for Qiao Yun according to the time, wanting to give Qiao Yun a surprise.

But he waited and waited for no one. The strange thing is that he also received a text message from his sister.

It shows that she has arrived in Haishi safely, and she will be busy these two days, so she will not contact them for the time being.

Looking at the text message, Lu Zhanxing felt more and more that something was wrong. It was not like what his sister would say at all.

He put away his phone, his brows furrowed.

"Why is your face so serious all of a sudden? What happened?" Xie Ying asked worriedly, and then said in wonder, "Did you remember the time wrongly? How late have you been? Why hasn't Sister Lu shown up yet?"

Lu Zhanxing wore a mask and was fully armed. It was impossible to tell that he was the popular star Lu Zhanxing.

Hearing Xie Ying's question, he didn't answer, and his heart was full of uneasiness.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a person.

Lu Zhanxing knew him as Zhou You, his sister's bodyguard.

Lu Zhanxing chased after him without thinking.

Xie Ying was taken aback and quickly followed.

Zhou You was suddenly blocked by someone, and his body tensed up immediately. After realizing that this person was Lu Zhanxing, his tense nerves relaxed.

"Mr. Lu."

Lu Zhanxing asked solemnly, "Where is my sister?"

"Uh..." Zhou You hesitated to speak.

I don't know if I should tell Lu Zhanxing about this. According to his understanding of Professor Qiao during this time, she may not want her family to worry about her.

Seeing that Lu Zhanxing's expression became more and more tense, and his eyes were full of panic, he couldn't bear to say: "I'm sorry, there are some things that I can't decide, maybe you can ask Master Pei."

Lu Zhanxing's limbs suddenly felt cold, he just wanted to know where his sister was going, why did he ask Pei Yao?

He anxiously called Pei Yao.

Pei Yao just came out of the nursing home, Mr. Zhou can't even speak clearly now, let alone give him any clues about the organization.

It's just that I didn't expect to receive a call from Lu Zhanxing. After answering the call, the other party asked Qiao Yun's whereabouts.

"Mr. Pei, may I ask, where is my sister?"

Pei Yao hesitated for a while, but chose to tell the truth, after all, the Lu family needs someone to keep them safe.

The secrets involved in this matter were too deep. Judging from the fact that Professor Qiao didn't tell them from the beginning, it was obvious that he didn't want the Lu family to be involved.

"Calm down and listen to me. Professor Qiao is missing, but don't worry, it didn't crash. I'm already looking for it."

After Lu Zhanxing found out that his sister was missing, his whole body was on the verge of collapse, and his complexion was as pale as paper.

"How could it be missing? Well done, how could it be missing?"

He lost control of his emotions and asked Pei Yao: "Who wants to harm my sister?"

"Don't ask too much about this, just wait for Professor Qiao to return safely."

Pei Yao couldn't give him an answer, it was too troublesome to explain, and he didn't have time to explain now, so he persuaded him: "Take care of your family, which is the greatest help to Professor Qiao."

Lu Zhanxing's throat was hard: "Will something happen to my sister?"

"I don't know, but you have to believe in Professor Qiao's ability, she is not as weak as you think."

Lu Zhanxing's eyes were scarlet and his voice was hoarse: "I see, I won't cause trouble for my sister."

After finishing the call, Xie Ying saw that Lu Zhanxing's mood was very unstable, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

He heard a few words just now, and knew that sister Lu had an accident.

After getting into the car, Lu Zhanxing finally couldn't control his body to tremble. He held the phone for a long time and didn't put it down for fear of missing the latest news.

At this moment, he hated himself so much, why was he so useless, he didn't know anything except acting and singing, and now he couldn't help at all.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

Lu Zhanxing was startled, picked it up with shaking fingers, and found that it was a message from Su Mian.

Ask him if he is with his sister and why he doesn't answer the phone.

Lu Zhanxing took a deep breath before replying to them.

[Maybe I didn't see it, I was taking my sister to dinner. 】

[That's good, I thought something was wrong, take good care of your sister, you know? 】

【I see. 】

Lu Zhanxing didn't dare to tell his family about his sister's disappearance, for fear that they would think of what happened when he was a child, and they would not be able to bear the blow.

What Pei Yao said is right, keeping the family stable is the greatest help to my sister.


on the plane.

Qiao Yun was sitting on the seat. Beside her were a man and a woman, both in uniform. At this moment, these two people were looking at her with scrutiny in their eyes.

"This is Professor Qiao, he's so young, can't he be mistaken?"

The woman has doubts about Qiao Yun's identity.

The man's eyes fell on Qiao Yun's beautiful face, and there was a little eagerness in his eyes: "It's a little small, but it looks really good-looking."

"It's not up to you to look good, unless you're not afraid of death." The woman was a little jealous of Qiao Yun, who was prettier than her.

Even if she is beautiful, she is also so smart.

There was no emotion on Qiao Yun's delicate face, as if the two people who were chatting were not her. At this moment, her eyes were fixed on Qiao Xun who was sitting opposite with a faint bitter smile on his face.

This is her uncle, who watched her grow up.

Before boarding the plane, Qiao Yun even hoped that the journey would be smooth and there would be no accidents.


After boarding the plane, she saw two people wearing the uniforms of stewardesses and stewardesses, but with malicious eyes and calluses on their fingers, which were obviously the marks left by holding guns for a long time. She knew that this private The people on the plane are all members of that mysterious organization.

Uncle lied to her.

At that time, Qiao Yun just glanced at them, and sat aside without even resisting. His attitude was so cold that Qiao Xun couldn't help but look sideways.

But even if she resists, it's useless, so it's better to take this opportunity to explain everything clearly.

Thinking of this, she said directly: "Uncle, you lied to me."

Qiao Xun smiled awkwardly, and found a reason for his guilt: "Do you still remember that I told you before that I wanted you to do me a favor? You promised me at that time."

Qiao Yun pointed out: "You said, it's not a bad thing, they are not good people."

The woman was upset when she heard it: "How can you tell that we are not good people?"

Qiao Yun said expressionlessly, "It's the bad guys who kidnapped me."

"How dare you be so arrogant at this moment." The woman sneered, raising her hand to leave a scar on Qiao Yun's beautiful face.

Seeing this, Qiao Xun scolded angrily, "No one is allowed to hurt her!"

The woman stopped her hand, looked at Qiao Xun, and said with a sarcasm, "Doctor Qiao, were you honest when you said that? Without you, we wouldn't be able to take her away smoothly."

She looked at Qiao Yun and said with a smile: "Honestly speaking, it's not that we haven't thought about kidnapping you directly, but the people around you are not easy, and there is no way to get close to you. If it weren't for Dr. Qiao's help , maybe you're still fine now."

There was no fluctuation on Qiao Yun's face.

With her appearance, the woman couldn't help but slander, is this person sick?Shouldn't normal people be afraid?She is as quiet as at home? ? ?
Qiao Xun stared closely at the person who said this, and said in a cold voice: "What your boss wants is the research in Qiao Qiao's hands. If anything happens to her, you should explain to your boss yourself."

The man who had been watching the show said, "Stop arguing, it's important."

The woman gave up and sat back in her seat.

Qiao Xun looked at Qiao Yun with an apologetic voice: "Qiao Qiao, I'm sorry for scaring you. Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you."

Unexpectedly, Qiao Yun said, "I know."

Qiao Xun was stunned, and looked at Qiao Yun in disbelief.

Qiao Yun said, "You said that you wouldn't hurt me."

She always remembers.

At that time, because Zhou Xinyu kept looking for trouble, she asked her uncle to ask Zhou Xinyu out.

At that time, my uncle told her.

'No matter what happens in the future, uncle will always stand by your side and will never hurt you, do you believe it? '

Her answer at the time was yes.

Therefore, even if my uncle does something bad now, she believes that he will not hurt her.

Qiao Xun laughed, and the smile was full of helplessness: "Why are you so naive, I believe what I say."

Qiao Yun thought for a while, then said softly: "When I was four years old, I got lost again, and you carried me home."

At that time, she was a little curious about the world, so she ran out secretly, but got lost on the mountain.

She was alone, alone, and it was raining heavily, but she didn't know how to hide from the rain, so she let the rain drench all over her body. The human body is too weak, and she quickly developed a fever.

When she was dizzy, she saw a boy walking towards her in the pouring rain.

That was the first time she saw Qiao Xun.

The boy carried her on his back and walked for several hours before going down the mountain.

The next day, I also developed a high fever, which indirectly turned into acute pneumonia and almost died.

That was the first time Qiao Yun felt the care of someone other than grandpa.

From memory, Qiao Yun looked at Qiao Xun who had grown into a mature man, "Uncle is very good to me."

So when she guessed that the uncle had something to do with the organization, apart from being surprised, her second reaction was whether the uncle had something in the hands of the other party.

Qiao Xun was stunned for a long time, and the bitterness on his face became more and more obvious.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Qiao trusted him so much.

How can this make him...

He said without any emotion: "Qiao Qiao, you also know that when you are young, people will change. It seems that you still haven't learned how to be a human being."

Qiao Yun was unmoved, and stated the facts: "Pharmaceuticals."

"What medicine?"

"You gave Mrs. Zhou the medicine." Qiao Yun said, "I don't understand why, but I found out later that they gave Mrs. Zhou medicine, and the medicine you gave saved Mrs. Zhou."

Qiao Xun's expression changed, and he denied it: "You guessed wrong. The purpose of giving Mrs. Zhou the medicine is just to make Mrs. Zhou have to listen to us, not to save Mrs. Zhou."

He sighed: "I'm not as good as you think, and I won't hurt you, but it doesn't mean I'm a good person. If I were a good person, I wouldn't join forces with the organization, and I wouldn't watch the Zhou family looking for you all the time." You trouble."

Qiao Yun stared at Qiao Xun intently, and asked a question she cared about: "Did you drug Mrs. Zhou?"

Qiao Xun opened his mouth, and seeing Qiao Yun's clear eyes, he suddenly felt a lump in his throat, but in the end he didn't choose to lie to her.

"not me."

"okay, I get it."

The corner of Qiao Yun's mouth slightly bent: "Uncle, you are lying."

Qiao Xun didn't figure it out for a moment. What Qiao Yun said was deceptive, did he mean that he denied not drugging Mrs. Zhou, or was it because of something else...

He looked at the relaxed Qiao Yun, and couldn't help reminding her: "Qiao Qiao, you are kidnapped now, do you know that?"

"I know." Qiao Yun took a sip of the juice that Qiao Xun had prepared for her just now, and said in a flat voice, "So what?"

Qiao Xun: "..."

It seems that he still doesn't know a lot about this little niece.

Qiao Yun doesn't care about her current situation at all, she wants to know who is behind this organization, which is why she knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers to go to the mountains.

He didn't even tell Pei Yao, because the fewer people who know, the smoother the plan will be.

"Qiao Qiao, they just want the freshman plan, and as long as they get the freshman plan, they will let you go." Qiao Xun persuaded Qiao Yun to let go, "They promised me that they would not touch you."

"And if your research is successful, it will save an unknown number of people, which is also a good thing."

Qiao Yun still said the same thing: "I said it before, it can't be realized."

Qiao Xun smiled, and said his name: "Because of Li Hanzhou?"

Qiao Yun suddenly opened her eyelids and looked over, her expression was calm, but her gaze became a little cold.

Qiao Xun shook his head and laughed: "It's really rare, so you care about him so much."

Qiao Yun put down the juice in her hand, and said clearly, "Second Grandpa's computer, you started it."

She didn't expect that her uncle would have something to do with the organization, so she took Li Hanzhou to Qiaoser Institute for a physical examination.

"Yes, I was also very surprised." Qiao Xun said: "I used the intranet to check later, and probably guessed that you saved Li Hanzhou, just like you saved your second brother."

Qiao Yun replied a few seconds later: "What is your purpose?"

"Li Hanzhou."

Now Qiao Xun felt that there was nothing to hide from Qiao Yun, and told the truth: "It's true that I said I won't hurt you, but it doesn't mean I won't hurt others. Qiao Qiao only you can make Li Hanzhou obey."

Qiao Yun frowned, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "I hate you for being like this."

It was the first time Qiao Xun heard the word hate from Qiao Yun's mouth, and felt uncomfortable for a while.

He was hated by Jojo?
fair enough……

After being quiet for a while, Qiao Yun said slowly, "Why are you with them?"

Qiao Xun pursed his lips, and the smile on his face slowly faded again, as if thinking of something, there was a little pain in his eyes.

"You don't have to know."

Qiao Yun didn't give up, and said thoughtfully, "It's because of Jiang Yunzhi."

Qiao Xun's breathing suddenly became rapid, his eyes widened slightly, and he looked at Qiao Yun in astonishment.

Qiao Yun said calmly, "Second Grandpa mentioned to me that you once said that there is someone you like."

The Qiao family doesn't lack power, and my uncle doesn't lack anything either.

What made him choose to join the underground organization, and why he was so persistent in the new student plan.

She originally thought that the uncle had something to do with the other party, but now judging from his reaction.

She guessed wrong.

Jiang Yunzhi is the key figure.

(End of this chapter)

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