Chapter 605 Here I Come, Let Her Go

The woman was angered by Qiao Yun again, and said angrily: "If it wasn't for Dr. Qiao, you thought we would feed you with food and drink, and we would have thrown you into the warehouse and tied you up! Doctor Qiao, don't worry about it." Her, don't blame me for doing it."

Qiao Xun ignored the jumping woman, and said to Qiao Yun in a gentle voice: "Qiao Qiao, are you tired? Go and rest for a while?"

Qiao Yun didn't answer Qiao Xun, but she stood up, waiting like this was not an option.

Seeing that Qiao Yun ignored him, Qiao Xun inevitably felt bitter. Did he let Qiao Qiao down?

Qiao Yun was not as calm as she appeared on the surface. This group of people knew of Li Hanzhou's existence, which disrupted her plan a bit.

Qiao Yun lowered her eyes, thinking about the next plan in her heart.

the other side.

The corners of Pei Yao's mouth were bubbling looking for Qiao Yun. As time went by, he became more and more unable to sit still.

He didn't know what Qiao Yun wanted to do, and why he hadn't contacted them until now.

Although the organization threw all the locators on Qiao Yun's body into the sea, there was no way for Qiao Yun to contact them. You must know that the thing she asked him to send over before going to Haishi was a small locator.

This locator was developed by Qiao Yun himself.

It is as thin as a cicada's wing, only the size of a fingernail, and can change color at any time according to the environment. That is to say, if it is attached to the skin, it will become the color of the skin, which is the same principle as a chameleon.

Most importantly, no machine can detect its presence.

Pei Yao thumped the table with his hands in frustration. Why didn't he notice that Professor Qiao had the intention of putting himself in danger?
At this moment, Pei Yao suddenly received a message. He opened it, his pupils constricted, and he stood up abruptly from his chair.

Then he took out his mobile phone and made a call, with a serious expression on Junyi's face.

"I know where Professor Qiao is, get ready and follow me to pick him up!"

He also notified the private jet to come over immediately, and after confirming that the arrangement was correct, he hurried to the meeting place.

He just took a step, paused, and called Lu Zhanxing again.

Lu Zhanxing was not in the mood to work, so he suspended all his work. He didn't close his eyes all night, staring blankly at his phone.

Xie Ying was almost worried to death about him.

Suddenly receiving a call from Pei Yao, he asked anxiously, "Did my sister find it?"

"There is news about Professor Qiao." Pei Yao said calmly, "I'm on my way to find Professor Qiao now, don't worry, I will bring him back safely."

"Wait, I'm going too!" Lu Zhanxing stood up from his chair.


Pei Yao said bluntly: "Professor Qiao didn't tell you about this because he didn't want you to be involved. You should wait for my news."

In order to make Lu Zhanxing give up, he ruthlessly added: "Don't make trouble for me."

Lu Zhanxing opened his mouth and clenched his hand holding the phone tightly. After a while, he whispered, "I see."

He can't help anything, so he can only try not to make trouble.



Qiao Yun glanced at the exquisite breakfast in front of him, then looked up at Qiao Xun who was staring at him.

"Don't worry, it's not poisonous, don't starve yourself." Qiao Xun first took a little and put it in his mouth.

The woman who had been monitoring them showed sarcasm and contempt in her eyes: "Professor Qiao is so timid? Don't worry, as long as Dr. Qiao wants to protect you, we will not do anything excessive to you."

Qiao Yun ignored the woman's ambiguity, she raised her hand to pick up the chopsticks, nodded to Qiao Xun and said, "I don't worry, my uncle won't hurt me."

She was just thinking, as a hostage, is it really okay to eat so well?

Seeing that Qiao Yun was willing to eat, Qiao Xun was also relieved, but after hearing what she said later, he laughed again and said, "Why do you still trust me now?"

Qiao Yun ate quietly, and Qiao Xun just watched her eat quietly.

Qiao Yun waited until he finished eating before replying slowly: "I don't know, my intuition."

Qiao Xun was stunned for a moment, realizing that after Qiao Yun answered what he said earlier, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Intuition may not be accurate."

"Really." Qiao Yun said indifferently.

But her intuition has always been accurate.

Qiao Yun opened her eyelids and stared intently at the person across from her, the strange feeling in her heart emerged again.

At this time, another man monitoring Qiao Yun came in, followed by a group of mercenaries, his voice was emotionless: "Professor Qiao, come with us."

He turned his head and said to Qiao Xun: "Doctor Qiao is right, as long as Professor Qiao is caught, Li Hanzhou can be drawn out."

Qiao Yun's cold face was devoid of any emotion, and the brows were furrowed.

Qiao Xun smiled at Qiao Yun, "Look, I'm right, you want to protect him, and he really wants to protect you."

Qiao Yun pursed her lips, stood up silently, and walked outside under the surveillance of a group of people.

Although spring was about to begin, the temperature at the seaside was still very low, and a sea breeze was blowing in front of her. Qiao Yun gathered up her coat and touched the buttons on the cuffs with her fingers.

She had already figured it out, if this group of people dared to do bad things to Li Hanzhou, she would blow them up first.

Although doing so is different from her original plan, isn't her purpose just to not see Li Hanzhou being involved.

As for the boss behind the mysterious organization, she will catch him one day.

Just thinking about it, Qiao Yun was taken to the beach.

The sea breeze was strong, she blinked against the wind, and saw Li Hanzhou getting off a boat, wearing a delicate suit, with his hair combed meticulously, looking elegant and dignified, as if he didn't come to meet a group of people with malicious intentions, but It's to attend a high-end reception.

Qiao Yun looked at Li Hanzhou, her eyes were still bright, but there seemed to be something else unclear in her eyes.

All she knew was the moment she saw Li Hanzhou approaching.

My heart beat uncontrollably, a bit complicated, but also a bit joyful.

This is a person who, for her, would even risk his life.

Li Hanzhou's eyes fell directly on Qiao Yun's body, and he looked her up and down, "Little friend, is there any injury?"

"No." Qiao Yun reassured him, "I'm fine."

Li Hanzhou saw that she didn't show the slightest fear, so he smiled lightly: "You did a good job, leave it to me."

Qiao Yun lowered her voice: "You shouldn't come, I've said it, trust me."

"I believe in you." Li Hanzhou sighed: "But I also want to protect you."

Hearing what he said, Qiao Yun felt inexplicably happy.

She and Li Hanzhou have no blood relationship, and they haven't even had any intersection in the past ten years.

But he said he wanted to protect her.

Li Hanzhou looked at the people holding Qiao Yun again, his eyes finally fell on Qiao Xun, and he said with a half smile, "I'm here, let her go."

(End of this chapter)

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