If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 618 You still blame the decision we made back then!

Chapter 618 You still blame the decision we made back then!
There were countless bodyguards in the manor who were under martial law, and they were all taken aback when they saw Li Hanzhou.

Someone quickly reacted, and immediately ran in to notify the owner.

When Li Hanzhou walked in, he immediately saw two people sitting in the living room.

The old man is about 70 years old, wearing a coat, with silver hair and sharp eyes. Although he is getting older, his courage is still undiminished.

After seeing Li Hanzhou, he snorted: "Do you know how to come and see our elders?"

The old lady wearing a cheongsam sitting next to the old man stared at her husband calmly, and said softly: "The grandson came back after a long time, so you should say a few words."

Old Man Li snorted again, but didn't say anything else.

Li Hanzhou walked over with long legs, sat in front of his grandfather, and said casually, "Grandpa, have you gone to see Professor Qiao?"

Mr. Li's eyes were blank for a moment, and then he heard Li Hanzhou continue: "If you want to find Li Nanfeng, you can find me, don't bother her."

Old Man Li immediately widened his eyes, and said angrily, "You came all the way back for this?"

Li Hanzhou raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise?"

Old Man Li immediately lowered his face: "So what if I found it?"

Li Hanzhou restrained his sloppy expression: "You still want to let him go? Just like before?"

Old Man Li's expression changed, "He is your uncle."

Li Hanzhou chuckled lightly: "An uncle who wants to harm me?"

"You still blame the decision we made back then!"

"I didn't say that."

"If you don't think so, why didn't you come back these years!"

Li Hanzhou said concisely: "Busy."

Old man Li was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, looking at his grandson who didn't like oil and salt, he was so angry.

The old lady Li hurriedly said to Si Ni: "Okay, okay, come back after a long time, so don't make noise."

Old Man Li roared, "I want to quarrel?"

Old Madam Li squinted and said, "Shut up."

Old Man Li: "..."

"You have a good relationship with that Professor Qiao?" Mrs. Li asked Li Hanzhou curiously.

It was the first time she saw Li Hanzhou working so hard for one person.

Thinking of how surprised Qiao Yun was by one of his kisses, Li Hanzhou laughed lowly: "Very good."

The old lady Li is someone who has been here, and she smiled knowingly when she saw this: "It seems really good."

Li Hanzhou didn't want to talk too much about Qiao Yun with them, so he changed the subject and asked, "Do you know what Li Nanfeng did?"

The two elders of the Li family shook their heads, obviously they didn't know what happened to that poor young son.

Li Hanzhou didn't hide it from them, and directly told them about the dirty things Li Nanfeng did, among which he concealed the matter of the new student plan, and put in front of them the matter of his illegal research with living people.

These things were so shocking that they shocked the two elders of the Li family for a long time.

Old Man Li bowed his back in despair, hating iron for not becoming steel: "It's a crime! It's a crime!"

The old lady Li sighed for a long time: "Don't worry, we won't take care of this matter, it was the last time we took care of him..."

Li Hanzhou hummed, seeing that he had achieved his goal, he didn't want to stay for long, so he stood up and said, "I'm going back."

"So fast? Why don't you stay for one night?" Mrs. Li was very reluctant.

Old Man Li was angry again: "Let him go! Stay here to block the eyes."

Old Madam Li smiled helplessly at Li Hanzhou: "Leave your grandfather alone."

"There is something else."

Li Hanzhou felt that he was quite strange. He hadn't seen Qiao Yun for ten and a half months before, and he wouldn't want to see her so eagerly.

"Also, grandpa, you are so old, don't always play games, it's bad for your eyes."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and went out regardless of the cursing old man Li behind him.

Old Man Li bared his teeth, "Look, what kind of attitude is this!"

"Grandson is concerned about you. He is right, don't always play games." The old lady Li said while picking up the mobile phone hidden under the newspaper.

On the interface, the game of Fighting the Landlords is still in progress.

Just now he knew that Li Hanzhou was back, and Mr. Li, who was still fighting with his poker friends, hid his phone quickly in order to maintain his majestic image.

Unexpectedly, it was still discovered.

Seeing that Mrs. Li was about to turn off the phone, he hurriedly said, "Wait until this round is over."

"What's the fight? First, let me tell you what's going on with Professor Qiao?"

"How would I know!" Old Man Li said angrily, "It must be those people who made their own decisions to please me."

There are quite a lot of offshoots of the Li family, and they couldn't get close to Li Hanzhou, so naturally they could only come to see Mr. Li.

"You don't know, why don't you explain to Porridge that you didn't do it?"

"I'm his grandfather, explain to him what to do!"

"When will you change your old man's temper? No wonder Porridge doesn't want to come back."

Old Man Li snorted angrily: "If you don't come back, you won't come back! He just needs someone to discipline him, so he doesn't know what it means to respect the old and love the young."

The old lady Li didn't bother to talk to him. She obviously cared about her grandson, but she had a broken mouth. Every time she quarreled with her grandson, and then she couldn't quarrel, she sulked herself.

"The stinky boy is not young anymore, it's time to find a wife for him to take care of him."

"Don't worry about this." Mrs. Li remembered Li Hanzhou's eyes when he mentioned Professor Qiao, and she already knew it.

Old Man Li didn't know about this, and muttered, "Find a wife early, maybe you can change your temper and give birth to a great-grandson."

Old lady Li: "..."

Old Man Li said again: "Looking at his temper, it may be difficult to find a wife. I just happen to know someone, my little granddaughter..."

Old Madam Li rolled her eyes: "Don't meddle in this matter."

Old Man Li snorted, this family is really losing his status more and more.

But thinking of a chubby baby in the future who would call him grandpa grandpa in a childish voice, he laughed a few times.

The more I felt that it was the right decision to find a wife for Li Hanzhou as soon as possible. Anyway, he didn't have to marry him, so I met first in case I saw it right?

But when he thought of Li Hanzhou's temper, Mr. Li thought to himself, this matter has to be discussed in the long run, and it must be watertight.


When Qiao Yun returned to Shangjing, she first went to the hospital to see Qiao Xun.

He's doing well now, but he can't walk around yet.

"Uncle, do you want to go back to Beijing?" Qiao Yun asked Qiao Xun if he wanted to be transferred, so that she could also look forward to it.

Qiao Xun thought for a while, but still shook her head: "No, I'll go back when I'm done."

"Okay." Qiao Yun didn't force her, and after sitting for a while, she got up to leave.

After Qiao Yun left, Qiao Xun took the mobile phone on the bedside table, hesitated for a moment, and then made a call.

"Son, what's the matter?" José's angry voice came from the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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