Chapter 620 Because of this, you think I did it?

After Li Nanfeng fell from the building, he was rushed to the hospital immediately.

But in the end, the fight was in vain. Originally, his body was at the end of his strength, and he was injured by the explosion, coupled with mental trauma, he could not hold on for a long time.

The police immediately launched an investigation into Li Nanfeng's fall, but because the location where he fell was not monitored, no one knew exactly how he fell.

And no one approached him at the time, so it could only be judged to be an accident.

This incident was reported back to the Li family, which made the Li family couple and the two elders of the Li family feel uncomfortable for a long time. After all, it is impossible to say that they are blood relatives without feeling it.

Li Miao and Li Hanzhou, who were also ignorant in the whole family, still acted like nothing had happened.

When Qiao Xun found out about this, he just got off the plane. After more than a month of recuperation, his body had already recovered.

When he heard the news, he was still a little dazed. It happened so suddenly and he was not prepared at all. Li Nanfeng was punished as he should.

Qiao Xun always felt a little uncomfortable. He was not in a hurry to go home. After thinking about it, he asked Li Hanzhou to meet.

For the sake of Qiao Xun being Qiao Yun's uncle, Li Hanzhou readily accepted the invitation.

The two made an appointment to meet in the tea room.

As soon as they met, Qiao Xun got straight to the point, and asked with probing eyes: "You did what happened to Li Nanfeng?"

Li Hanzhou was not in a hurry to answer, he picked up the teacup slowly, took a sip, and said in a casual and casual tone, "What exactly are you referring to?"

Qiao Xun looked at him: "The matter of falling from the building."

Li Hanzhou put down his teacup, bent his lips, "Why do you think so? He is also my uncle."

Qiao Xun didn't know either, but his intuition told him that it was impossible for Li Nanfeng to fall from the building for no reason, and the only thing he could think of was Li Hanzhou.


"The mental hospital he lives in is under the name of the Shen family. As far as I know, the young master of the Shen family, Shen Qi, and you are brothers."

Li Hanzhou raised his eyebrows slightly: "Uncle, just because of this, you think I did it?"

Qiao Xun was taken aback for a moment, then ground her teeth in her heart, who is your uncle, and what are you yelling at.

"Whether I did it or not..." Li Hanzhou stood up with a faint smile on his face: "You just need to understand that he will never have a chance to hurt Qiao Yun."

Qiao Xun's face suddenly turned pale. Hearing what he said, he felt that this man was terrifying.

It seems that today, I finally understand why outsiders say that Li Hanzhou is not easy to mess with.

Li Hanzhou nodded: "Uncle, I'll go first if I have nothing to do."

The corner of Qiao Xun's mouth twitched, and finally couldn't help but retort: ​​"Who is your uncle?"

"Sooner or later, you have to get used to it." Li Hanzhou didn't feel thick-skinned at all.

Qiao Xun was shocked by his shamelessness, and after a while, he said in a serious tone: "I am not qualified to decide who Qiao Qiao likes, but if one day, she likes you, if you dare to make her sad, I will not let you go you."

Li Hanzhou sighed softly: "Hitting her doesn't mean killing me."

Qiao Xun nodded: "It's best."

In the end, he still didn't figure out whether Li Hanzhou was responsible for Li Nanfeng's fall, and it became a complete mystery.

However, he was neither joyful nor excited, but relaxed, as if something had finally settled.

Qiao Xun returned home as if in a dream, and opened the door, but there was no sign of Joseph.

He put down the suitcase, walked to the back garden, and saw his father who was digging.

José heard the movement, looked up and found that it was his son, and laughed: "Hey, are you back? Have you eaten yet?"

Qiao Xun looked at his silver-haired father quietly. He walked over and knelt down to help his father dig the soil.

José muttered, "You don't need to come. You are tired. There is food left for you in the kitchen. Go eat first and then rest for a while."


Qiao Xun interrupted him softly: "Let me tell you about the person I like, her name is Jiang Yunzhi..."

The haze shrouded in the sky gradually dissipated, a ray of sunlight fell, and the sun finally came out.


The incident didn't stop because of Li Nanfeng's accident, but there were too many involved. The police had been busy for several months, and finally arrested all the participants in early May.

Li Nanfeng's underground research base was also destroyed. By the way, a human trafficking organization and some illegal industries were uncovered.

After the matter was dealt with, the official made the matter public.

It caused an uproar in the world in an instant, and there was a lively discussion for a long time.

Before the investigation was still underway, the news was full and solid. Now that the dust has settled, there are scattered rumors, rumors in the upper class.

It is said that the leader of the illegal experiments is the deported young master of the Li family.

It is said that this incident was aimed at Professor Qiao, who wanted to kidnap Professor Qiao.

It is said that Professor Qiao caught him.

After hearing these rumors, when Lu Rui came home that night, he said to his wife speechlessly, "What nonsense, what does it have to do with Qiao Qiao?"

"Yes, it's too outrageous." Su Mian looked at Qiao Yun who was watching TV in the living room, "Right, Qiao Qiao, you think so too."

Qiao Yun turned her head for help, and looked at Lu Zhanxing, who was desperately eating melon seeds, with a face that I knew nothing about.

Su Mian: "..."

Lu Rui: "..."

Su Mian, who knew her son very well, immediately exploded: "Lu Zhanxing! If you confess, you will be lenient, but if you resist, you will be strict! Tell me, what's going on?"

Lu Zhanxing laughed and said, "Mom, what's going on."

Su Mian snorted, then turned to ask Qiao Yun, "Qiao Qiao, tell me."


Su Mian added: "A good boy is not allowed to lie."

Qiao Yun: "..."

Qiao Yun pursed her lips and looked at her parents' concerned eyes. She didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only tug on Lu Zhanxing's cuff: "Brother, tell me."

What can Lu Zhanxing do, he can only listen to his sister.

So he told the whole thing under the ugly expression of his parents.

Suddenly knowing that it was really related to Qiao Qiao, the Lu family and his wife were shocked for a long time, but they couldn't recover.

What is this called? After eating melons for several months, I actually ate them on my own body.

After all, several months have passed since this incident, and Qiao Yun is indeed well and uninjured.

If they wanted to reprimand them, they couldn't say it.

In the end, Su Mian said with a cold face, "How can you hide such a big matter from us?"

Lu Rui frowned: "You two, too, have kept it from us for so long."

Qiao Yun is not used to dealing with her parents' love, so she can only continue to look at Lu Zhanxing.

Lu Zhanxing said calmly: "Isn't this resolved? Don't worry about it. Who is my sister? Not just anyone can hurt her."

This is the reason, but the Lu couple still have lingering fears.

But because they didn't personally participate in this matter and couldn't empathize with it, they were actually not very angry.

This can be considered a small ending. If you don’t like to watch emotional dramas, let’s treat it as a side story, but the slap in the face is also very exciting.
(End of this chapter)

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