If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 623 The story of three people, but he became a passerby?

Chapter 623 The story of three people, but he became a passerby?

The man's thick black brows were furrowed, and he stared deeply at the front.

After a while, he raised his head, drank the beer in his hand in one gulp, and then casually threw the can into the trash can.

Standing up holding the phone, he made a call while walking.

Seeing this, the young masters gathered around the man wanted to stop him, but others stopped him and told him not to ask about the man.

The group of them came to accompany them today, and their purpose was to make friends with the man and win more resources for their family. Therefore, although they came to the resort to play, they were cautious in getting along with the man.

I don't know what happened to him, his face suddenly became so ugly.

Qiao Yun seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly turned her head to look behind her, but she didn't notice anything unusual, so she turned her head in doubt again.

Li Hanzhou looked at Qiao Yun with burning eyes, and asked chattingly, "Why do you want to go to the banquet all of a sudden?"

Qiao Yun opened her eyelids and glanced at him: "Can't you participate?"

Li Hanzhou paused, his expression slightly subtle.

It's not an illusion, the kid seems to be angry with him.

He carefully recalled his recent actions, and made sure that he hadn't done anything to make Qiao Yun unhappy, and his heart was filled with sympathy.

Before he could continue asking, Qiao Yun handed him another bitter gourd: "Here you are."

Li Hanzhou stared at the bitter gourd with complicated eyes, and finally took it silently.

Looking at this scene, Li Miao sighed in her heart, love is so great, the devil actually ate the most hated bitter gourd in order to please Qiao Qiao.

In the future, she will also find a boyfriend who can eat food she hates.

"Oh, what a coincidence, you guys come to play too."

Everyone heard the voice and looked along the voice.

Pei Yao, who was wearing casual sportswear, walked over with a smile on his face: "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you."

Lu Rui and the old man hurriedly got up and said hello to Pei Yao.

"Pei Dong, come to play too?"

Pei Yao smiled and said, "It's time to relax during the weekend."

As he spoke, he glanced at Qiao Yun who was preparing to grill fish guiltily, and felt relieved when he saw that she had no expression.

Knowing that Professor Qiao was going on a trip with his family, and that Li Hanzhou was also invited, Pei Yao felt that his position was in jeopardy, so he came uninvited.

Su Mian said politely, "Have Dong Pei eaten, do you want to go together?"

Pei Yao pretended to hesitate: "This, isn't it good?"

Su Mian enthusiastically said, "There's nothing wrong with it, Qiao Qiao is always thanks to your care."

Pei Yao thought to himself, yes, I am taking care of it, and it has nothing to do with Li Hanzhou.

Thinking of what Pei Yao said before, Lu Zhanxing looked at Li Hanzhou who was sticking to his sister, rolled his eyes, and immediately called Pei Yao over: "Pei Dong, come here together."

He still thinks that Pei Yao treats Qiao Yun so well because he has a crush on Qiao Yun.

He wanted to take this opportunity to respond to Li Hanzhou.

Pei Yao immediately put on a face. Actually, I don't want to disturb you, but it's because you are too enthusiastic, and I squeezed beside Qiao Yun as if I couldn't help it.

Qiao Yun didn't say anything, and handed him a bunch of meat.

Pei Yao was overwhelmed with emotion. Professor Qiao really cared about him the most, and he must be afraid that he would starve.

Li Hanzhou: Hehe...

With Pei Yao's involvement, Li Hanzhou had fewer chances to talk to Qiao Yun, and had no chance to ask Qiao Yun if he was angry with him.

His eyes were displeased, and he glanced at Pei Yao coldly, "Boss Pei, are you going to accompany your friend?"

Pei Yao said nonchalantly, "I came here alone, where can I find friends?"

"Come to the resort alone?"


Pei Yao choked for a second, then sighed, "Yeah, who made me have no friends, alas..."

"Dong Pei will be with us, it's so crowded." Su Mian couldn't help feeling soft-hearted when he saw Pei Yao alone.

Naturally, the rest of the Lu family did not object. According to Pei Yao's wealth and status, they were willing to make friends with them.

"Then excuse me." Pei Yao triumphantly raised his eyebrows at Li Hanzhou.

Li Hanzhou sneered, childish.

Qiao Yun was sandwiched between them, so she could naturally feel their swords being tense, so she said to Li Hanzhou, "Go and sit down."

Pei Yao quickly agreed: "That's right, go and sit down, I don't need you here."

The corners of Li Hanzhou's mouth were tightly pursed, his face showing concern, was it for Pei Yao to let him go away?

Li Miao seemed to be able to see the thick black air coming out of his brother's body, and thought to himself that it was over, and the big devil was upset.

"Baked what you like." Qiao Yun didn't look up, and added in a soft voice: "It's not bitter melon."

She reflected on her behavior, and felt that it was not good for Li Hanzhou to eat bitter gourd all the time.

But I don't know why, I just want to give him bitter gourd, as if doing so will make me happier.

She has always been a person who follows her heart and does what she wants to do.

The light and fluffy words instantly made the corners of Li Hanzhou's mouth slightly raised, full of joy.

Seeing that he didn't reply, Qiao Yun raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes: "Is that all right?"

"Okay." Li Hanzhou replied in seconds, looking at Qiao Yun with deep and gentle eyes.

Qiao Yun subconsciously looked away and concentrated on grilling.

Pei Yao: It's a story of three people, but he became a passerby? ?
A barbecue, everyone has different thoughts.

When the meal was almost finished, Lu Jingzhi asked Lu Rui to go fishing with him, and the old man immediately said that he would go too.

Lu Zhanxing heard that there are wild vegetables and wild animals that can be picked in the bamboo forest not far away, so he planned to go and have a look. Lu Shiran was also a little interested and followed.

When it was getting dark, Su Mian lit a bonfire, the old lady prepared some snacks, and then pulled Li Miao and the three together to talk.

The breeze was blowing, Qiao Yun closed his eyes, his limbs felt relaxed.

She opened her eyes, and when she looked up, there was a bright galaxy.

She turned her head again, looking at the family members present.

My heart is full of joy.

very nice.

She inexplicably fell in love with camping.

"Very happy?" Sitting next to her, Li Hanzhou asked with a smile.

Qiao Yun felt it carefully, then nodded noncommittally: "Yes."

Looking at the stars, she said in a calm manner, "Before, never."

Li Hanzhou felt bored, he held Qiao Yun's hand calmly, and said solemnly: "If you want to come in the future, I will accompany you."

Qiao Yun's eyes fell on the hand held by Li Hanzhou, and he was silent.

Li Hanzhou said: "It's normal for good friends to hold hands."

Qiao Yun snorted, but didn't pull out her hand.

The corners of Li Hanzhou's lips curled up slightly, and there was a smile in his eyes, it could be seen that he was in a good mood now.

Lu Zhanxing came back with a basket of wild mushrooms, which he picked in the mountains not far away just now. He swept his eyes and asked strangely: "Where is Shi Ran? Why didn't you come back?"

The old lady was more puzzled than him: "Shouldn't you ask yourself? Shi Ran is going to the bamboo forest with you."

(End of this chapter)

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