If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 647 Lu Shiran's Investigation Results Come Out

Chapter 647 Lu Shiran's Investigation Results Come Out

The middle-aged woman shouted: "You and my son have a substantial relationship, if you don't marry my son, who else can you marry!"

It was the first time Qin Xuan met such a troublesome person, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood: "What is your son? How dare you slander me."

"Everyone comment!" The middle-aged woman said sapo: "She seduced my son first, causing my future daughter-in-law and my son to divorce, and now she wants to deny it! I don't care if you are responsible for my son. "

The Qin family lived in a villa area, and the people who lived here were either rich or expensive, and the middle-aged woman screamed so loudly.

There have been curious people who poked their heads and looked over.

This look.


Isn't that Xu Shao's old mother? I almost forgot that Qin Xuan and Xu Shao were caught cheating on the spot.

Qin Xuan's face turned blue and white, and his lips were trembling with anger.

Originally, the matter between her and Xu Shao had been discussed by many fewer people after these days, but now that it was brought up again by a middle-aged woman, she could imagine that within a few hours, the circle would be full of people who were against her again. Pointing fingers!
Qin Xuan said angrily: "Get out, you all get out!"

After she finished speaking, she covered her face and ran back to the villa. If she continued to pester her, maybe this ignorant woman would say something nasty again.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman hurriedly shouted: "Daughter-in-law, anyway, you are already my son's person. This is something everyone knows, so let's just make do with it, otherwise no one will dare to marry you."

It was as if Qin Xuan was a broken shoe.

The middle-aged woman accepted as soon as she was good, and after shouting this sentence, she told her family to leave.

One of them said worriedly: "Auntie, won't we annoy the Qin family by doing this? If the Qin family gets angry, our family will definitely be ruined."

The middle-aged woman said fearlessly: "There is nothing to be afraid of, your aunt and I are backed by someone."

She whispered: "I don't know how this eldest lady annoyed Pei Dong, and used this method to embarrass her."

The Xu family originally accepted the benefits of the Qin family and took the matter back to their stomachs.

But not long ago, they received the instruction from Director Pei of Shengqiao Group, as long as they could make Qin Xuan lose face, they would give them business benefits.

Compared with the Qin family whose base is in country M, of course the Sheng Qiao Group is more beneficial to them.

So, the middle-aged woman ran to the door of Qin's house and rolled around. Anyway, she had a thick skin and was not afraid of losing face.

After the middle-aged woman walked out of the villa area, she immediately called Pei Yao's special assistant to ask for credit.



Pei Yao was on his way to send Qiao Yun back to Lu's house, but Li Hanzhou had something to do, so he didn't follow him.

In fact, he was still in the meeting, and it was a very important meeting.

After receiving Qiao Yun's message, he immediately abandoned the meeting and came directly to Qiao Yun, as if he was a fool.

Pei Yao received a call from the special assistant, listened to the whole process, smiled and praised: "Good job, this matter is over, don't worry about it."

The other side replied: "Yes."

Pei Yao put down his phone, and curled his lips in a good mood: "Boss, the matter is done, Miss Qin is going to be famous again, how are you satisfied?"

Qiao Yun hummed and nodded: "Satisfied."

Pei Yao sighed, and blamed Qin Xuan for being too courageous, insisting on provoking Professor Qiao.

One of Professor Joe's principles is tit for tat.

Qin Xuan wanted to spread rumors about her.

In the same way, she gave Qin Xuan a taste of being rumored.

Pei Yao looked at Qiao Yun with admiration in his eyes. Although Professor Qiao was not as cold and ruthless as before, the principle remained the same.

It was the same Professor Qiao he knew. Thinking about it this way, he felt a little better.

Either he didn't want Professor Qiao to be human, or he was afraid that if she was too human, they would not be able to occupy more places in her heart.

Come to think of it, it's a bit of a snack.

Qiao Yun didn't know what Pei Yao and the others were thinking.

It was true that she recognized the Lu family, but in her heart, this group of people in the research institute was also very important.


Qin Xuan was so angry that he only felt that the passing of time was unfavorable. He failed to threaten Qiao Yun, but lost face again.

Upright, when he entered the villa, he was scolded by his grandfather again.

Mr. Qin looked at Qin Xuan sharply: "What did you do today?"

Qin Xuan said with a guilty conscience, "I, I'm going out to play."

Mr. Qin scolded: "Are you going out to play, or are you going out to make trouble again!?"

"I do not have."

"How dare you lie! Don't think that I don't know, you are going to provoke Li Hanzhou again! Did I tell you that you are not allowed to pester Li Hanzhou from now on." Mr. Qin used to think that this granddaughter was pretty and lively, but now he found that her character was so original. It's so bad, if it continues like this, sooner or later the Qin family will be finished by her.

Qin Xuan was startled, he didn't expect that his grandfather already knew about it, did Li Hanzhou sue?
She felt uncomfortable, and couldn't help retorting: "I didn't provoke him, I did it for his own good, I just don't want him to be tricked and cheated!"

Mr. Qin pointed out directly: "Don't think that I don't know what's in your heart, you just don't give up!"

Qin Xuan bit his lips tightly, stood there trembling and was scolded by Mr. Qin.

Mrs. Qin came down from upstairs, and couldn't bear to go up to persuade: "Dad, don't be angry, just talk about things."

"What are you talking about! Look at the girl you taught, the farce at the door just now wasn't embarrassing enough? You have to rush to be humiliated in front of Li's house." Mr. Qin panted, "My old face will be made by her Gone."

He is quite old, and he was ridiculed twice by the old man of the Li family, each time because of Qin Xuan's relationship.

Because Qin Xuan was at fault, he had no reason to mock back.

When mentioning the farce at the door just now, Mrs. Qin's expression became very ugly, and she didn't answer for a while.

Qin Yuan came back at this time, with a cold handsome face, he gritted his teeth and said to Qin Xuan: "What did you do today?"

"What?" Qin Xuan was puzzled and said in a worried mood, "What's wrong with me?"

Qin Yuan took a deep breath: "Are you going to provoke Qiao Yun again?"

Originally, Qin Xuan'ai had nothing to do with him, but now Pei Yao wants to protect Qiao Yun.

When Qin Xuan provokes Qiao Yun, he implicates the entire Qin family.

He was warned by Pei Yao just now because of Qin Xuan, it was a disaster from heaven.

"When I caused trouble outside, you never blamed me like this, and helped me deal with it. Now you blame me for an outsider."

Qin Xuan's eyes were flushed, looking at the family who condemned her, he felt helpless and betrayed by them.

She didn't want to see them anymore, turned around and ran upstairs.

Qin Xuan was so angry that old master Qin fell on his back.

Qin Yuan wanted to say a few words of comfort, but the phone in his pocket rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was a message from the person investigating Lu Shiran.

Tell him the results of the investigation are out.

(End of this chapter)

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