If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 651 "That's not an anesthetic, it's a kind of..."

Chapter 651 "That's not an anesthetic, it's a kind of..."

Mr. Qin was in such a hurry that he quickly attracted the attention of other members of the family.

"Dad, what happened?"

Mrs. Qin couldn't help being nervous, it was the first time she saw her father so flustered.

Mr. Qin hurriedly said: "Something has happened! Your nephew is hospitalized, I have to go and have a look."

Mrs. Qin's eyes widened, and she subconsciously looked at Qin Yuan, who was expressionless.

Qin Yuan shook her head calmly to Mrs. Qin, motioning her to wait.

Mrs. Qin suppressed her complicated emotions and said quickly, "Dad, I'll go with you."

"Alright, as a real aunt, you really should go." Old Master Qin said displeased: "I don't know how the Lu family takes care of them. If something happens to my grandson, I will not spare them. This time it's best Being able to take people straight home."

The old man is used to being swift and resolute, and he never considers other people's feelings when doing things.

Now that he knows that Lu Shiran is really his grandson, according to his thinking, it is natural to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors.

It never occurred to Lu Shiran whether he would like to return to the Qin family.

Mrs. Qin looked at her worried and anxious father with a self-deprecating expression on her face.

If something happened to her child, although the father would be worried, he would definitely not be as anxious as he is now.

Heh... what a sarcasm.

Qin Xuan rolled his eyes when he heard this, and said, "I'm going too."

"What are you going to do! Stay at home." Mr. Qin feels bad when he sees this granddaughter now.

Qin Xuan's eyes showed worry: "Our whole family has gone so that we can appear to attach great importance to my cousin. Maybe my cousin will recognize us as soon as he is happy."

Mr. Qin was moved, nodded and said: "You come together too, don't cause trouble for me this time."

"I see." Qin Xuanwu thought complacently.

When grandpa sees a disabled grandson, see if he can still be so happy.

Qin Yuan glanced at Qin Xuan: "Are you very happy? Do you know why my cousin was hospitalized?"

Qin Xuan said vaguely: "I don't know. I don't know how to tell fortunes, so how do I know."

"It's better to be like this." Qin Yuan left these words, and ran after Mr. Qin with his long legs.

Qin Xuan frowned, did Qin Yuan know something?

No, if he knew, he wouldn't be so quiet.

Mr. Qin and Qin Xuan took the same car, and Mrs. Qin took Qin Yuan to the other car.

In the car, Mrs. Qin said in a panic: "Didn't you say it was safe? How did your grandfather know?"

Qin Yuan clenched the steering wheel, his eyes darkened: "Grandpa asked Uncle Zhang to investigate."

Mrs. Qin seemed to have been struck by lightning, and said in surprise: "Why would you call someone else to investigate!? He wouldn't...know that you tampered with the results of the investigation, right?"

"No." Qin Yuan said calmly, "Mom, do you think Grandpa won't get angry if he knows we're cheating?"

When Mrs. Qin heard this, an irritable expression appeared on her face: "It's more than just getting angry, maybe you'll take back all the rights in your hands. There's no room for sand in your grandfather's eyes."

She squeezed her eyebrows: "What should we do now, can we just watch him enter the room and take away everything that belongs to you?"

Qin Yuan didn't speak, but tapped the steering wheel with his fingertips, his face pensive.

"By the way." Mrs. Qin asked: "Didn't you say before that there is another solution once and for all?"

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows, with a smile that was not a smile: "Mom, don't worry, it's not the last moment, how can you be sure that grandpa will welcome cousin back?"

Mrs. Qin wondered: "Isn't this a matter of course? After all, he is a grandson."

"That's not necessarily true." Qin Yuan hooked the corner of his mouth, smiling happily.

Seeing the smile on her son's face, Mrs. Qin felt a chill for no reason.

But I also have a little more confidence in my heart.

Qin Yuan has always been very smart. Since he said this, he must have his reasons.


Because Qiao Yun's family is relatively close to the hospital, before the old man and the others came, Qiao Yun and his family arrived first.

Lu Shiran just checked.

He didn't have any serious physical problems, but he was punched a few times, and there were bruises on his body that needed medicine.

The mental state is quite good, not at all like someone who has just experienced life and death.

As soon as Lu Shiran saw Qiao Yun, before she could speak, his eyes turned red, ignoring Lu Zhanxing and Lu Jingzhi's murderous eyes, he hugged Qiao Yun's petite body directly.

Qiao Yun was hugged suddenly, not used to it but at the same time a little confused, her whole body was stiff.

For a long time, thinking that Lu Shiran was frightened, she raised her hand, patted Lu Shiran's back, and comforted in a calm voice: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay."

Lu Jingzhi was envious, sad, and dissatisfied: "Lu Shiran, do you want to strangle my sister to death?"

Lu Zhanxing gritted his teeth and said, "That's enough, how long do you want to hug? If you want to hug your sister, go and ask uncle to give you one."

Su Mian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Isn't she usually very courageous? Why is this so frightening?"

Lu Shiran curled his lips, and said aggrievedly: "I'm not afraid."

"Ghosts believe it." Lu Zhanxing rolled his eyes.

Qiao Yun patted Lu Shiran's arm: "I believe it."

Lu Shiran sniffed, and said to Qiao Yun with distressed eyes: "After this time, I can finally understand how scared my sister was when she was kidnapped when she was young."

As a grown man, he couldn't help feeling terrified.

My sister was only three years old at the time.

When he thought of this, his heart ached to death.

Hearing Lu Shiran's words, except for Qiao Yun, everyone's mood fell.

Qiao Yun was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect that Lu Shiran would be afraid because of her.

With a warm heart, she whispered embarrassingly, "I'm not afraid, don't be sad, it's a thing of the past."

"Oh." Lu Shiran said solemnly: "Sister, I will always protect you, and I won't let you go through this again."

"Yes." Qiao Yun nodded, "I believe in you."

Only then was Lu Shiran satisfied, with a silly smile on his face, and he showed off, "I'm so awesome, I beat up several people."

"You are amazing." Qiao Yun praised.

Lu Shiran immediately raised his chest, extremely proud.

Lu Rui almost lost his eyes: "Stop showing off, tell me what's going on?"

"I do not know either……"

As soon as Lu Shiran opened his mouth, the old man and the others rushed into the ward.

The two elders of the Lu family almost had a heart attack from being frightened by Lu Shiran. They were very fortunate that they had the foresight before and sent someone to protect Lu Shiran.

Otherwise, no one can guarantee what will happen to Lu Shiran.

The old lady almost collapsed, grabbed Lu Shiran and looked at him: "Grandma's good grandson, is there any injury?"

"Grandma, I'm fine." Lu Shiran comforted.

"It's really okay? Don't be brave, you know?" The old man can't wait to check Lu Shiran's whole body.

Lu Xian didn't say anything, and silently pressed his hand on Lu Shiran's shoulder.

Warm, vital, alive.

When he was relieved, he realized that his palms were already wet.

After confirming that Lu Shiran was in good health, the family was in the mood to ask Lu Shiran what happened.

Lu Shiran was scared and said: "They didn't tie me up for money, they just wanted to cripple my hands and make me completely useless. Dad, do you have any enemies? That's why they targeted me, your son, and wanted you to die of pain. Regret for life."

Qiao Yun hurriedly looked at Lu Shiran's hand, it was fine and complete.

Lu Xian thought about it carefully, shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, I'm in business, and I offend few people?"

The old man was very preoccupied, and always felt that this matter was full of weirdness.

In the ward, there was silence, and everyone looked contemplative.

After a while, Lu Jing knew: "Don't think too much, the kidnappers have not all been caught, and they will be handed over to the police for investigation."

"That's right, just rest assured, I'm fine now, don't worry about it." Lu Shiran didn't want his family to worry about him day and night.

"Are they all there?"

There was a knock on the door.

The Lu family turned their heads and looked over.

It was Qiao Xun who was wearing a white coat.

"Uncle." Qiao Yun hadn't seen Qiao Xun for a while, and when she saw him again, she couldn't help but look at him with her eyes.

Seeing that he is in good spirits, there is no haze in his eyes.

The corners of Qiao Yun's mouth raised slightly, this kind of uncle was just like the uncle she knew.

Qiao Xun rubbed Qiao Yun's little head. Under Qiao Yun's dissatisfied accusation, not only did he not take back his hand, but he rubbed it again, then looked at Lu Shiran, and asked with a serious face: "That anesthetic, is it?" Did you get it back from the scene?"

"That's right." Under the eyes of his family members, Lu Shiran said with a guilty conscience: "They saw that they couldn't beat me, so they wanted to inject me with an anesthetic, so I just picked it up."

Qiao Xun happened to be in the hospital today, and when he heard that Qiao Yun's cousin was hospitalized, he wanted to help out.

After all, his little niece saved his life, and he was willing to protect her family for Qiao Yun.

Qiao Xun continued to ask, "Did you hit?"

"No, when I was about to enter, someone asking for help came." Lu Shiran wondered, "There is something wrong."

Qiao Xun dropped a bomb in a flat voice: "That's not an anesthetic, it's a new type of drug specifically for dementia, it's a failure, and it's similar to drugs..."


Like hot oil splashed into cold water, causing a tumbling.

The entire ward was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

"You... what did you say?" Lu Shiran slowly opened his eyes wide, the blood in his whole body almost flowed upstream, making his mind buzzing and his heart beating fast.

Lu Xian's face turned pale: "Doctor Qiao, are you sure?"

Qiao Xun looked solemn: "I'm sure, as long as you inject it once, you will become addicted, your thinking will become more and more sluggish, your memory will become worse, you will lose your fighting spirit, and your whole body will be muddled. Over time, you can guess that it will change without me telling you. What kind of person do you become?"

He asked Lu Shiran again: "Think about it carefully, have you injected it?"

"No..." When Lu Shiran opened his mouth, his voice was trembling, his fingers were trembling, and his entire scalp was about to explode.

He has grown up so much, and it is the first time he has been so close to drugs, and he is almost completely finished.

Lu Shiran really felt a little scared, if he got infected with this thing, it would be better to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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