Chapter 655 You just need to be responsible and agree

Mrs. Qin pinched the center of her eyebrows, and said impatiently: "If you didn't instigate them, would they do so much?"

Qin Xuan couldn't believe it: "Mom, don't you believe what I said?"

Mrs. Qin really didn't believe Qin Xuan's words. She knew her daughter's character so well that she could even think of such a vicious idea of ​​cutting off her hand. What's the point of ruining Lu Shiran's life with drugs?
But she doesn't want to get entangled with Qin Xuan on this matter, the most important thing now is how to hide it from the past.

"Are you sure, it's you who ordered you not to be found out?"

Qin Xuan was quite sure before, but now that his mother exposed it on the spot, she hesitated: "It should not be found out."

"What do you mean you shouldn't be found out?" Mrs. Qin wanted to curse again, "You've been making trouble for Miss Lu's family recently, and it's hard to guarantee that they won't suspect you first."

She thought blankly: This daughter is so good at causing trouble, I should have known that she should not have been born in the first place.

"No..." Qin Xuan said without fear: "I didn't show up this time, I used the Internet to contact them. Besides, I was not targeting Qiao Yun, but Lu Shiran. They suspected that I What? From the beginning to the end, I did not show any malice towards Lu Shiran."

Qin Xuan took great pains to teach Qiao Yun a lesson.

Anyway, she has money, as long as a reward order is issued, there are plenty of people who are willing to do things for her.

This time things failed, and she wasn't worried at all.

After all, she didn't come forward herself, where can they find evidence that she did it?

Looking at the restless mother, she laughed: "Mom, look, haven't they found any evidence now? It's useless even if they take all those people away. They don't even know who I am." Know."

Seeing that her mother's expression was difficult to distinguish, she said coquettishly: "Mom, I'm also doing it for my brother's benefit. You don't want one more person to stand in your way, do you? In the hospital just now, you saw that grandpa always had his grandson in his eyes, so why not?" We exist."

Mrs. Qin heard that Qin Xuan was not as angry as before, and even thought that Qin Xuan would do this because of his father's partiality.

She calmed down, and said: "Hurry up and cancel the account you contacted with them, so as not to miss approval."

Seeing that his mother was persuaded, Qin Xuan quickly said, "Okay, I know. Mom, I knew it. You can't ignore me."

Mrs. Qin shook her head lightly: "I'm not worried that the Lu family will find you. With the Qin family's financial resources, there's no need to be afraid of them. I'm worried that your grandfather will find you."

When Qin Xuan thought of Grandpa's methods, a little fear arose in his heart.

Before she provoked Li Hanzhou and Qiao Yun, it was not enough to make grandpa really angry.

Now that his blood has been touched, the meaning is different.

Mrs. Qin thought for a while and decided: "That's good, you go back to country M first to avoid the limelight. As long as you are abroad, even if it is found out that you did it, you will not be punished."

Qin Xuan didn't want to leave, and always felt that once he left, it meant that he bowed his head to Qiao Yun.

She bit her lip and said, "Mom, I can't leave."

Under Mrs. Qin's impatient eyes, she continued to explain: "If I leave at this juncture, wouldn't I be a little guilty? Then even if they don't want to doubt me, they will doubt me."

Mrs. Qin frowned, as if she was thinking about the credibility of Qin Xuan's words.

Qin Xuan added: "Not only can I not leave, but I have to act like a normal person."

Mrs. Qin was persuaded, she nodded and said: "You're right, we have to behave like nothing has happened, and we have to actively help your grandfather worry about this matter, and completely remove ourselves."

She thought regretfully, although she was very angry at Qin Xuan for doing this, it would be fine if something happened to Lu Shiran.

In this way, no one will compete with Qin Yuan for the Qin family.

So far, we can only take one step at a time.

Of course, if Lu Shiran dared to go back to Qin's house, she would not sit idly by.

In short, no one can compete with Qin Yuan for the Qin family.

Qin Yuan stood outside and listened to their conversation. When he heard Qin Xuan's refusal to return to Country M, he twitched his lips and whispered, "Idiot."

Mrs. Qin has always been worried about Qin Xuan, so she asked Qin Yuan to always pay attention to Qin Xuan's activities.

Qin Yuan entrusted this matter to his subordinates.

So from the time when Qin Xuan issued a reward order on the Internet to target Lu Shiran, Qin Yuan knew it clearly.

Instead of stopping it, he allowed things to develop.

After all, a hidden danger can be solved without him taking action, and even if it is exposed, it has nothing to do with him.

Why not do it.

But because Qin Xuan is his own sister, he deliberately reminded his mother and asked her to warn Qin Xuan.

Now it's Qin Xuan who doesn't leave by himself.

Then you can't blame him.

Qin Yuan took a drag on his cigarette and thought slowly: Although this younger sister is stupid and has a bad personality, she is still useful.

Don't blame him for being ruthless, if the Qin family's heart is not ruthless, how can they climb up.

Moreover, because of Qin Xuan, he lost the opportunity to cooperate with the Apocalypse Research Institute, and indirectly lost the opportunity to be valued by his grandfather.

In this way, it is evened out.

the other side.

Mr. Qin is also investigating who wants to harm his grandson.

He told the personal butler in a solemn tone: "Check to see if Qin Yuan has anything to do with this matter."

Uncle Zhang looked slightly surprised, and said respectfully: "Yes."

"Wait... Check all the Qin family members, including those offshoots, and don't let any one go."

Mr. Qin was suspicious. Although he was persuaded by Qin Yuan's words before, he also suspected that Lu Xian's words to him were to make them fight among themselves, and to make his grandson think that the Qin family wanted to kill him, so he felt resentful towards them.

But just in case, he still felt that he had to check it out. If they hadn't done it, naturally nothing would be found.

If only they did...

Old Master Qin's eyes sank, and his expression became elusive.

He restrained his thoughts, and said: "Let the word out, the young master of the Lu family is my own grandson, let those who want to harm him, weigh their own weight."




The fact that Lu Shiran was the exiled blood of the Qin family spread throughout the upper class.

In an instant, the whole circle exploded.

Everyone knew that the purpose of the Qin family's high-profile visit to Beijing this time was to find Mr. Qin's illegitimate son.

She never expected that the son of this illegitimate child turned out to be Lu Shiran from the Lu family!
What's more, Lu Shiran turned out not to be Lu Xian's own son, but Mr. Qin's grandson.

You must know that Mr. Qin has no heir now.

Qin Yuan doesn't count. Although his surname is Qin, it can't change the fact that he is an outsider.

When Lu Shiran inherits the property of the Qin family in the future, the entire Lu family will follow suit!
The status of the Lu family in Shangjing City is different.

As soon as the news came out, all the nobles in the circle were making small calculations.

No matter if they have a normal relationship with the Lu family, or partners, or partners who are planning to cooperate, they all called to congratulate the Lu family.

Congratulations, with the Qin family relying on it, it is just around the corner that the Lu family will become a top wealthy family.

The mobile phones of all the people in the Lu family were blown up, and they all came to consult about this matter.

Lu Xian decisively turned off his phone, gnashing his teeth in anger at the Qin family's operation.

The old man is simply more straightforward, and he yells as soon as he comes.

"Lu Shiran is my grandson, and has nothing to do with the Qin family!"

"My family's family affairs have nothing to do with you! Take care of your own family, what is the Qin family, I don't care!"

The old man was very angry, and said angrily to Lu Xian: "He definitely did it on purpose! He thought the illegitimate child was a glorious thing? What would others think of Shi Ran! This old man wants to force Shi Ran to express his opinion!"

After thinking about it, the old man felt wrong again, "I understand, he wants to tell Shi Ran how much benefit the identity of the Qin family can bring him?"

As soon as this incident broke out, those people who had nothing to do with the Lu family on weekdays came to show their courtesy.

If Lu Shiran returns to the Qin family, he will get more benefits than now. Mr. Qin wants to tell Lu Shiran that the identity of the Qin family will give him confidence.

The old man scolded again: "I'm not dead, you really have a plan! When I was in the hospital yesterday, I didn't see that he was so insidious!"

Mr. Qin didn't show a tough side from the beginning to the end, he thought the old man really wanted Shi Ran to think about it.

Now directly show the strength of their Qin family to Shi Ran.

Lu Xian said wearily: "Dad, Shi Ran is not a vain person, he made a wrong calculation with this move."

"Of course I know, but I'm just angry." The old man sighed: "Now everyone knows that Shi Ran is an illegitimate child. Although these people envy Shi Ran on the surface, they don't know how to arrange him behind the scenes. I just feel wronged for Shi Ran. "

Lu Xian also had a heart attack, feeling disgusted with the Qin family's actions.

The old man sneered: "In that case, let's expose how he treated my sister back then, and let everyone comment."

"No." The old lady took the lead to stop her: "Wanwan has suffered enough grievances, we can't let her die in peace. There are so many people talking, although we know that Wanwan was cheated, will everyone believe it? ?”

The old lady didn't want Lu Wan to be talked about as a mistress.

When the old man thought of his own sister, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and he gave up this idea.

Lu Xian said: "Dad, no response, no statement, is the best response, as long as we resolutely express to everyone that we don't want to have anything to do with the Qin family."

"The most important thing now is not what the Qin family does, but what Shi Ran thinks. As long as Shi Ran is unwilling to go back, no matter how much the Qin family does, it will be futile."

The old man said weakly: "That's the only way to go."

But my heart is still very angry.

Just at this moment, another call came in asking about Lu Shiran.

The old man seemed to have found an outlet for an instant, and then he roared again.

"You like to hug your thighs, why don't you just hug the Qin family's thighs, what are you doing to me! Let me tell you, the Qin family is a scumbag!"

Lu Xian smiled helplessly.

It seemed that his father was very angry.


After school, Qiao Yun went to the hospital to visit Lu Shiran.

This time she was not the only one, Li Hanzhou who heard that Lu Shiran was hospitalized also came along.

According to Li Hanzhou's words, sooner or later they are a family, and now that the family is hospitalized, he always wants to come and see.

Qiao Yun: "..."

She found that Li Hanzhou was becoming more and more shameless.

Qiao Yun obviously had no expression on her face, but Li Hanzhou seemed to have seen through her thoughts, and said righteously: "With your personality, how can you chase after you?"

Qiao Yun: "..."

She actually thinks it makes sense? ? ?
Qiao Yun touched her ear and whispered, "I don't want you to chase after me."

Li Hanzhou nodded seriously: "Well, it's the master who wants to chase, you just need to be responsible for agreeing. If you don't want to agree, you can't refuse. It's fine now."

Qiao Yun: "..."

I don't know why, but I feel that Li Hanzhou is a little pitiful.

Li Hanzhou chuckled, instead of embarrassing Qiao Yun, he talked about the failed potion that was almost injected into Lu Shiran's body.

"That medicine was developed by an underground research institute in country M. On the surface, it was researching dementia, but it was actually developing a new type of drug. It was caught by the police before it was released on the market."

Qiao Yun was slightly stunned, he didn't expect that Li Hanzhou had already found out these things.

The reason why Li Hanzhou knows this potion so well is because that underground research institute once found the Li's Group with false information to seek investment, in an attempt to pull the Li's Group into the water.

However, they shouldn't have pinned their ideas on Li Hanzhou. After investigating and finding out what they were doing behind the scenes, Li Hanzhou directly asked the police to take them down.

Li Hanzhou said in a casual voice: "These batches of potions were caught before they were released on the market, and they should have been destroyed. Now they appear in Shangjing City, and the people who can get them are not ordinary people."

Qiao Yun told Li Hanzhou: "The Qin family."

"Huh?" Li Hanzhou looked down at her.

Qiao Yun recalled the scene in the ward yesterday, and thoughtfully said: "Some people don't want Brother Shi Ran to go back, but there is no proof."

Taking advantage of her thinking time, Li Hanzhou rubbed her little head quickly, and said with a smile: "Well, then find it."

Qiao Yun looked up at Li Hanzhou.

I stare~
Li Hanzhou withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened, and reminded: "It's here."

"Oh." Qiao Yun emphasized: "Don't rub my head."

Li Hanzhou pretended not to hear, and pushed open the door of Lu Shiran's ward.

I thought to myself, if she looks so cute, if she is not allowed to rub, is there any reason?


After a night's rest, Lu Shiran is actually fine, but the place where he was beaten still hurts a bit.

As soon as he saw Qiao Yun, he immediately said with a bitter face: "Sister, tell grandpa quickly, I don't want to stay in the hospital anymore and want to go home."

Qiao Yun had a serious face: "No, it's not good yet."

"I'm ready."

Li Hanzhou looked at Shi Ran when he landed, and raised his eyebrows: "It's very energetic."

"That's right." Lu Shiran climbed up the pole: "It's still Master Li who has vision."

Qiao Yun continued with a serious face: "Observe for a few more days, don't be careless."

Seeing that he couldn't talk to his sister, Lu Shiran had no choice but to let it go.

In order not to worry his sister, he just wronged himself.

He really is the best brother in the world.

Lu Shiran asked about the kidnapper again: "By the way, did the police find anything?"

Qiao Yun shook her head: "I don't know."

"That's right, even if you find something, it's impossible to tell us."

Qiao Yun wanted to say something more when the phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was Pei Yao calling.

(End of this chapter)

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