Chapter 667 Qiao Yun: I will be sad
Qiao Yun went downstairs suddenly, and Su Mian was quite surprised when she looked in a hurry, "Qiao Qiao, do you want to go out?"

She glanced at the time, it was past ten o'clock.

You have to go to school tomorrow, what are you going to do during this time period?
Qiao Yun bent over to put on her shoes: "He's awake, go and have a look."

Su Mian froze for a moment before realizing who he was, "Mom, go with you, it's late at night, you're not safe as a girl."

"No, there are bodyguards."

That's right, her daughter is not an ordinary person, she is surrounded by bodyguards all the time, but she is too worried.

Qiao Yun put on her shoes and said, "I'll come as soon as I go."

After speaking, without waiting for Su Mian to reply, she opened and closed the door in one go.

Su Mian: "..."

Is it necessary to be in such a hurry?

Su Mian always felt that something was wrong, and finally a trace of doubt arose in her heart.

Although Qiao Qiao and Master Li are good friends, will this be too good?
If Lu Jingzhi and Lu Zhanxing were present, they would probably be so excited that they would speak incoherently.

My god, you finally noticed, it's not easy!

The car was driving on the express lane, and the scenery on both sides became afterimages.

Qiao Yun looked out of the car window, a little restless.

This feeling is very strange. Last time my uncle was shot, she was also very worried, but this time it was different from last time.

Specifically, Qiao Yun couldn't tell why.

With an inexplicable mood, the car stopped at Joseph Institute.

Qiao Yun opened the car door and got out of the car, and went straight to the observation room without hindrance.

At the door of the observation room.

Qiao Yun raised her hand, but hesitated for a moment.

She just watched quietly.

A click.

Suddenly the door opened from the inside.

José came out of the observation room, and bumped into Qiao Yun unexpectedly.An old heart in him nearly popped out of his throat in fright.

Rubbing his chest, he said with lingering fear, "Little Qiao, you scared me to death."

As soon as I opened the door in the evening, I saw Qiao Yun's indifferent face, dark and bright eyes, like a delicate doll, and everyone would startled.

Qiao Yun apologized, "Second Grandpa, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay." Joseph smiled, "Are you here to see him?"

Qiao Yun nodded: "Yes."

"Then you go in quickly, grandpa has to deal with something first."

Qiao Yun's lips moved, and she asked in a low voice, " he alright?"

But José didn't answer, and deliberately kept it a secret: "If you want to know if he is good, you can see it with your own eyes, and you will know?"

"Okay." Qiao Yun turned sideways and let José go out.

She didn't lift her foot into the observation room until they were far away.

In the observation room, the lights were bright.

Li Hanzhou seemed to want to get out of bed, his two slender legs fell under the bed, and when he heard someone coming in, he raised his eyelids and looked over.

After seeing the person, he was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

Qiao Yun: "..."

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, why do you think he is a little silly when he smiles?
Have you become stupid?
Qiao Yun didn't speak, she stared straight at Li Hanzhou with her delicate and beautiful eyebrows, her black and white pupils revealed a little meekness.

The eyes are full of inspection, and the critical eyes of the product seem to be checking whether the by-product is qualified.

Li Hanzhou and her looked at each other. After a long time since no one spoke, he said slowly, "You are?"

Qiao Yun's eyes widened, like a frightened little rabbit, and then she frowned tightly.

Without any hesitation, she took out her mobile phone and made a call, "Get ready for the operating room, I need a brain surgery."

Li Hanzhou: "..."

"It's fine, why do you want to open my brain?" Li Hanzhou pursed his lips, wanting to laugh but not daring to do so.

Qiao Yun said seriously with a small face: "You are sick and need surgery to recover."

"Grandpa is not sick."

"People who are sick will say that they are not sick." Qiao Yun said softly: "Don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt, it's just a knife in your head."

Li Hanzhou looked up at her.

Qiao Yun blinked her eyes, innocent and ignorant.

The corner of Li Hanzhou's mouth twitched, and with a thought, he suddenly grabbed Qiao Yun's hand and pulled him a little closer.

The distance between the two was less than five centimeters.

Li Hanzhou narrowed his eyes, "Little friend, how do you know?"

Qiao Yun said solemnly: "It's almost useless to pull it close. It's time to have an operation or an operation. I will do it soon."

Li Hanzhou was silent.

Li Hanzhou lowered his eyes and softened his voice: "I was wrong, please forgive me."

Qiao Yun pulled out her hand ruthlessly, and opened the distance between them, "It's not good to lie."

Li Hanzhou said: "Seeing that you are so worried, let me make a joke and let you relax."

"I'm not worried." Qiao Yun did not admit that she was worried about him.

Li Hanzhou indulged and said: "Okay, if you say you are not worried, then you are not. I know that you are."

Qiao Yun: "..."

What to do, I want to open his mind again.

Qiao Yun felt a little uncomfortable, and felt a bit ashamed belatedly.

When the subject changed, she asked, "Do you remember?"

Li Hanzhou looked at her eyes more and gentle: "Well, I have saved you when I was a kid, all these things were remembered, and I would not forget it in the future. You don't have to worry about it."

Qiao Yun said with a serious face, "I'm not worried."

"Okay, you're not worried."

Qiao Yun: Tsk~
Li Hanzhou looked at her tenderly, and said with a smile: "You haven't answered my question just now, how did you find out?"

Qiao Yun said bluntly: "At first glance, I knew it."

Li Hanzhou looked at her with no sense of strangeness, so she knew that there was nothing wrong with his mind.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yun was a little happy.

It's good that a good friend hasn't forgotten her.

Li Hanzhou's eyes gradually darkened, and his mood was complicated: "You are very scared, I will forget you?"

Qiao Yun was taken aback for a moment, his face blank.

are you afraid?

Li Hanzhou stared at her closely: "Little friend, don't you realize that your concern for me has gone beyond the scope of friends?"

Qiao Yun tilted her head slightly, thought seriously, then shook her head and said, "I don't know, but you are the first friend I made, and I value you very much."

Li Hanzhou was stunned because of her straightforwardness.

As soon as the words came out, Qiao Yun's next words became much smoother: "I don't want you to forget me, and I don't want you to treat me as a stranger, I will be sad."

Li Hanzhou's heart was beating fast, and he sighed softly: "I found that I like you more and more."

Qiao Yun was silent for a long time, and then said dryly.

An emotion called embarrassment permeated the room.

Li Hanzhou coughed lightly to resolve the embarrassment: "I understand, you don't fall in love if you are under 25 years old."

Qiao Yun hummed, her eyes were pensive, and she didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she suddenly said: "I owed you a favor before, and I promised you a wish."

Li Hanzhou hummed suspiciously.

Of course he remembered this, it happened when Qiao Yun just came back.

Qiao Yun said, "Do you want to make a wish to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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