Chapter 684 Qiao Yun: This is theoretically impossible
"My dad is gone now. He is the pillar of the family. My dad is still so young. If he is still alive, he will definitely make more money."

The secretary almost laughed angrily, with a look of disgust on his face.

The injured workers were all over 50 years old. Who would let such a filial son let such an old father go to the construction site to move bricks?
Lu Jingzhi asked in a deep voice, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Seeing that you are a happy person, I'll just say it straight."

The man said straightforwardly: "Look at the mental damage fee, compassionate pension, family support, death compensation, all of which add up scatteredly, and your Lu Group is so rich, it's not good for you to pay hundreds of millions of dollars. It should be a trivial matter, I'm not greedy, just, just 500 million."

"Why don't you go grab it?" The secretary was stunned, and her appetite was too great.

The woman quietly pulled her son, but also felt that the son opened his mouth like a lion, but God of Wealth couldn't scare him away.

The man ignored his mother and threatened: "I'll leave my words here today. If you don't pay, I'll expose it to the news media. I won't bury my dad. I must seek justice for my dad." , you group of unscrupulous profiteers will only bully us little people who don’t understand.”

Secretary: I think you understand extortion quite well.

The secretary reminded Lu Jingzhi: "Young Master Lu, he just wants to blackmail."

Lu Jingzhi was not threatened by this, and said rationally: "Out of humanitarianism, I can decide on behalf of the group to compensate you 150 million."

The Lu family is not short of money, but they are not willing to be taken advantage of.

"What?" The man was dissatisfied: "It's only 150 million, you sent beggars?"

Lu Jingzhi said in a deep voice, "If you don't want to, you can sue us. According to the labor contract, the amount of compensation will not exceed one million."

Lu Jingzhi's attitude was tough, and the man's aura immediately withered. On the one hand, he felt that 150 million was too little, and on the other hand, he was afraid that he would suffer a big loss if he didn't give anything in the end.

"Call us after you think things over." After Lu Jingzhi said this, he turned and left.

"How did you go, talk to me if you have something to say."

"500 million won't do, then 400 million will do..."


Lu Jingzhi walked out of the hospital, took a deep breath, and calmed down a little, then called Lu Rui and told him everything that happened just now.

"Dad, this family is very unreasonable. I'm afraid they will make things big."

Instead of blaming Lu Jingzhi, Lu Rui agreed, "It's best if things don't get into trouble, and we don't want to cause trouble or lawsuits, but we can't be threatened either."

Lu Jingzhi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, this family is really top-notch, they are gone but they only care about using this matter to ask for money.

Lu Rui continued: "Besides, according to what you said, he won't expose it to the media. They just want money. As long as we don't accept our softness, they have no choice. Leave them alone and wait for them to come to us by themselves. But It is still necessary to pay more attention to this group of family members and let people check their family situation."

Lu Rui paused for a moment, and then said: "Although we are businessmen, we are also people with conscience. We can't ignore our family members. If there is anything else to do later, we will ask someone to deal with it."

Lu Jingzhi said, "I see."

When the phone was hung up, he contacted again to investigate the family situation of the family members of the workers involved in the accident, in case of emergency.

At this time, the victim's wife was anxiously asking her son.

"You don't really want to go to the media, do you? That's the Lu Group, can we fight?"

The man waved his hand and said, "I'm not stupid. What's the use of looking for the media? If I make them anxious, I won't give me a dime, and I will die. I just wanted to scare them. Big men like them The group is most afraid of the media’s random reports.”

The woman said again: "If they don't give it, we will lose a lot. Why do you want so much and not less?"

The man said disdainfully: "It's their fault now, why should I ask for more. Besides, if Dad is not dead, he will definitely agree with my approach. This useless old man is finally of some use."

"How do you talk? That's your father."

The man curled his lips: "Who made him want to sever ties with me and divorce you? Well, now comes the retribution."

When the woman heard this, she was quite angry and said: "I still want to divorce, but now that he is gone, it's not that our mother and son are helping him to seek justice, but he is still useful."

The man said obscenely: "Mom, when the compensation arrives, let's buy a big house and marry me a wife. I won't bet anymore, and use the compensation to start a business and become a big boss."

"Okay." The woman had already begun to imagine how she would spend the money once she got it.

A nurse passed by and rolled her eyes at them calmly. Who are they, and they are too cruel.

At this time, the man's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and called out, "Hey, who is it?"

The other person didn't know what to say, his eyes lit up: "What, are you willing to help us? Who are you, why are you so kind?"

"Don't care who I am, you just need to know that I will help you get a lot of compensation."

"Really?" The man thought the man was a liar.

"If you don't believe it, forget it."

The person on the opposite seemed to hang up.

The man hurriedly said: "Don't hang up, tell me what to do first?"

The person on the opposite side didn’t know what to say, the man slapped his thigh, and said angrily: “It turns out they are wrong, and they are still pretending to be good people in front of me! Okay, let’s see if they dare not give me money this time! I not only want them to pay , but also to seek justice for my father."


Lu Jingzhi and Lu Rui came back only the next day. The investigation results of the cause of the accident have not yet come out, and the family members of the deceased did not cooperate. Due to various factors, both of them are not in good spirits.

After working all night, they had time to go home and rest for a while.

Su Mian looked at their faces, and said worriedly: "No matter how busy you are at work, you should pay attention to your health. I'll cook something for you."

Qiao Yun happened to be sitting on the sofa reading a book, she shifted her gaze from the book to the father and son, glanced at it and then looked back.

Lu Jingzhi stared at Qiao Yun for a long time.

That gaze was so hot that it was difficult for Qiao Yun to notice it, so she raised her eyes to look at him, "What's the matter?"

Lu Jingzhi shook his head with a smile, his eyes were gentle and apologetic, "It's just that I suddenly found out that sister, you are not bad to me."

Qiao Yun:? ? ?
Have no idea what he's talking about.

Lu Jingzhi just thought of the family he saw in the hospital, and when he compared it with his own family, it was a judgment call.

Although my sister's attitude towards him is not as warm as she is towards Lu Zhanxing, she will not gloat when something happens to him.

Where can I find such a caring sister?
Qiao Yun was a little uncomfortable seeing Lu Jingzhi's strange gaze, so she put down her book and wanted to help in the kitchen.

Just then her cell phone rang, Qiao Yun took out the cell phone and looked at it, it was Li Hanzhou calling.

Under Lu Jingzhi's strange gaze, Qiao Yun went to the balcony to pick it up without changing his expression.

"What's up?"

The voice is light and shallow, with a little softness.

Li Hanzhou's heart softened, and the corners of his lips curled slightly: "I can't find you if I have nothing to do?"

Qiao Yun said in a small voice, "No."

Li Hanzhou laughed softly: "We haven't seen each other for almost a week, do you miss me?"

After a pause, he said without any shyness, "I miss you very much."

The man's voice seemed hoarse and provocative as if it was whispered close to his ear.

Qiao Yun touched her itchy ears, and said truthfully, "I think about it."

Li Hanzhou didn't expect to get this answer. Although Qiao Yun agreed to date him, his attitude towards him was the same as usual, which made him sometimes suspect that they were really dating?

Hearing this answer now, Li Hanzhou said in a cheerful voice, "When will you think about it?"

Qiao Yun said: "When doing experiments."

Li Hanzhou: "..."

Qiao Yun waited for a while, but did not hear Li Hanzhou's words, and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

"...It's nothing." Li Hanzhou's voice was a little helpless, and he changed the subject: "What are you doing?"

"Just wanted to go to the kitchen and help mom."

Li Hanzhou sighed: "Qiao Qiao, when will you be able to cook for me alone?"

"Theoretically, this is impossible." Qiao Yun answered decisively.

Li Hanzhou: I can't move anymore, I can't move anymore.

He laughed and talked about another matter: "I have something to tell you."


"A high-ranking official in the city bureau was recently dismissed, and many people were found to have bribed him. Now these people are under investigation."

"So?" Qiao Yun was puzzled, why did he tell her about it.

Li Hanzhou said meaningfully: "Someone reported that the Lu Corporation is also in the ranks of bribery, and also reported that the Lu Corporation is evading taxes."

"No." Qiao Yun had already found out what the Lu Corporation was like before returning to the Lu family.

If the Lu family's character is not good, she will not come back.

"I've already taken care of it, don't worry about it."

It is undeniable that Li Hanzhou said this with the mentality of wanting Qiao Yun to praise him.

Qiao Yun asked: "Do you know who reported it?"

"The other party reported anonymously."

Li Hanzhou heard about this while attending a dinner today.

There was a person at the dinner party who was from the inspection department. I heard from somewhere that he had a good relationship with the Lu family, so he wanted to use this to please him.

The other party reported the Lu Group anonymously, but there was no actual evidence, but the people in the inspection department also needed to routinely ask the Lu family for investigation. If it was spread, it would affect the character of the Lu family to some extent.

Now that Li Hanzhou has come forward, the matter will be settled.

Qiao Yun snorted and said sincerely, "Thank you."

Li Hanzhou said bluntly: "You are my future daughter-in-law, your family's affairs are my affairs, so you don't need to thank me."

"..." Qiao Yun found that Li Hanzhou was even more shameless than before.

Li Hanzhou shamelessly said, how can you chase after your wife if you are not thick-skinned?
In order to express his gratitude, Qiao Yun invited: "When I'm free, I'll cook for you, just for you alone."

Li Hanzhou's brows and eyes were gentle: "Okay."

"Jojo, dinner is ready."

Su Mian came out of the small kitchen with the dishes and saw Qiao Yun on the phone, so she called her.

Qiao Yun said to Li Han, "I'm going to die."


Li Hanzhou's tone was reluctant.

Qiao Yun coughed lightly, and said imitatively: "I will try to miss you outside of the experiment."

Then hang up the phone quickly.

Li Hanzhou looked at the phone, propped his chin, and smiled like a fool.


Qiao Yun walked back to the living room, Su Mian asked casually, "Who are you talking on the phone with, and why are you so happy?"

"And Li Hanzhou."

Qiao Yun touched her face, where did Su Mian see that she was happy?

Lu Jingzhi pulled away the chair and paused, then sat down pretending not to care, but his face looked unhappy.

Qiao Yun didn't notice Lu Jingzhi's emotions, so she turned to Lu Rui and said, "He told me that someone reported the Lu Group."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Rui and Lu Jingzhi turned their heads to look at Qiao Yun, even Su Mian's face was full of disbelief.

Lu Rui kept frowning, "What's going on?"

Qiao Yun considered his words and told them exactly what Li Hanzhou had said.

Before Lu Rui could express his opinion, Su Mian said angrily, "Nonsense! Who, we don't know how to pay bribes at all? And tax evasion is even more impossible. If you really dare to evade taxes, your grandpa will be the first One doesn’t agree. We don’t know how much money our family donates every year, so why steal that little tax?”

Qiao Yun nodded: "I believe you."

Su Mian snorted angrily, "I don't know who has nothing to do to report us."

Qiao Yun thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Don't be angry, it's not all right now." Lu Rui calmed down Su Mian before saying, "It might be a competitor."

Su Mian sighed and said to Qiao Yun: "Mr. Li has really helped us a lot. Although we know we are innocent, we will be investigated. Outsiders may tell us how to spread bad things about our family."

Qiao Yun agreed with this statement.

Although Lu Jingzhi was angry at Li Hanzhou for abducting his sister, he had clear grievances, and he really needed to thank Li Hanzhou for this matter.

Su Mian had already planned in her heart how to thank Li Hanzhou.

Lu Rui was thinking, is the Lu Group entering troubled times?The accident on the construction site has not been resolved yet, yet they were reported?

Is it a coincidence, or did someone do it on purpose?


the next day.

When Qiao Yun was on his way to school, something happened on the Internet.

Qiao Yun doesn't pay much attention to things on the Internet, so she doesn't know what happened.

But when she got to school and got off the bus, she found that her classmates looked at her a little strangely.

Qiao Yun didn't understand why, but she didn't think much about it. She was originally a person who didn't care about other people's eyes.

Before entering the classroom, Li Miao's voice sounded: "Qiao Qiao is not well, something happened to Qiao Qiao, something happened to Qiao Qiao!"

Qiao Yun said with a serious face, "I'm fine."

"It's not your accident." Li Miao gasped, and quickly took out her mobile phone: "It's your family's accident."

Qiao Yun's expression paused, and he asked in a calm tone, "What happened?"

"Someone was interviewed on the Internet, saying that the Lu Group disregarded human life and disregarded the lives of workers. Because of the use of inferior safety helmets, the workers were crushed to death with stones. Now the family members of the deceased are attacking your Lu family online."

 happy new year~
(End of this chapter)

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