Chapter 802 Want to see me, what are they?

She usually doesn't care about these people's affairs, but Qiao Yun, as the head of the family, will still worry about them when something happens.

Han Si couldn't figure out why Professor Qiao was so concerned about Huo's affairs. After thinking about it, it finally came down to treating Huo's as a competitor?
But Huo Shi is qualified?
It's not that he's bragging, no one who can be the opponent of the Apocalypse Research Institute has yet to be born.

He replied with a yes, and then asked about other things: [Professor Qiao, are you back today? 】

Qiao Yun glanced at the time, drooping thick eyelashes, tapped the keyboard with her fingertips: [Well, it's ten o'clock. 】

[Great, we will pick you up when the time comes, and we will definitely give you a grand pick-up ceremony. 】

Qiao Yun's eyelids twitched, and she replied indifferently: [No, someone will pick you up at the airport, we will meet again when we get back. 】

After sending it out, after a pause, Qiao Yun added another sentence: 【Be obedient!To understanding? 】

Han Si: "..."

【All right. 】

It seems a little aggrieved.

Qiao Yun turned a blind eye, turned off the phone in satisfaction, and continued to listen to Lu Shiran explaining the great rivers and mountains of the motherland to her.


Institute here.

Han Si slumped on the chair as if he had lost his motivation, as if I had been abandoned by the world.

Sitting on the other side, Han San, who was concentrating on reading the materials, gave him a sideways glance, and said coldly, "Are you going to die?"

Han Si didn't answer, but rolled his eyes at him: "Little San'er, you don't want to know what happened to me?"

"Call me third brother!" Han San expressed his displeasure at his indifference, and glanced up and down at him: "If you're going to die, just let me know in advance, and I can just use your corpse for research."


Han Si looked at him and saw a bunch of instruments and some medicinal materials he didn't know on his workbench. He said strangely: "I said, what are you busy with these days? Playing with these weeds every day."

In his eyes, all the precious medicinal materials are weeds.

"Oh, Professor Qiao is coming back." Han San didn't look up, and was sorting the medicinal materials in his hand, with a hint of sinister flashing in his eyes: "It's not that the surname Li is coming back with Professor Qiao. He tries."

Han Si clapped his hands immediately, and said with a straight face: "This idea is good! I will try him too."

He was interested in arms, and happened to have no place to test the small bombs he had developed, so he tried the one surnamed Li.

Although the Apocalypse Research Institute focuses on intelligent research and development, there are actually a large number of talents in it, each with their own expertise.

At this time, the security door opened, and Han Wang walked in from the outside, just in time to hear the two conversations behind them, and said in a cool voice: "If you want to be driven by Professor Qiao to grow vegetables, try your best."

Han Si clicked his tongue and said bitterly, "Sister Lu, where are you from?"

Han Wang's face was quite serious: "So, you have to be a little more concealed."

Only then did Han Si retract your traitorous eyes, and seeing Han Juan's unhappy face, he asked, "What's the matter, who messed with you?"

Han Wang didn't hide it, and said impatiently: "I met a psychopath and said that he wanted to talk about cooperation, so he asked me out every day."


"Looks like the surname is Huo." Han Wan didn't care: "It's too annoying, I just threw a virus at him."

Han Si was stunned, and asked subconsciously: "It can't be the Huo family from Port K?"

Han Wan frowned: "How do you know?"

Han Si almost bit the tip of his tongue, and said without changing his face: "Hey, I guessed wildly, the person surnamed Huo is not a good person, just ignore them, Sister Wang."

"Want to see me, what are they?" Han Lu's face was as cold as the Arctic Cold River.

Han Si was confused.

Why did the Huo family, whom Professor Qiao wanted to investigate, suddenly came to contact the people in their research institute.

His intuition told him that something was wrong.

He simply told Professor Qiao about it.


Beijing Airport.

The Lu family got out of the car and went to the boarding hall to meet Li Miao.

Although Li Hanzhou had to go a few days later, Li Miao decided to go play with them first.

And Pei Yao also went because of Li Hanzhou, he was not to be outdone, and said that he would go back when the group's affairs were settled.

As soon as she walked in, Qiao Yun saw Li Miao wearing a JK suit with a ponytail and two dimples on her face, and standing beside her was Li Hanzhou who was out of tune with the surrounding environment.

Qiao Yun's eyes brightened slightly, and he walked over.

"Qiao Qiao, you are so slow." Li Miao complained in a coquettish tone.

Qiao Yun comforted her: "The road is a bit congested."

"Okay." Li Miao wanted to say something, but was pushed aside by Li Hanzhou.

Li Miao: "..." Come on, if you have a daughter-in-law, you won't have a younger sister.

Qiao Yun looked at Li Hanzhou: "Are you here to see me off?"

Li Hanzhou was indeed here to see off Qiao Yun, he deliberately said: "I want to say, is it to see off Li Miao?"

Qiao Yun: "Oh."

Li Hanzhou smiled: "I'm not teasing you, I'm here to see you off."

"It's all the same." Qiao Yun didn't care who he came to see off, as long as he could come.

With a smile on his lips, Li Hanzhou said in a reluctant voice: "It will take about three or four days for me to go there. You have to take care of yourself, and the plane will land, so you need to call me..."

Qiao Yun was listening when the phone rang. Someone sent her a message, and she looked down.

【Professor Qiao, the latest news is that the Huo family has come to Yuncheng and tried to get close to sister Lu, but sister refused. 】

Looking at this message, Qiao Yun frowned slightly.

The Huo family and the Apocalypse Research Institute do not interfere with each other. They have not cooperated nor contacted for a long time. Why did they focus on the Apocalypse Research Institute.

A thought flashed in Qiao Yun's mind, did the other party know that they had developed the AI ​​driving system, or did it come for Pei Yao?

What exactly are they trying to do?
"What are you thinking?" Li Hanzhou saw that Qiao Yun was in a daze, helplessness flashed in his eyes, and asked again: "Did you hear what you just said?"

Qiao Yun came back to her senses, raised her head, her eyes were dazed, and said softly, "What did you say?"

Li Hanzhou chuckled and said in a doting voice, "Professor Qiao, you are not paying attention."

Qiao Yun pursed her lips, and obediently admitted her mistake: "I'm sorry."

Li Hanzhou raised his hand, stroked her smooth hair, and said generously: "I forgive you, remember to call when you get there, and have fun."

Obviously the two of them got along normally, and they didn't do any ambiguous behavior, but they gave people a feeling that they couldn't get in.

"Okay." Qiao Yun was rubbed on the head by Li Hanzhou obediently, and then turned her head indifferently.

Li Hanzhou smiled, put down his hands, "Wait for me to pass."

For so long, he has never been separated from Qiao Yun for such a long time, and he is quite reluctant.

But he had to get things done before he could rush to join her.

"Well, I know." Qiao Yun listened patiently, not feeling that Li Hanzhou was being wordy at all.

If Pei Yao were here, he would definitely shout: Double standards!

"Qiao Qiao, it's time to board the plane." Su Mian called out not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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