If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 820 This is Professor Qiao's original appearance!

Chapter 820 This is Professor Qiao's original appearance!
"You must be hiding something from us. You definitely know her."

"Professor Xu has known each other for so many years, if there is anything you can't tell us, tell us, what is her background?"

"Didn't she already say that, a senior high school graduate?"

Xu Long restrained the corners of his mouth that wanted to rise, and he admired Professor Qiao in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He coughed lightly and suppressed his pride and said: "Master Li is right, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. We must admit that there are many talented people now.”

Seeing that he spoke so sincerely, the experts couldn't help wondering if he was really a young genius?
No matter what, they now admire Qiao Yun from the bottom of their hearts.

Today's young people really cannot be underestimated.

They suddenly felt a little regretful, because they were anxious just now because the time was approaching, they didn't listen to Professor Xu's words and watched carefully, and they didn't know how this girl cracked the virus.

This can definitely be used as a teaching material.

Qiao Xun raised his hand with a grin, and patted the dumbfounded Su Qingyan: "Look, I told you not to worry."

Su Qingyan's Adam's apple rolled, feeling like a dream: "So my sister is so powerful?"

In his impression, Qiao Yun has always been a well-behaved kind, giving him the feeling that she is a little princess who should be well protected.

Qiao Xun and You Rong said: "Who comes from the Qiao family is not a genius."

Su Qingyan: "..." To be honest, he suspected that the teacher was giving him money.

Jiang Jing froze on the spot, her face was ashen, and she kept saying, how could this happen, it's impossible...

Isn't Qiao Yun the same age as her?
How can it be done, something that she can't even do?

Jiang Jing really couldn't figure it out, she just felt a sudden pain in her temples, she always looked down on Qiao Yun, this kind of look down started from the first impression, and there was no way to change it later.

Now Qiao Yun shattered her confidence in her bones.

Jiang Jing was upset, but Su Qingyan said at this moment: "Jiang Jing, I have to thank you for speaking for my sister just now, so I believe she can do it."

Jiang Jing's face flushed, she opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.

The fingers continued to tighten, forming a crescent shape in the palm.

She suddenly thought of the apocalypse assessment in the near future, and the bet between her and Qiao Yun.

Jiang Jing felt flustered for the first time, but she didn't lose her fighting spirit because of it. On the contrary, she saw Qiao Yun's ability, which made her want to defeat Qiao Yun even more!

Li Hanzhou looked at Qiao Yun, who was admired by everyone, and felt itchy in his heart. He walked up to Qiao Yun, took Qiao Yun's white and tender fingers, rubbed them gently, and asked in a low voice: "Are you tired? "

Qiao Yun raised her chin, revealing her delicate and beautiful face, and said in a good mood, "I'm not tired."

Li Hanzhou looked into her bright eyes, his eyes froze for a few seconds, then he lowered his eyes and said with a smile: "My little friend, you are really amazing."

Qiao Yun nodded in agreement: "I'm really good."

Li Hanzhou said meaningfully: "Little friend, do you know the end of the day?"

Qiao Yun stood on tiptoe, approached Li Hanzhou's ear, and whispered to him: "Do you know who designed the first doomsday?"

However, Li Hanzhou couldn't concentrate at all, he could only feel the cool breath of the Buddha in his ears, and the faint fragrance of Qiao Yun's body.

He rolled his Adam's apple and asked, "Could it be you?"

Qiao Yun raised her eyebrows: "Yes."

The doomsday didn't just appear five years ago. In fact, it happened ten years ago. At that time, Qiao Yun was only eight or nine years old. He had just been in this world for a few years, and he was unknown to everything, including the laws of this world.

When she made up the virus, she didn't realize that there was anything wrong with it, so she casually put it on the forum. It wasn't until five years later that someone upgraded Doomsday and used it to endanger society. She felt it was her responsibility to solve it.

After all, it is her own child, so it is quite easy for her to solve it.

At this time, Xu Long asked Qiao Yun excitedly: "How did this virus be solved? I just watched it for a long time, but I didn't understand it."

Xu Long asked a question that everyone was curious about, and all eyes fell on Qiao Yun again.

"Actually, it hasn't been cleared up." Qiao Yun stood opposite them, leaning back on the chair lazily, with no emotion in his eyes.

But everyone stood up straight involuntarily, as if they were listening to the teacher's class.

Xu Long was stunned: "How can the system return to normal without clearing it?"

"Oh, it's actually very simple." Qiao Yun was not very good at explaining, and said concisely: "Well, just change it from a spear to a shield."

Xu Long was confused: "How do you explain this?"

Qiao Yun said casually: "Oh, just modify the source code, changing it from destruction to protection."

She said it lightly, but it shocked everyone once again.

What the hell! ?

In just 3 minutes, she actually rewrote the doomsday virus?

Why can she say it so simply?
Make them think they can do it too!

The scene was quiet for a while, and they looked at Qiao Yun as if they were looking at a devil.

Is this really a girl in her twenties?

It can't be a thousand-year-old monster, right?

Unscientific, too unscientific!
Someone asked out of curiosity, "Can you explain to us how you operate it?"

Qiao Yun said with a blank face: "No, it's so troublesome, you don't understand even if I tell you."

Crowd: "..."

Although Qiao Yun solved the virus, they are older than her and have higher achievements than her. How can she be so confident when facing them without being in awe at all?

If it was every other day, they would have scolded them a long time ago.

Now... Forget it, who let someone save them.

Qiao Xun raised her head and smiled. As expected of her little niece, she still knew how to scare people to death as always.

On the contrary, some people thought that Qiao Yun was about to go to college, and they felt a little moved in their hearts, wanting to win this genius to their side.

Han Luo finally recovered from the shock, and asked Qiao Yun in a difficult voice: "How did you do it?"

Qiao Yun's voice was quite flat, and the corners of her eyes were raised, which inexplicably gave off a surly feeling, "Because I'm better than you."

This is another side of Qiao Yun that the Lu family has never seen.

If Pei Yao were here, he would recognize him. This is the original appearance of Professor Qiao!
In her own field, she was always so blinding, and easily killed.

Just like now, Qiao Yun narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "Are you also worthy of being Professor Qiao's student?"

Han Luo's throat seemed to be stuck, and somehow he couldn't refute this sentence, and felt a sense of guilt.

These words reminded many people present, and they all questioned: "You are obviously Professor Qiao's student, why can't you solve the end?"

Han Luo looked at them questioningly, couldn't help taking two steps back, and was about to explain.

Suddenly, bang!The door of the control room was kicked open!
(End of this chapter)

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