Chapter 822

As soon as Qiao Yun's words fell, the scene exploded, and discussions started.

Huo Chi and Han Luo's heart skipped a beat at the same time.

Huo Chi looked at Qiao Yun deeply, his eyes were very unfriendly.

Suddenly his view was blocked by someone.

Huo Chi was stunned for a moment, and then met Li Hanzhou's calm, deep black eyes,

He was startled and subconsciously looked away.

When he came, the eldest brother told him not to provoke Li Hanzhou from the Li family in Beijing, otherwise there would be no good fruit to eat, he didn't think so at the time.

Now Huo Chi understood a little bit why his elder brother was afraid of Li Hanzhou. This man looked indifferent on the surface, but he was actually terrifying.

He is so docile now, probably because this girl named Qiao Yun is beside him.

Huo Chi became anxious. If his plan was discovered this time, it would be hard for others to say that it would be difficult for Li Hanzhou to be kind.

The crime of attempting to harm the people in power of the Li family is enough to make the Huo family suffer.

But he didn't expect that Li Hanzhou would really come to participate in the event!

Many thoughts flashed through Huo Chi's mind, and finally he set his eyes on Han Luo, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Qiao Yun was also looking at Li Hanzhou.

The man in a straight suit, with a lean and strong waist, was standing in front of her to help her block all malicious gazes.

Qiao Yun pursed her lips, her eyes were clear, and if you looked carefully, you could still see that there was a soft warmth in her eyes.

Li Hanzhou's action of subconsciously protecting her did please her, and made her heart beat a few times in a certain moment.

Han Wang has been paying attention to Qiao Yun's side, and the more he looks at it, the colder his face becomes.

It's okay, the future is long, and Professor Qiao can always be snatched back.

At this time, the voice of discussion had gradually diminished, and someone asked Qiao Yun: "What do you mean by that, what do you mean being intentionally implanted?"

Professor Xu asked in disbelief: "So this is a premeditated attack?"

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Qiao Yun explained quietly: "I don't know, the virus didn't invade from the outside."

Although Qiao Yun didn't explain in detail, everyone who knew the technology at the scene understood that it was either invaded from the outside or implanted inside, so the 'murderer' was still on the cruise ship!

Maybe someone they knew.

That's really too bad!
After all, the people who came this time are either rich or expensive, or they are people who have achieved in their respective fields.

I really don't understand what the purpose of the 'murderer' is?
Are you not afraid of offending everyone?

Someone suggested: "In my opinion, before the cruise ship docks, it's better to get everyone together to check."

That's a good idea.

The 'murderer' caused them a big embarrassment, and if they found out, even if they couldn't do anything about him, at least they could beat him up.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Huo Chi from the Huo family, the organizer, and forced him to agree to the proposal with their eyes.

Huo Chi calmed down, and said without changing his face: "The next step is what our Huo family should do. We will definitely investigate the source of the virus, and we will notify everyone when the results come out. And I can't just rely on her words, Just interrogate today's guests rudely."

He glanced at the people present with a half-smile, "Or, if you want to be searched in public, I don't care if you want to."

The experts present immediately realized that they must investigate together.

Naturally, they don't want to be regarded as suspects. If they make a big fuss, it will be known that they are not as good as a little girl...

No, they can't afford to lose this man.

Except for Xu Long, the experts present would investigate if he felt like it, and he didn't have anything to be afraid of if he didn't do anything wrong.

Others thought it would be safer to settle the matter privately.

"I think what Mr. Huo said is somewhat reasonable. The identities of the people who came today are not simple. If we interrogate them casually, I'm afraid it will make people unhappy."

"How do you catch someone if you don't check?"

"Anyway, I am innocent, and I will not accept investigation."

For a time, everyone's opinions were not unified.

Huo Chi was happy to see them split.

Qiao Yun tapped the table with her fingertips, and said in a cold voice, "Quiet."

Her voice was not loud, but it made everyone present shut up strangely.

Su Qingyan didn't know much about information technology and had no right to speak at the beginning. Now she looked at Qiao Yun in amazement, as if she was looking at someone she had never seen before.

Seeing him like this, Qiao Xun laughed: "Why, don't you know me?"

"No." Su Qingyan shook her head: "I always thought she was very delicate, but now I realize that I was thinking too much."

Qiao Xun said meaningfully: "Young people, take your time, there are many things you haven't discovered, you have to get used to it as soon as possible."

Su Qingyan was at a loss.

Here, Qiao Yun waited for them to be completely quiet, and said bluntly without any nonsense: "You don't need to check everything, people outside have no chance to do anything, the people who do it are here."

She glanced at everyone present, and said in a calm manner: "When cracking the virus, I checked all the computers by the way. The virus started from the control room."

Everyone was stunned.

These words are interesting.

"You mean to say that the virus was implanted in the control room?"

"Yeah." Qiao Yun raised the corners of her eyes, with a casual expression, as if she wasn't the one who said such horrifying words.


Everyone was silent.

Only Huoshi's security team can enter the control room.

So the person who did the tricks was a technician from Huo's security team?
Everyone tacitly set their eyes on Han Luo, whose face was pale.

To be honest, I really can't think of anyone else but him.

This person just slandered Professor Qiao's character, the suspicion is the biggest.

But what is his reason for doing this?
Revenge on society?
Huo Chi didn't expect that this harmless little girl would be able to find out these things quietly. He felt that a pot of cold water was pouring down, and he panicked inexplicably, but he saw everyone go to see Han Luo again.

The thought he had just flashed back to the surface again.

Today's incident has reached the point where it is now, and an explanation must be given.

Thinking of this, Huo Chi looked at Han Luo in astonishment, "Han Luo! Our Huo family treats you well, right? Why did you ruin this big event today?"

Han Luo's face turned pale, he couldn't believe that Huo Chi actually put the blame on him.

He had already been cracked down by Tianqi's people. If this incident was added, there would be no room for him to develop in the circle in the future. He opened his mouth angrily and wanted to refute.

But wait until he meets Huo Chi's threatening gaze.

Han Luo's throat was completely blocked.

Everything he has now is given by the Huo family. If he doesn't obey Huo Chi's order, he will definitely be kicked out of the Huo Institute.

If he took the initiative to take responsibility today, he might still have a chance.

In a blink of an eye, Han Luo had already made a decision. He lowered his eyes and admitted with shame in his eyes: "Yes, I did indeed do it."

The corners of Huo Chi's mouth curled slightly, and he showed a triumphant smile calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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