Chapter 824 You want me to curry favor with her?
What happened today, even if it is caused by the eldest brother, as long as he pleads with the elders in the family, there is still room for reversal.

After all, his surname is Huo, so I have to help him settle it even if he doesn't want to.

But if Li Hanzhou said it himself, he might not be kind.

Huo Chi clenched his fists and said in a restrained voice, "I didn't arrange this matter carefully. As long as you don't tell my brother, I can do anything for you."

Li Hanzhou smiled wickedly: "Oh, what can you do for me?"

"Anything is fine."

It was the first time Huo Chi was so aggrieved at such a young age.

However, he still knows how to judge the situation, otherwise he wouldn't have lived in the Huo family for so long.

Li Hanzhou said in a cold voice, "It's not like any cat or dog can do things for me."

Huo Chi's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.

The dignified second young master of the Huo family, when he was in Hong Kong, he was like a cat or a dog.

Li Hanzhou said without emotion: "The Huo family has you as a fool, it is not far from bankruptcy."

After he finished speaking, regardless of the fire that was about to burst out of Huo Chi's eyes, he slowly chased after Qiao Yun.

And when Li Hanzhou left, the experts present dared to talk to Huo Chi, some were angry, some condemned, they surrounded Huo Chi, demanding that he pay the price for what happened today.

Huo Chi lost all patience, and said in a low voice, "It's not that you have nothing to do, you have nothing to do! Don't you just want to get benefits from me, don't worry, I will give it to you!"

Everyone looked shocked, deeply feeling that they had been insulted. It was obviously Huo Chi who did something wrong, but he actually bit them back and just wanted to take advantage of it!

If Qiao Yun hadn't solved the virus today, no one knows what will happen in the future.

Xu Long, as a representative, condemned: "Don't think that you are the Huo family and we are afraid of you. With so many people present, the Huo family can still keep you! If the Huo family does not give us an explanation for today's matter, from now on Later, our Xu family refused to cooperate with any of the Huo family."

The people present responded one after another.

If this matter is not handled well, they will refuse to participate in any activities held by the Huo family in the future.

Offending such a large number of people in the academic and technological circles at once will have a great impact on the Huo family's goal of developing a leader in the technological circle in the future.

However, Huo Chi hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, and now he just felt that it was fine for Li Hanzhou to threaten him, and this group of people dared to threaten him no matter what.

He let out a foul breath and said with a sneer: "Don't think that our Huo family can't do without you."

Huo Chi put down his harsh words, pushed a person away and left under the escort of bodyguards.

Han Luo, who had been working hard to reduce his sense of presence, took the opportunity to sneak out behind him, fearing that this group of people would tear him apart if he didn't leave.

Someone wanted to catch up, but was stopped by the bodyguard forcefully. He said angrily: "I think highly of the Huo family, and it's justified for me to do something wrong."

Xu Long snorted: "Just wait, there will be times when he suffers."

Then a group of people turned their attention to Jiang Shaocheng who wanted to sneak away.

"Director Jiang won't give an explanation?"

Jiang Shaocheng was sweating profusely, feeling that he was out of luck.

Didn't he just want to cooperate with the Huo family, why did this happen.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a smile: "I want to say that I don't know what he is going to do, do you believe it?"

"What does Chairman Jiang think?"

They looked at Jiang Shaocheng in disbelief.

The Jiang family is the co-organizer of today's event, does he really know nothing about it?
Jiang Shaocheng grabbed Jiang Jing and said, "Jing Jing, explain to them."

Jiang Jing's face was irritable, but she still said patiently: "It is true that the Huo family approached our family first and proposed that the Jiang family take the lead in holding this large-scale event. I mentioned to my father earlier that this matter is weird, but I thought it was the Huo family's boss. Nothing can happen, so I agreed."

"If the Jiang family wants to develop in this industry for a long time, it still needs the help of all the uncles. How dare they endanger your lives."

She spoke with sincerity, which made the people present feel a lot more comfortable. Regardless of whether it was true or not, she at least spoke better than Huo Chi.

Jiang Jing breathed a sigh of relief, but in fact she knew very well that even if this group of people believed her words.

But the people who came today are not only these big bosses, but also many famous families. If they unite to target the Jiang family, I am afraid that the Jiang family will not be able to please them.

To appease their anger, the Jiang family must cede a lot of things.

Jiang Jing thought of Qiao Yun.

If Qiao Yun hadn't been troubled, the Jiang family wouldn't have suffered.

If she was just jealous of Qiao Yun's good luck before, now she has a little more hatred for Qiao Yun.

"The girl next to Master Li is not simple."

Suddenly her father whispered from her side, Jiang Jing took a deep breath, and said with a worried face: "Dad, isn't it just cracking a virus, what's so difficult, maybe she just happened to understand it."

Jiang Shaocheng is an old fox after all, and said in a low voice: "If you have a chance, get along well with her. If you can make Master Li treat you differently, you must not be an ordinary person."

Jiang Jing was startled and said, "Dad, do you want me to curry favor with her?"

"She has done what so many people can't do, and she dared to expose Huo Chi in public. How dare she do this without any background?"

Jiang Jing smiled and said: "Of course it's because of Master Li's backing, besides, she was adopted by the Qiao family, which is the Qiao family of Yuncheng medical family, and she is also Su Qingyan's cousin. She offended the Huo family today, and someday Master Li will not She's gone, Second Young Master Huo will definitely not let her go. "

Hearing Jiang Jing's analysis, Jiang Shaocheng wondered, could he be mistaken one day?
Jiang Jing frowned and then loosened, still thinking that her father was thinking too much.

On the other side, Huo Chi walked gracefully, and felt quite uneasy when he went out.

He clenched his hands tightly, regretting what he said just now.

But the Huo family is still afraid that they will fail?
Huo Chi frowned and muttered to himself: "It should be fine, big brother won't do anything to me because of these people."

He wasn't in the mood to think about that right now.

He looked at Han Luo behind him, his eyes were extremely unfriendly, "Han Luo, no, maybe I should call you Qi Luo, okay, dare you lie to me?"

Han Luo staggered and couldn't help but retreat, but was held down by the bodyguard behind him.

His legs trembled, his lips turned white and he said, "Second Young Master, although I have faked my experience, my devotion to Huo's over the years is not fake."

Huo Chi laughed, "So what, there are so many people who want to contribute to the Huo family."

Even if Han Luo is not Professor Qiao's student, it doesn't matter, as long as today's plan goes smoothly, he will still reuse him.

But now things are messed up.

He sneered: "I thought you were so good that even a little girl could do better than you."

Mention Qiao Yun who ruined his plan.

Huo Chi's face became very serious, "What's the background of that little girl? Why have I never heard of such a powerful person?"

(End of this chapter)

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