Chapter 828 I am your mother
"The AI ​​system developed by the research institute last year, why did you call it Yaoyao?"

Qiao Yun asked silently in her heart, is it related to the missing female researcher of the Huo family?
Pei Yao was slightly taken aback when he heard Qiao Yun's question. It was a bit strange that it had been so long, why did Professor Qiao suddenly bring up this matter?

This question stumped him.

But what made him feel even more strange was that Professor Qiao was not a very curious person, did he know something by asking this suddenly?

Pei Yao's heart was in a mess, he guessed wildly, and couldn't figure out why, so he didn't answer for a while.

Seeing this, Qiao Yun asked again with no emotion in her voice: "Why is it called Yaoyao?"

After a few seconds, Pei Yao opened his mouth, and replied with a guilty conscience: "This matter...that's what...well, actually..."

Before he could think of an excuse, Qiao Yun said seriously, "Don't lie! Otherwise, the safety rules will be copied [-] million times."

Pei Yao: "..."

It really is Professor Qiao's style.

Pei Yao said modestly: "Boss, can we discuss it, [-] million times is too much, how about a thousand times?"

"Oh..." Qiao Yun said meaningfully: "So, haven't you thought of a reason yet?"

Pei Yao: "..." This is a bit embarrassing.

Is Professor Qiao the roundworm in his stomach?How do you know that he can't tell a lie when he wants to.

Pei Yao, who was instilled with the idea of ​​being honest since childhood, can open his eyes and tell lies with ease when facing others, but he really doesn't have the guts to face Professor Qiao.

One reason is that he doesn't want to deceive Professor Qiao, and Professor Qiao knows him too well, so he can definitely tell that he is making up nonsense.

Dare to lie to Professor Qiao, Pei Yao said that he didn't want to die too badly.

After thinking about it, he said in a helpless voice, "That's the name of a very important person to me..."

Now Qiao Yun was stunned.

Why didn't she know that Pei Yao still had a very important person?

Pei Yao was already quite old when she picked him up, so it was before he met her.

Qiao Yun has never asked about Pei Yao's past, and she won't go into it now, otherwise she would be investigating Pei Yao and not the Huo family.

She checked Huo's family because she was worried about whether Pei Yao had encountered some difficulties, and she never thought about exploring his life experience.

Qiao Yun was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Okay, I get it."

She heard that Pei Yao didn't want to talk about it, so she didn't ask any more questions, but she felt a little depressed, thinking that the child would not tell her anything when he was older.


When will the rebellious period pass.

At this time, Li Miao came out of the shower room, and while wiping her hair, she said to Qiao Yun: "Qiao Qiao, I've finished washing, you go and wash quickly."

Qiao Yun replied yes, and then said to Pei Yao, "Let's not talk for now."

"Boss, wait a minute."

Pei Yao didn't let Qiao Yun hang up, hesitated for a while, and said in a difficult voice: "That person is my mother, and the Yao in my name is the same pronunciation as Yao. She is a very powerful technician just like you. , The AI ​​driving system was proposed by her from the very beginning, it was her painstaking effort, the reason why I want to perfect this project is that I don’t want to see her hard work go to waste.”

Qiao Yun blinked her beautiful eyes, and said softly, seemingly confused: "Aren't you abandoned by your family?"

She still remembered that when Pei Yao was just picked up, he told her that he was abandoned because of his physical defects.

"I declare that I didn't lie. It can be said that I was abandoned." Pei Yao sighed, not wanting to bother Qiao Yun with these things, so he said, "This is a bit complicated."

Qiao Yun was speechless all of a sudden, shouldn't it be better for her to say something comforting at this time?
But she really doesn't know how to comfort people.

Qiao Yun racked her brains, and finally said in a serious tone: "You have to remember, I am your mother."

Pei Yao swallowed all the hurt and grief that had just been brewed, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

By the way, I am your mother, are you sure this sentence is not a curse?

Is Professor Qiao swearing?

Pei Yao laughed a few times in embarrassment: "Boss, you really know how to joke, hahaha..."

The brain circuits of the two are not on the same channel at all.

Qiao Yun continued to comfort him: "You can always treat me as your mother, and I will try my best to do well. If someone bullies you, please tell me."

Pei Yao heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out that was what he meant, but after realizing it, he was inexplicably ashamed.

Although he did always regard Professor Qiao as a reborn mother, it was so strange to say this sentence from her mouth.

He is a man in his twenties who regards a teenage girl as his spiritual support.

Pei Yao stroked his chin, absolutely not admitting that it seemed a little sick.

Qiao Yun asked seriously: "Do you want me to coax you to sleep?"

She thought that Pei Yao remembered something sad and couldn't sleep at night.

The child can't fall asleep, so he wants to be coaxed to sleep.

Pei Yaosheng thought helplessly, you should stop talking, otherwise he will be ashamed to see others.

The dignified Boss Sheng Qiao was coaxed like a child.

I lost my life!
Pei Yao quickly said: "No, no, I'm fine, nothing at all, it's all old things after all."

Qiao Yun remained skeptical: "Really?"

Pei Yao repeatedly affirmed: "Really, it's more real than real gold."

Qiao Yun nodded: "Okay."

"It's nothing, I'm going to get busy first." Pei Yao was afraid that Professor Qiao would say any more bullshit words, so he wanted to hang up the phone.

Qiao Yun didn't persuade him to stay, so let him kneel down.

Wait until the phone hangs up.

Qiao Yun lowered her head, her snow-white neck bent into a beautiful arc, rubbed her fingers against the phone, and wrinkled her face, as if she was thinking about something.

Qiao Yun and Pei Yao didn't talk very loudly, and Li Miao was sitting on the other side swiping his phone, a little distance away, so he didn't hear what they were talking about. Seeing Qiao Yun hang up the phone, he looked pensive.

Li Miao was amazed, blinked her big eyes, and asked, "Qiao Qiao, is there something bothering you?"

It is so strange.

Qiao Yun shook her head: "It's not a worry."

Pei Yao has a secret, which he may not want to mention.

It is said that children in the rebellious period do not like their parents to intervene too much in their affairs, otherwise they will become more rebellious.

Professor Qiao, who was only in her teens, had an old mother's heart in her heart, and decided to put the matter of Pei Yao and Huo's family aside, she didn't want to backfire.

"Oh, okay." Li Miao responded without asking, and continued to swipe her phone to play.

Swiping and swiping, a piece of news jumped out.

Li Miao paused her fingers, and was about to skip it. When she saw what was written on the news, her eyes widened: "Qiao Qiao, come and see."

"What?" Seeing that Li Miao was so excited, Qiao Yun walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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